Roses Cordes: Top 10 varieties. Description,characteristics, photos of the best varieties and features of growing rosesCordes

Чт, 22 фев 2018 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Розы Cordes попали в Россию только после распада СССР, но
quickly gained popularity. These varieties adapt well to
tolerate low temperatures and bloom magnificently in
any corner of the garden. Growing pink bushes is easy, enough
know their features.


Чем гибридные сорта роз Cordes лучше остальных

Розы Cordes были выведены немецким селекционером путем
crossing then known varieties. The main focus of his work is he
did on frost resistance and immunity of bushes, without forgetting
about the beauty of plants. In the nursery appeared unpretentious pink
Bushes grafted on dogrose or dog rose. They are not only easy
survived, tolerated frosts, but grew well almost on
any ground.

Soon the nursery gained popularity around the world. Today
New hybrids of these roses are derived in the Crimea. Nikitsky Botanical Garden
acquired German plants for further breeding. Roses received
separate status, were combined into groups.

The best сорта роз Cordes представлены в некоторых группах:

– floribunda;

– standard;

– hybrid tea;

– ground cover;

– climbing;

– park.

A distinctive feature is the packaging of seedlings. Company
The manufacturer protects the root system with a metal mesh. Such
Reception allows gardeners to keep a seedling for a long time, if not
the ability to immediately plant a bush on a permanent place. Simply
прикопайте растение в any corner of the garden. Also, when landing
the grid can not be removed, and plant a bush as it is. Is not
injures the root system, and the development of plants does not suffer.

Today розы Cordes считаются лучшими из всех сортов, компания
the manufacturer monitors the seedlings. They meet international standards
have a quality mark. Such a high score is not accidental:

– bushes are resistant to diseases, rarely affected

– tolerate severe frosts and sudden changes in temperature;

– form a powerful bush, the height of the shoots reaches from 1.5 to 3

– leaf cover shiny, dark saturated color;

– terry inflorescences, many-flowered, rather large;

– flowering continuous, continues until late autumn.

The color range of roses is diverse. Shrubs in any climate feel
Itself is excellent, which allows you to grow them everywhere.

The best сорта крупноцветковых плетистых роз Cordes

Among the large-flowered climbing roses are the most in demand.
hybrids Flamentanz, Ilse Krohn Superior and Alchymist.

Alchymist has gained popularity due to its peculiarity.
change the color of the flower depending on weather conditions. Inflorescence
large, about 10 cm in diameter, terry type. Petals coloring
from pale yellow to apricot color. The bush is powerful, it grows
up to 3 m wide and high.

Flamentanz – frost-resistant plant. Bushes bear a slide
temperatures up to – 30 ° С without additional shelter. Shoots
vigorous, reach 2.5-5 m, completely covered with flowers.
The inflorescences are large, with velvety petals, collected in brush. Colour
petals bright red with raspberry shimmer, have fully
the opened buds visible golden middle. Variety suitable for
decoration arbors, walls, creating arches. Colourение наступает ранней
in the spring or in the first half of summer, not repeated.

Ilse Krohn Superior is considered one of the best whites.
roses. Large cream flowers reach 15 cm in diameter, are collected in
brushes of 5 pieces. The petals are densely double, the core is not
viewed. During flowering the bush exudes a light scent.
Shoots мощные, быстро разрастаются в ширину и высоту, достигают
about 2.5 m

Hybrid tea
сорта роз Cordes: лучшие представители группы с a photo

Among hybrid tea roses, Athena and Souvenir de are distinguished.

Hybrid SouvenirdeBaden-Baden привлекает садоводов своей
ability to change the color of the flower throughout the duration
flowering The buds are painted in pale yellow with a pink tinge.
As you open, the lower petals change color to creamy pink,
averages get pink edge and notched border. Colourки
quite large, more than 12 cm in diameter, densely double,
fragrant. The inflorescences are assembled in brushes of several pieces.

The advantage of this variety is high resistance to
diseases and precipitation. The beauty of the plant will not spoil even strong
rain. Frost resistance is good, the bush tolerates painlessly
lowering the temperature to – 30 ° С. Colourение наступает в первой
half of the summer, continues until frosts. Type of flowering –

Variety Athena – ideal for cutting. At the ends of each
escape only one bud is formed. Buds open slowly,
which is good for a cut plant. Colourки крупные, более 10 см в
diameter. Terry inflorescences, petals painted white, on
the edges of the crimson border. Shoots прямостоячие до 1 м, цветение
comes in late spring, continues until frost. Type of flowering –
wavy. Winter hardiness is average if the temperature in the region
going down below – 20 ° C, the bush must be insulated.

The best
выносливые сорта парковых роз Cordes

The most enduring and unpretentious among park roses are

– Robusta;

– Weis Wolke;

– Westerland.

They can be used to create a hedge. They With
ease tolerate thickened fit, grow rapidly and
bloom beautifully throughout the season.

Variety “Robusta” and “Weise Wolke” are similar in appearance. This is tall
plants, shoots which reach 2.5 m. Sprawling bushes,
powdery mildew resistant, well tolerate harsh winters. Their
can often be found in group boarding.

Grade “Robusta” blooms terry flowers of wine-red color,
and the color of the petals “Weis Wolke” creamy white. Joint
planting these bushes gives an interesting effect.

Rose “Westerland” has a strong aroma. Inflorescences smell
spices with subtle notes of cloves. The bush blooms in waves to
most frost. Colourки крупные, махрового типа,
apricot orange color. Shoots раскидистые до 2 м в высоту.
Hybrid переносит понижение температуры до — 25 °С.

Сорта роз Cordes группы флорибунда: лучшие представители с
a photo

Bedbed roses with a bouquet type of flowering quickly loved
gardeners around the world. Среди них популярными остаются varieties:

– Novaliz;

– Rose Der Hofnung.

The variety “Novaliz” blooms all season large, densely double
Flowers lilac-purple shade. This variety is in memory of
German writer Friedrich von Hardenberg, who wrote under
pseudonym Novalis. Bush up to 80 cm in height, inflorescences up to 10 cm in
diameter with a light aroma. The plant is resistant to diseases
tolerates frosts.

The variety “Rose Der Hofnung” forms a compact bush that quickly
is growing. The height of the bush is not more than 70 cm, about 40 cm wide.
Leaf cover dark green, shiny. Colourет роза с
spring frost yellow-red flowers that exude
pleasant aroma. Inflorescences gustomahrovye.

Special features
выращивания роз Cordes в России

Все сорта роз Cordes неприхотливы в уходе, их выращивание не
delivers trouble. These plants grow and bloom on any
soil, so fertilizers are applied at its discretion. Before landing
the hole can be filled with mature compost. Watch to the roots
the plants were not in contact with the top dressing.

In the southern regions of the country, rose bushes are grown without shelter on
winter In the central and northern part of Russia, climbing roses are shooting
with supports and covered with dry foliage or covered with non-woven

Bushes do not need spraying from pests, as they
rarely undergo attacks.

При посадке кустов учитывайте, что розы Cordes нельзя
planted where previously Rosaceae have been for 5 years.
Кусты не дадут желаемого flowering

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