Review of the best remedies for thrush. Choosethe best and inexpensive drug against frequent ailment

Чт, 05 июл 2018 Автор: Элла Борисюк

Fungal infections are very common because
you can get them anywhere. In the body constantly have
bacteria, viruses and various microbes that begin to manifest
its activity only under certain conditions.

The main cause of thrush in women is
reduced immunity. If a disease occurs,
start a competent treatment, so you should study the ranking of the best
remedies for thrush.



The drug contains Fluconazole, which has
overwhelming effect on the multiplication of bacteria and fungi in
woman’s body. Often, just one capsule is enough
to cope with almost all manifestations of the disease.
Absolute recovery is possible only after complete
passing a course of therapy.

With a single dose of the remedy, the first symptoms are eliminated.
diseases. The disease still continues to progress in the body.
If therapy is interrupted, the disease becomes chronic.
The drug is not used when carrying a baby and in acute form.
diseases of the liver and kidneys. The main advantage of the drug is
convenience of taking the funds and short term therapy.


This medicine is quickly fighting a yeast infection. If a
use the remedy correctly, the disease can be overcome in just
a couple of days. A single use of the drug simply eliminates
unpleasant symptoms of the disease on the second day of admission.

The duration of therapy is prescribed only by the attending physician.
after examining the patient. After therapy will require re-treatment.
examination. If a потребуется повторный прием, то схема также
will be appointed by a specialist.

Pimafucin есть возможность использовать при вынашивании малыша.
But during pregnancy additional consultation is required.
gynecologist. The drug contains an antibiotic that does not
It has a negative effect on the useful flora. But it will take
профилактика последующих рецидивов diseases.


Hexicon имеет отношение к антисептикам, обладающим
disinfectant property. It is completely harmless to health and
can be used to cure candidiasis in pregnant and lactating

The tool has a pronounced therapeutic effect and helps
very quickly overcome thrush. Further warned
progression of the disease. The drug is a vaginal
candles that are often used at the time of preparation for childbirth for

Means does not render any undesirable reactions. Can
only manifest allergic reactions associated with the individual
intolerance component in the composition. The cost of the drug is not
is high.


Polygynax представляет собой комплексный противогрибковый и
antibacterial drug. The drug is produced in the form
intravaginal suppositories. The product is highly effective.
against candidiasis. Important advantage is very soft and
safe action. After taking such third-party
reaction, as an allergic reaction to the components in the composition. They
extremely rare, but after that therapy stops.

Polygynax практически не обладает contraindications. Means
can not only be used in the first trimester of pregnancy. With
breastfeeding, as well as in the second and third trimester of gestation
baby medication is prescribed only by a doctor. Released in
packs of 6 and 12 pieces. Usually 6 is enough for complete recovery.


Clotrimazoleотпускается в форме таблеток, порошка, мази и крема.
To cure candidiasis most often prescribed cream. It follows
use no more than three times a day throughout the course
therapy. Usually the duration of therapy is 4 weeks. On
practice is to use the tool for about two weeks, until
полностью не пройдет вся симптоматика diseases. it
highly effective antifungal medication characterized by
a wide range of effects.

This medicine against thrush is safe for
health and he is often appointed by specialists in the third trimester
of pregnancy. On более ранних сроках и при лактации использовать
drug with extreme caution. Onзначать препарат может только
attending doctor. Very rarely, allergic reactions can occur.

Epigen Intim

it лучшее средство от молочницы, имеющее натуральный состав.
The main active ingredient is glycyrrhizic acid,
which is extracted from licorice root. Means оказывает следующие

• antipruritic;

• antiphlogistic;

• antiviral;

• immunostimulating.

Also, the drug is able to accelerate the recovery processes in
mucous membrane. The advantage is the natural composition, therefore
the drug can be administered throughout pregnancy and
breastfeeding. Means применяется также при молочнице в

Epigen Intim показано использовать в качестве профилактического
remedies for therapy antibiotics. Produced in a very comfortable
form – bottle with spray. But the cost of the drug is pretty
is high.


The main component of the drug is ketoconazole. it вещество,
which has a pronounced antifungal effect.
Thanks to this action, the effect is not only on typical
representatives of the flora, causing candidiasis, but also on more rare

The drug can be used even in the period of carrying a baby, for
исключением первых недель of pregnancy. Usually the drug copes
with the disease within 7 days. But sometimes you may need
extension of the course of therapy for several days. This need appears
only when it is necessary to treat the chronic form of the disease.


The best remedy for thrush, which is based on fluconazole.
The drug is released in the form of capsules for ingestion.
It is characterized by a pronounced antifungal effect.
Means не назначается при беременности и деткам до полугода.
Also, the tool is contraindicated in patients with disabilities.
the kidneys.

In rare cases, the drug can trigger third-party reactions.
such as stomach pain, nausea, digestive upset
system. it относительно безопасный и безвредный препарат.


Terzhinan — это давний медикамент, который является очень
effective drug. Means характеризуется такими

• antimicrobial;

• combined;

• antifungal.

Due to the presence of such properties, effective
treatment of candidiasis. Terzhinan производится в виде вагинальных
pills. The main component is ternidazole. Means
use once a day, one capsule at bedtime. Usually
The duration of therapy is up to 10 days.

The drug is not prescribed in the first trimester of carrying a baby.
In the second and third trimesters, the drug is prescribed only to the treating person.
врачом after examining the patient. The drug does not possess
contraindications. In rare cases, redness and feeling is possible.
burning sensation.

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