Return elasticity and tone to loose skin onfeet

If you do not plan in the near future to make plastic
surgery to remove loose skin from the inner thighs
and from the top of them – a fat trap, then these tips are for you.
В самом деле, дряблая кожа на feet наводит на грустные
thinking, but exercise and massage can help solve
and this problem. The result can be achieved only with regular
doing exercises. For each workout you need to select 3-4
exercises (at least 5 approaches in each), and vary them


Here are a few exercises that will help return the skin.

Climb the stairs. It is necessary to get up to the stairs not face, but
sideways, and put your hands on the railing, then put on the step
right leg, and the left leg to throw over it crosswise and put
to the next step. So go to the end of the stairs,
keeping to an average pace.

Исходная поза: лечь на бок таким образом, чтобы плечи,
head and legs were on the same line. One hand is under the head,
the other is in front of you, to maintain balance. Left leg to bend
in the knee, put in front of you and slowly straighten, lifting, and
then lower it as slowly. Stop need to fix well
it should be cut. For one approach, do at least 10
rises, then the same thing for the other leg.

For training the muscles of the inner thighs there is
специальный тренажер: это стул с подставками для стоп, которые
divorced to the side. When you pull your legs together and / or lift
them to the chest, the foot should not rotate, and the back should remain
straight. The exercise is performed at a slow pace, (preferably) with
tension of the abdominal muscles, and to enhance the effect, you can add
small burdens.


Massaging the thigh muscles is best to start by squeezing with
using a palm edge (3-5 times) and fists. The next trick is
kneading that begins with a double neck, after which
should be kneaded by fists (each kind of kneading
held 3-4 times). Kneading alternated with squeezes (2-3
times) and shaking (1-2 times).

Massageируя внешнюю сторону бедра, отведите больше времени на
rubbing and kneading the fascia. The fascia is massaged with a comb.
fist (if necessary, use the burden with the other hand),
making rectilinear, zigzag and circular

Full range of training for legs and buttocks

If skin laxity appears after childbirth or sudden weight loss,
or you just need to get serious about skin elasticity,
use a balanced and proven program consisting
of 10 exercises. They all focus exclusively on the buttocks and

Starting position – kneeling, arms bent at the elbows and
lie on the floor. Do not lower your head, do not bend your back. Bent in
Knee leg lift up and return to its former position. Make 20
fold and repeat this for the other leg.

  • SP is the same. Repeat exercise 1, but lift your leg when lifting
    left, next time right. Doing 20 times for one leg,
    repeat for another.
  • SP is the same. Raise one leg, aligning it. Overlap
    above the other, lift and return to the floor. Run 15 times and swap
    the leg.
  • SP is the same. Raise a flat foot, only now to the side.
    Return to the place. Make 15 times for each leg.
  • PI – lie on the right side, the right hand rests on the floor and in the elbow
    bent. The left leg is bent at the knee, the foot rests on the floor in front of
    туловищем, на середине правого thighs. Right leg lift up
    keeping it level. Lower to the floor. Repeat 20 times
    roll over on the left side and do the same for the left
  • IP – kneeling, arms straight, hands resting on the floor
    in front of. Align one leg and pull back. Making 20 clear
    energetic strides up, bend the leg and return to the floor. Similarly
    make the other foot.
  • ИП – стоя ровно, руки держа in front of. Tightening the muscles of the buttocks,
    perform 10 squats. Break 20 seconds and repeat the exercise.
    The number of squats need to be increased over time.
  • PI – lie on your back, feet shoulder-width apart, knees bent,
    feet flat on the floor, arms along the body. Raise as high as possible
    pelvis from the floor and lower back. The shoulders and feet do not change their
    provisions. Run 30 repetitions.

Repeat exercise 8, only raising the pelvis to the top position
bring your knees together. Also repeat 30 times.

Exercise 8 again, but simply raising the pelvis four times is easy, but on
пятое поднятие bring your knees together. Make 30 climbs.

The first five exercises should be performed smoothly, without abrupt
movements. At the same time, do not tighten and do not skive. Moving from
one exercise to another is necessary for a few seconds
relax your body, stretch your muscles. This is done like this: pelvis
опускается на пятки, руки вытягиваются in front of. Stretch
Forward, feline, then move the pelvis right-left.

Starting a complex of training for the first time, do all without
tears so as not to damage the tendons or muscle tissue.
It may not be possible to do that right away. number of climbs or
swings, nothing terrible, most importantly, do not quit classes at all. With
time increase the number of repetitions, bringing to the recommended
numbers Remember about the warm-up and the final stretch. If on the second,
the third day you will feel pain in your hips and buttocks, which means that the process
started, keep practicing.

Cosmetic procedures

For the result to appear more quickly and be sustainable, it’s worth adding
wrapping film with various mixtures to raise the skin tone.
Due to the effect of the sauna, the skin is perfectly cleansed and rejuvenated,
It becomes smooth and elastic. Practice 3 treatments per week on
throughout the month. The result will certainly please you.

It is done this way. After a shower with scrub, apply cooked
mask on the hips, wrap cling film, sit under a blanket. BUT
After 30–40 minutes with warm water, rinse the residue and
apply anti-cellulite cream.

For wraps most often use oil masks,
cosmetic clay compounds, seaweed, dead sea mud, honey
and sour cream. To enhance the effect add essential oils, spices,
vinegar, chocolate, coffee and tea.

Performing at least some of the recommendations, you will see how flabby
кожи на feet исчезает, и ваше тело молодеет с каждым днем.

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