Salad with nuts – the best recipes. How toand deliciously prepare a salad with nuts.

ATс, 28 авг 2016 Автор: Автор: Людмила


Salad with nuts – general principles and methods of cooking

Nuts – very healthy and nutritious food. In addition, they
tasty by themselves they give oily juiciness
various salads. In fact, we call nuts what
In botanical descriptions it is considered just a bone. Scientific
the name of the nut is a dry fruit with a shell of a solid species and not
With a core, for example, hazel is a real nut. And all
other species – seeds and bones.

You can store them for a long time without losing taste, while all
trace elements and vitamins in them are stored. Although you need to remember – not
nuts can benefit all people as they are
quite heavy food. Therefore, the dosage should be selected
individually, and best of all nuts are absorbed in salads along with
other ingredients – vegetables and fruits.

The most famous types of nuts that are included in
Salad is walnut, pistachio, hazelnut, peanuts. Great
Salad options can be prepared on vegetable, fruit and even
meat based. The easiest salad, decorated, for example, a handful
pine nuts, gets new features: it is easier to digest and
quickly saturates the body. So, without further ado, let’s start –
choose a suitable recipe and prepare a tasty and healthy
nut salad

Salad with nuts – food preparation

Inshell nuts must be chosen heavier, they should not
rattle if you shake them. Try to buy them whole, not
cleared, as they may be rancid and not stored for long.
Moldy nuts are dangerous to health if the shell is cracked,
you have seen pollen or mold – rather throw it away without

Salad with nuts – the best recipes

Recipe 1: Grace Walnut Salad

How much is Gracia? Yes, because it is really graceful – eggs,
cheese and nuts, simple, nutritious nutty salad with
cheese and garlic mayonnaise can sate literally with a pair of spoons.
Walnut is valuable for brain work, and it also contains
vitamin C is more than black currants and citrus. therefore
Prepare “grace” in the cold season, especially when our
immunity threatened.

Ингредиенты: WITHыр или брынза твердых сортов (300
gr), eggs (3 pieces), walnuts (half a cup), garlic (3 cloves),

Cooking method

We clean walnuts, chop and fry on dry
pan. Cheese and eggs we shake on an average grater, we skip
through the garlic box, mix everything. We dress with mayonnaise and decorate –
a sprig of parsley or fresh dill is quite amiss.

Recipe 2: Salad with Pine Nuts

Seeds of Siberian cedar (pine nuts) are not only tasty, but
and extremely helpful, contain a huge amount of vegetable
protein, perfectly balanced in composition. The body is easily absorbed
pine nuts, first of all, because their composition is close to
human tissue proteins. They are a great way to fight
with excess weight. And already in the company of prunes and mushrooms …

Ингредиенты: кедровые орешки (100 граммов),
prunes, pickled mushrooms, chicken, cucumber, onion egg, mayonnaise,
a clove of garlic.

Cooking method

Here the composition is important, not proportions, so you can by eye
determine how much you want to feel here prunes or
mushrooms. We soften the prunes with hot water, cut
straws. Onions and mushrooms are fried in a pan, cucumbers cut
cubes. Орешки жарим на сухой pan. Ready ingredients
spread in layers, smearing with mayonnaise and crushed garlic.
Sprinkle nuts at the end. Let’s give the salad a little soak – and
table. Yummy. Nutritionally.

Recipe 3: Nuts with Mushrooms

Walnuts are best combined with pickled mushrooms. Fry
here we will only bow. The salad is also very satisfying, as well as
all mayonnaise salads.

Ингредиенты: копченая куриная грудка (250 гр),
marinated mushrooms (200 gr), eggs (3 pieces), onion, walnut kernels
орехов (80 гр), соль, перец, mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

Fry beautifully chopped quarter onion rings.
Extra flavor can be obtained by adding some herbs.
for chicken. Heat the nuts in the oven or microwave, grind
rolling pin. Mix the ingredients, add salt, mayonnaise.
Sprinkle salad with a small amount of nuts, add the rest in

Recipe 4: Eggplant salad with nuts and sour cream

This light salad is spicy, crumbly and fragrant. WITH
nuts it will become oily and juicy. Do not be afraid of the smell of garlic,
смело ставьте его на праздничный table.

Ингредиенты на 2 порции: баклажаны (~220г,
enough 1 pc), sour cream (2-3 spoons), nuts, garlic, greens,

Cooking method

Cut the eggplant into cubes and send it to the oven for baking and
drying up. About 15 minutes, and our eggplant will be soft and
ready for use. Cool, mix with chopped
greens, chopped nuts and sour cream. Done!

Рецепт 5: WITHалат Морковь с орехами

Here is this is truly a dietary dish, and even soothing,
�Thanks to the presence of lemon balm and yoghurt dressings. AT
As the main ingredient we use almonds.

Ingredients: Carrot, Medium Apple, Lemon Juice, Melissa,
chopped almonds (1 spoon), milk yogurt.

Cooking method

We rub apple and carrot on a large beautiful grater, cut finely
lemon balm and mix everything with chopped almonds. Refueling
yogurt and lemon juice. Real jam! Take care of your fingers,
when you lick, so as not to work, as in a joke:

Waiter: Did I bring you a menu? A client: – If yes, then I have already

WITHалаты с орехами – полезные советы опытных кулинаров

Cons of nuts: with a high caloric content, you can get carried away and
earn an increase in liver besides this some people have on
they are allergic, so be vigilant. For violations of the liver nuts
contraindicated. Roasted nuts are best absorbed, except
that they should be chewed very well. Correctly count
your nutty limit. A bag of nuts 20-30 grams equal to the usual
a snack, but 60 g (400 kcal) is already a full meal
calorie content. More than 100 grams of nuts in one go
learns at all, so if you are carried away – in subsequent
a few days forget about nuts and about any other protein

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