Saintpaulia – growing, care, transplanting andbreeding

Fri, 26 Feb 2016

Сенполия (Saintpaulia) из семейства геснериевых
refers to the most popular indoor colors. We have it more
known by the name of “barbarous violet”. Thanks to the many
varieties of violets, you can pick yourself a suitable plant
any sort of the necessary size and color.

This beautiful plant came to us from the Eastern jungle.
Of Africa. Europe learned of him in the nineteenth century thanks to Baron Ulrich von
Saint-Paul, who was a passionate florist and collector
orchids. The flower was named after him. In natural conditions
Saintpaulias are perennial herbaceous plants,
growing up to 30 cm. Today’s place of their growth is
Uzambarskie and Ulugur mountains in East Africa.

Indoor violets are compact plants with
oval leaves collected in the rosette and having
dark or light green color. The flowers have a diameter of 2-4 cm.

Modern varieties of Saintpaulia are combined into groups according to the form
flowers that can be simple, terry and fringed.
Also, flowers can be the same color – pink, red, white,
or multi-colored, having a different shade in the form of beautiful

There are also ampelous species of Saintpaulia, having a branching main
a stem and a few rosettes of leaves.


Saintpaulia – growing and care

For successful breeding, the izambar violets should be placed in
well-lit areas, however, away from direct sunlight
rays and drafts. You also need to make sure that the leaves of the plant are not
touched window glass.

For these colors is very important temperature. Most
the optimum temperature is from 18 ° C to 24 ° C, in winter it is not
should be below 10 ° C.

Only one outlet should be grown in a pot, unless
we are not talking about the ampel variety. As the lateral
shoots should be removed. The same applies to withered flowers and
damaged leaves so that the plant does not stop flowering.
Carefully remove them to avoid damage to neighboring ones.
leaves and peduncles.

For good flowering the plant needs light for
14-16 hours a day. As a rule, it occurs in March-November. But
If you use artificial lighting in the evenings, you can enter
Violet in error and make it bloom longer. To not
put bloom, during this period it can not be rearranged. Blooming
the socket needs good and uniform lighting.

Watering should be moderate, as the soil dries, for him
need to use soft tepid water, separated by at least 12
hours At the same time you should try not to fall on the leaves, so
it is better to water the Saintpaulia by immersing the pot in water or watering
from the pallet. In winter, watering should be reduced, otherwise it
will bloom.

Violet needs moderate humidity. If she
is insufficient, then you should put the plant pot on
wet pebble tray or wet peat. Spray plant
It is possible, but it should be done very carefully so that the water does not
settled on the leaves. In the period of flowering spray violet can not be
so as not to bring harm to the flowers.

In the spring and summer periods, the plant needs regular
top dressing full mineral fertilizer that is made from
calculating 1 gram per 1 liter of water. When buds are laid and
the outlet is blooming, it should provide the necessary
quantities of phosphorus and trace elements, therefore during this period violet
fed with fertilizer, which is characterized by increased
phosphorus content. If you follow this rule, you can get
larger and brightly colored flowers.

Сенполия – пересадка и breeding

They transplant saintpaulias as necessary in the spring,
in the mixture, for which you should take the leaf earth (3 parts), peat
(5 parts) and one part river sand. Also there should be added
pieces of charcoal. If possible, prepare such
no earth mixture, you can use the purchase mixture for

For planting should be taken wide low bowls that
is caused by the surface root system of saintpaulia. For
young plants with only a few leaves, you need
use very small pots with a diameter of 5 to 7 cm,
затем их пересаживают в горшочки с диаметром до 9 см. For
miniature varieties need to take pots 3-4 cm in diameter. The best
a pot for saintpaulia is one that has the same height
and width.

Propagated Saintpaulia in the spring, cuttings that need to be cut
in the second row from the bottom, choosing not a young leaf, but also
not quite old, having a petiole length from 2.5 cm to 4 cm.
Rooting cuttings can be done in two ways. In the first
If necessary, place it in a 1 cm water tank,
which is maintained until the roots appear. Add to water
activated carbon (0.5 tablets) to prevent development
microflora in water. When the roots appear, a leaf is planted in the ground,
ensuring good drainage (up to 1/3 capacity). In 3-5 weeks
there are kids.

In the second case the cutting immediately lands on the ground
rooting and covered with a package of holes. After planting the cutting
the ground needs a little wet. After the appearance of the kids need them
Seated in different pots.

In addition, Saintpaulias can be propagated by daughter rosettes,
which are formed when cutting the tops of old copies.

Saintpaulia – possible diseases and pests

As a rule, all failures in breeding violets are associated only with
violation of the rules of care for them.

If the leaves appear light yellow spots, then they
suffer from direct sunlight. Brown spots
talking about watering with cold water; yellowing – dry air, or
abundant sunshine and improper watering; pale green leaves on
long petioles with curved edges indicate that
the plant is freezing. Sluggish leaves with rotting middle rosette say
on waterlogging and sharp fluctuations in air temperature.

Lack of flowering may indicate a lack of light,
dry or cold air, transplanting too often and
untimely separation of the side outlets or rearrangement of the new
a place.

Mold on leaves and flowers occurs when exposed to gray
rot or powdery mildew. In this case, an urgent need to re-root

Uzambar violet may be affected by pests: whitefly,
mealybug, cyclamen mite. They should be fought
by spraying with systemic insecticides. For каждого вида
pests need to use your chemical, which will be advised in
flower shop. For клеща это “Фитоверм”, для трипса –
Aktara, etc.

And yet, the problems that flower growers may encounter with
breeding Saintpaulus, can not be compared with the joy that
it gives all its long flowering, even in the winter cold
bringing us back to the atmosphere of spring and beauty.


Neonila 09/30/2016 Hello. Violets have leaves at the edges
brown and dry … then the whole leaf dries out slowly and
dying. What to do. Thanks a lot.

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