Salad Tenderness – the best recipes. How to andDeliciously cooked salad Tenderness.

Sat, Aug 27, 2016


Salad Tenderness – general principles and methods of cooking

Salad “Tenderness” – a popular festive dish, though far away
not all housewives at the mention of “Tenderness” have the same
associations, since there are several variations of this dish.

Usually salad tenderness is laid out in layers, as the main
ingredients used are chicken meat, eggs, crab sticks or
even bananas. There can be quite a few variations, but the layers
always sandwiched with mayonnaise. There are several options
salad, when cooking which is enough to mix

Salad Tenderness – food preparation

Preliminary preparation of products for cooking salad
�”Tenderness” consists in boiling products, their small cutting and
rubbing on a coarse grater.

Recipe 1: Salad “Tenderness” of chicken meat

The peculiarity of this dish is that eggs,
necessary for the salad, not boiled, but from each of them
fried pancake, which is then cut and added to

Ингредиенты: – 500 граммов отварного куриного
sirloin (smoked chicken can be used); – 7 eggs; – 3 onions; –
200 grams of mayonnaise; – vegetable oil for frying pancakes; –

Cooking method

Chicken meat finely chopped. Chop onions, pour boiling water and
leave for 10-15 minutes to leave bitterness. From each egg
cook pancake separately (beat egg, salt,
fry). Cut the pancakes into small pieces when they
cool down Mix the ingredients, salt and season with mayonnaise.

Recipe 2: Salad “Tenderness” with apple and cheese

This kind of salad “Tenderness” perfectly matches
its name, apples and cheese make the dish soft and

Ингредиенты:– 5 отварных яиц;- 200 граммов
crab sticks; – 1 apple (preferably sour); – 1 onion; – 1
carrots; – 100 grams of hard cheese; – 150 grams of mayonnaise; – 100
граммов уксуса;- salt.

Cooking method

Marinate the onions, for this we chop it finely and place it on 20
minutes in vinegar diluted with cold water. After the bow
lay in the marinade, it needs a little rinse in running
cold water. In boiled eggs it is necessary to separate the yolks from
proteins. Proteins set aside, and rub the yolks with
mayonnaise. Take the salad bowl and lay out the dish in layers: – 1st layer –
yolks with mayonnaise; – 2nd layer – grated cheese on a coarse grater; – 3rd
layer – grated apple; – 4th layer – chopped crab sticks; –
The 5th layer – the crushed proteins. All layers of Tenderness lettuce
coat with mayonnaise.

Recipe 3: Tenderness Salad with Banana and Corn

Exotic fruit gives the salad a special piquancy.

Ингредиенты: – 3 банана;- 1 банка
canned corn; – 200 grams of crab sticks; – 300
grams of hard cheese; – 3 boiled eggs; – 1 onion; – 2
pickled cucumbers; – 4 cloves of garlic; – 200 grams of mayonnaise.

Cooking method

Cut all ingredients into small pieces, add
corn passed through garlic, garlic. Salt, season
майонезом, перемешайте salad.

Recipe 4: Salad “Tenderness” with prunes and walnuts

Prunes, walnuts and chicken – a classic combination
for a festive lunch or dinner.

Ингредиенты:– 300 граммов отварной куриной
breasts; – 5 eggs; – 150 grams of prunes; – 70 grams of walnuts
nuts; – 2 small fresh cucumbers; – 200 grams of mayonnaise.

Cooking method

Chicken and cucumbers cut into small pieces, walnuts
chop nuts. Eggs disassemble into whites and yolks, rub the yolks
on a fine grater, squirrels – on large. Rinse prunes in cold
running water, then pour boiling water, leave for 10-15 minutes,
when cooled down, cut into pieces. Salad is stacked layers: – 1st
layer – chicken; – 2nd layer – prunes + walnuts; – 3rd egg
squirrels; – 4th – cucumbers; – 5th – egg yolks. Each layer
sandwich with mayonnaise. For decoration you can use

Recipe 5: Salad “Tenderness” with mushrooms and potatoes

Salad “Tenderness” can be tasty and nutritious when
use of traditional ingredients of Russia – mushrooms and

Ингредиенты:– 200 граммов грибов (можно
pickled); – 3 potatoes; – 1 onion; – 2 pickled cucumbers; – 1
tablespoon sour cream; – 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise; – vegetable
масло для обжарки;- salt.

Cooking method

Pre-boiled (for pickled mushrooms this stage is not
required) mushrooms, mix with chopped onion, fry on
vegetable oil. Cut sliced ​​potatoes and cucumbers into small
slices. Salad and mix salad ingredients. From sour cream and
майонеза сделайте соус, заправьте им salad.

Salad Tenderness – useful tips from experienced chefs

So that raw onions in a salad is not too bitter and does not reduce
expiration date, it should be held for 10 minutes in boiling water.

When adding a ripe banana to the salad, add mayonnaise before
the serving itself.

Prunes before putting in the salad should be steamed in
boiling water (20 minutes is enough).

If a pickled cucumber contains a lot of water, it should
pre-press so that the salad was not too much
fluid (try not to overdo it).

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