Rules and methods of steaming face at homeconditions

Sat, 01 Mar 2014

To have beautiful, radiant and smooth skin, not necessarily
attend expensive beauty salons, many treatments
Improving the condition of the skin can be carried out at home.

For example, steaming. Quite a popular procedure not only
in our country, but also abroad. Proper face steaming
allows you to clean it from black dots, horny particles and
give it freshness and youth.

The essence of the procedure

Steaming is carried out in order to open the pores and clean them from
pollution. This procedure allows you to remove the remnants of makeup,
naturally relaxed face with open pores better
gets rid of toxins. You can easily remove acne or

In the beauty salon procedure steaming involves
the use of special devices and means for softening the skin.
By the way, today manufacturers offer funds for
steaming at home, for example, there are masks that, after application and
hot steam heats up and softens the skin

Rules for preparing the skin for the cleaning procedure

  • Wash the hands. This is a very important point in the steaming process,
    dirty hands can cause infection by removing acne or
    pimples, at the time of complete relaxation of the skin is most vulnerable.
  • Be sure to wash your face with warm water and follow the procedure.
    exfoliation. She, like steaming, spend no more than 7 times
    days to avoid pH imbalance and not to reduce the protective
    natural skin functions. This will lead to its drying out,
    cracking, acne and redness.

Ways to steam skin

There are several options for how to steam the face, stop
on a few of them.

First method

It is quite simple. In a wide bowl pour hot water and put
herbs or essential oils suitable for your type of face (o
specific examples below). As soon as steam becomes acceptable,
drop over the bowl (it could be a bowl), cover ourselves
towel and is in this position until cool
fluid. After this lotion, wipe your face to remove
what happened in the process.

What to add for each skin type:

  • Normal skin likes rosemary, lavender or a rose (it can
    be and oil or dry, fresh petals).
  • For oily skin, use thyme, lemon or
  • Dry skin prefers rosemary or chamomile, as well as geranium,
    rose or lime.

Proper steaming will be an excellent tool in the fight against

Second method

Cotton cloth moistened in a hot infusion of herbs or essential
oils and impose on the face. The procedure must be repeated 5-6 times.
Настой готовить в соответствии с типом faces.

If you do not want to sit for a long time and wait for the same face to soften,
use a steam mask. Its action can be seen after 3
minutes, the effect is not worse than from ordinary home steaming over
a bowl. Such a product can be taken with you to rest and not
беспокоиться о красоте faces.

If there are wounds or inflammations on the face, the procedure is better.
postpone because it can cause deterioration
кожи faces. It is also worth consulting with a beautician or
a dermatologist in case itching appears after the procedure or
inflammation on the skin.

Text: Ksenia Alexandrovna

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