Roast in pots with mushrooms is a dish for those who love
eat deliciously, but do not spend a lot on cooking
of time. Potted dishes are almost impossible to spoil, unless
that oversalt or undersalt.
Roast in pots with mushrooms – the basic principles
Preparing a dish is simple: all the ingredients are cut,
pre-fried until half cooked or laid
raw, and pour the contents of the pot with broth or sauce.
Roast main ingredient is potatoes. It is cut enough
крупными ломтями, чтобы в процессе preparations картошка не
turned into mashed potatoes. In addition to potatoes, onions, tomatoes are put in the dish,
carrots and other vegetables.
Broth can be used meat, vegetable or mushroom. Sauces
cooked on the basis of cream, sour cream, tomato paste, etc.
Take any meat: pork, beef, chicken, etc. He is washed and
cut in portions.
For piquancy add garlic, herbs and spices to the roast.
The dish will be original if you add dried fruits or
pickled fruit.
Roast is cooked with mushrooms or forest mushrooms.
The dish can be cooked in small pots, or in one
big. If you don’t have a cap, you can use it instead.
dough or foil.
Recipe 1. Pot Roast with Mushrooms
150 grams of cheese;
champignons – 300 g;
ground pepper;
half a pound of potatoes;
50 ml of vegetable oil;
sour cream – 200 g
Способ preparations
1. • Clean the caps of champignons from the top film, cut
legs and put the mushrooms in a colander. Rinse under the tap, dry
on a napkin and chop into small pieces.
2. • Wash peeled potatoes, place the vegetable in a saucepan,
cover with water, lightly salt and put on the stove. Boil until
half ready. Drain the broth, and cool the potatoes.
3. • Set the pan on fire. Pour vegetable oil into it and
Put the mushrooms in it. Fry until all evaporate
liquid. Add finely chopped onion to the mushrooms, pepper and
salt it. Continue to fry until the onions are transparent.
4. • Coarse cooled potatoes and slice into small pots.
Put fried mushrooms and onions over it.
5. • Pour two spoons of drinking water into each pot and
sour cream. Sprinkle with cheese chips on top. Cover with lids and
put in the oven for forty minutes. Bake at 200 degrees.
Recipe 2. Roast in pots with mushrooms and meat
100 grams of cheese;
400 g pork;
150 ml of broth or filtered water;
300 g fresh mushrooms;
two cloves of garlic;
600 grams of potatoes;
Provencal herbs;
крупная bulb;
ground paprika;
ground black pepper;
120 ml of vegetable oil;
sea salt.
Способы preparations
1. • Take pork with layers of fat to make the dish
juicy. Rinse the piece under the tap, cut out all streaks, excess
fat and, if there is, bones. Blot the meat with napkins and cut
2. • Put the pork in a dry frying pan and fry it on
intense fire until ruddy, constantly stirring, to meat
roasted evenly from all sides.
3. • Remove thin film from the caps of champignons, trim the legs
and wash the mushrooms. Cut them into thin slices.
4. • Put the fried pork in a separate plate, and on
pan put mushrooms. Cook until all the moisture has evaporated.
Stir so that the mushrooms are not burnt. Then add to
pan a couple of beds of vegetable oil and continue to fry until ruddy
crusts. Put the mushrooms in a separate bowl.
5. • Peel, peel and chop the potatoes. AT
pan, where the mushrooms were fried, pour in a little more oil and fry
in her potatoes until golden brown on high heat. Shift
potatoes in a plate.
6. • Peel the remaining vegetables, wash them and chop: carrots –
strips of medium thickness, onions – in small cubes. Fry carrots
until soft, add the onions and continue cooking, stirring
about ten minutes.
7. • Spread the ingredients in pots in this order:
potatoes, pork, champignons, roasted carrots with onions. Above
squeeze garlic and season with pepper, Provencal herbs and salt. AT
Each pot pour about half a glass of broth. Put the
for an hour in the oven. Cook roast in pots of mushrooms and meat with
180 degrees.
Recipe 3. Roast in pots with mushrooms and cream cheese
pork tenderloin – 700 g;
black pepper;
12 potato tubers;
поваренная salt;
bow – three heads;
vegetable oil;
крупная carrot;
half a kilo of frozen forest mushrooms;
50 ml sour cream;
250 grams of cheese;
150 ml of heavy cream.
Способ preparations
1. • Peel and wash vegetables. Crumble bulbs into semi-rings.
Grind carrots into large chips. ATыложите в сковородку с
heated onion butter, and fry it until transparent, add
carrot and keep cooking, stirring constantly, until
softness. ATыложите овощную поджарку на дно горшочков.
2. • Put large vegetables on top sliced potatoes. Salt and
sprinkle with half the grated cheese.
3. • Defrost the mushrooms, put them in the pan and cook,
tuck them with dill. ATыложите грибы поверх картошки.
4. • Wash the meat, dip it in napkins and cut into small ones.
slices. Fry on high heat, stirring constantly, minutes
seven. AT конце приправьте мясо перцем и солью. ATыложите свинину на
5. • Combine cream with sour cream. Pour the mixture
the contents of the pots. Above притрусите сушеной зеленью, накройте
крышками и поставьте for an hour in the oven. Shortly before the end
sprinkle the dish with the remaining cheese chips. Before serving
перемешайте the contents of the pots.
Recipe 4. Roast in pots with mushrooms, meat and fruit
морская salt;
pork tenderloin;
свежеground pepper;
canned pineapple;
hot green pepper;
olive oil;
Dill and parsley.
Способ preparations
1.•ATымойте свинину под краном, обсушите ее салфетками и порежьте
slices the size of a walnut. Put the meat in a bowl,
season with pepper and salt, mix and marinate at least
half an hour.
2. • Peel, wash and cut small potato tubers.
each in eight lobules. ATыложите измельченный овощ в миску,
Drizzle it with olive oil, salt and mix.
3.•ATскройте банку с ананасами, сироп слейте, а кольца фрукта
cut into quarters.
4. • Spread the potatoes in pots. ATыложите поверх него мясо и
Spice up all the jeera, rubbing it between your fingers.
5. • Free the green chilli pepper from the stem, clean
seeds and slice the vegetable rings. Spread out in pots. Above
Put the pineapples, prunes and a clove of garlic. AT конце положите
two branches of dill and parsley.
6. • Close the pots with lids and place in the oven for 15 minutes.
Cook at 200 degrees. Then reduce the temperature to 160 ° C and
запекайте еще half an hour.
Рецепт 5. Roast in pots with mushrooms and meat in томатно-винном
800 g beef pulp;
морская salt;
600 g potatoes;
ground black pepper;
15 black peppercorns;
three onions;
fresh greens;
150 ml of drinking water or broth;
50 g of celery root;
300 g of champignons;
100 ml of dry white wine;
five cloves of garlic;
three bay leaves;
50 g of tomato paste;
ten buds of carnation.
Способ preparations
1. • Wash the pulp of the beef, clean it from the wires and films, dip it.
napkins and cut into large chunks.
2. • Peel the potatoes, wash them and cut them in half. Large
chop the tubers into slices.
3. • Peel and wash garlic, celery, carrots and onions. ATсе
овощи, кроме лука покрошите мелкой тонкой straws. Shred the onion
rings. Put all the vegetables in a bowl and mix.
4. • Mushrooms clean, rinse, dry on paper
towel and chop thin slices.
5. • Place a bay leaf and a third on the bottom of the clay pot.
vegetables. Put on them chunks of beef. Next layer put
mushrooms and potatoes. Again a layer of vegetables, meat, mushrooms and potatoes.
Each layer is seasoned with spices and put on a clove of garlic.
Salt and поперчите. The last layer should be vegetables.
6. • Dissolve tomato paste with wine and broth. Stir and
Pour the sauce over the sauce. Cover with lids and отправьте в
the oven. ATключите температуру на 200 градусов и запекайте half an hour.
Then twist the heat to 170 C and cook another two and a half
Recipe 6. Roast in pots with mushrooms, meat and green
two cloves of garlic;
half a kilo of white mushrooms;
600 grams of pork;
свежеground black pepper;
800 g potatoes;
поваренная salt;
two carrots;
meat broth;
two onions;
150 ml sour cream;
100 grams of green peas;
six bay leaves.
Способ preparations
1.•ATымытый кусок свиной вырезки обмокните салфетками и нарежьте
not large pieces. ATыложите мясо в разогретую сковороду с
маслом и обжарьте на сильном огне до золотистой crusts. Constantly
Stir so that the pork roasts evenly. AT конце
season with pepper and salt. Spread the meat in pots.
2. • Wash, dry, and chop the white mushrooms.
Fry separately in vegetable oil for five minutes. AT
At the end, squeeze the garlic, stir and spread over the meat.
3.•Очищенный лук нашинкуйте тонкими полуrings. Carrot
brush and crumble into small cubes. Fry onion until
прозрачности, затем добавьте морковку и готовьте еще минут seven.
Spread the vegetable fry in pots.
4. • Peel and crumble the potatoes into small cubes. ATыложите
in pots. Above всыпьте примерно по ложке зеленого горошка.
Salt it. ATлейте бульон и положите по ложке sour cream. Above
place a bay leaf. Bake for half an hour at 200
Roast in pots with mushrooms and meat – tips and tricks
- Roast get juicier if the pots before use
soak for some time in cold water. - Put the pots in a cold oven, otherwise ceramic dishes
may crack. - To make the dish more useful, lay the vegetables in
pot raw. - Serve straight in pots, setting them on plates or
special coasters. - Before serving добавьте в каждый горшочек сметану, и свежую