Redness on the face: what causes skinirritations. How to remove facial redness: simple homeways

Сб, 22 июл 2017 Автор: Юлия Улиткина

Redness of the face may appear suddenly or
occur periodically. It is necessary to find out the reason to
restore the normal state of the skin and prevent
developmental complications.


What may be redness on the face

Redness on the face, the causes of which are necessary
understand, may be of several types:

• extensive spills of bright pink color, without change
skin surface;

• pink scaly patches;

• red rash;

• red spots with pustular rash;

• inflamed skin with protruding subcutaneous formations;

• red wet spots.

With some types of redness, you can’t handle it yourself
turn out: we are talking about severe skin or autoimmune
diseases that the doctor must deal with.

For example, rosacea is a skin disease, the nature of which remains until
still unsolved. If the face has persistent redness and
pustular rash, the treatment should be comprehensive, with
connecting antibiotic therapy.

Obscene psoriasis, acne, diathesis are difficult to treat.
It should be understood that skin problems can be caused by infectious
disease, for example, giardiasis, borreliosis. Less often but it happens
subcutaneous tick infection.

Causes of facial flushing

If the causes of facial flushing are not associated with the disease, then
You can restore the color of the skin by yourself. The main thing,
understand which factor caused a negative reaction and what can be done
in this situation.

Провоцирующими факторами могут быть физиологические
реакции организма
на высокую температуру окружающей среды,
stuffiness, strong nervous excitement, atmospheric drops
pressure, receiving stimulating food (hot, hot),
coffee or alcohol. The face of a sick person blush as well –
reaction to fever.

К второй группе факторов относится внешнее воздействие
на кожу
. The face is always open, and therefore exposed
constant stress. Sunburn can cause redness
(which can be obtained even on an overcast day), cold wind,

The third group of causes of facial flushing refers
individual body reaction to medicinal
drugs, food products.
Allergy can develop
suddenly, even if the body had never reacted to
ingested substances. Strong allergens are proteinaceous.
products (egg, fish, milk), food stabilizers and
flavors, drugs, alcohol (especially of poor quality).

Allergies can occur when skin is exposed to
substance provocateur. The most common allergen is wool.
domestic animals, household dust, pollen of flowering plants.
Poor cosmetics and household chemicals also negatively affect
skin health. As a result, there is not only redness, but edema,
itching, peeling.

Иногда к покраснению лица приводит неудачное сочетание
нескольких факторов,
например, продуктов питания, тогда
individually, they do not cause any reaction.

How to remove the physiological and allergic redness on

Correct determination of the cause of red spots on
skin – an indispensable condition for success. If red appears
periodically, you need to analyze the preceding day: what are you
ate, drank, what means of cosmetics and household chemicals
enjoyed. If any product or tool has been used
for the first time, it is obvious that they provoked hyperemia.

For physiological reasons, provocative effects should be excluded.

• abandon the exciting drinks and dishes;

• air the room;

• wash your face with cool water, blot with a soft cloth;

• take febrifuge and lie down;

• in a stressful situation, try to calm down, you can take

• check the pressure and try to normalize it.

If redness recurs regularly, consult a doctor.
Бесполезно думать, как убрать покраснения на face, если причина
lies in a hidden chronic disease. Maybe it’s about
weak vessels of the heart or brain, and then they need
strengthen. Or are you subject to neurosis, and you need it professionally.
to heal. Maybe it’s time to get serious about hormones.

Резюмируя: если вы пытаетесь разобраться с
красными пятнами на face, но особого успеха нет; if along with
redness there are still some symptoms of physical distress;
if you know for sure that external factors or allergies have nothing to do with it,
Be sure to go for a consultation with a therapist, an allergist,
a neurologist, a gastroenterologist, a dermatologist. It’s easier to start with a therapist.
or general practitioner: he will refer to a narrow specialist.

Чтобы убрать покраснения на face, вызванные аллергией, примите
antihistamine and protect the body from
allergen. Unfortunately, scientists have not yet come up with a way to deal with
ailment. All that can be done today is to relieve symptoms when
help pills and try not to come in contact with by substance
which the body reacts to.

For sensitive skin, hypoallergenic
cosmetics. She has a special label. Skin is important to protect
from the sun, wind and cold. Therefore, it is advisable to use protective
cream all year round, changing only the type of protection.

With a sensitive digestive apparatus, it is important to rebuild
your diet in favor of healthy food. Perhaps the body
signals: for now, give up on fast food, tinted sweet
soda, strong coffee. Proper nutrition will not only help
solve aesthetic problem, but also strengthen the cardiovascular,
immune, lymphatic system, improve the liver, intestines, reduce
load on the pancreas. All this indirectly affects
on the condition of the skin and filling them with blood.

Как убрать покраснения на face народными средствами

Skin defects caused by external causes can be removed.
on their own. This is the only group of factors on which you can
easy to influence. The main thing is to make sure that the reaction of the skin is not
associated with neither skin inflammation nor disease.

How to remove redness caused by sunburn,
irritation from friction, salt water, cold, poor quality
cosmetics? For this there are proven and very simple homework.
Means: masks, rinsing, cosmetic ice, lotions.

Masks for removing redness

При покраснении на face, вызванном солнечными ожогами, применяют
fermented milk products, honey, oils, cucumber juice.

• Smetano-honey mask whitens well, simultaneously removing the swelling
and peeling. Depending on the type of skin, choose sour cream.
increased (with dry type) or low (with greasy skin)
fat content. Honey is a treasure trove of biologically active
substances, so the mask with him perfectly cope with peeling,
nourish, align the tone of the face.

• Skin burned by the sun smeared with kefir or sour cream. Such
mono-mask cools and soothes, relieves swelling and redness.

• Fresh cottage cheese and juniper oil masks along with
whitening effect has an antibacterial effect. She is
suitable for removing redness on inflamed, with acne, skin.

• Aloe juice or extract combined with a beaten egg too
combats redness, and also moisturizes, eliminates peeling and
inflammatory manifestations.

• Oatmeal, olive oil and mashed fresh cucumber –
a popular soothing, whitening recipe,
anti-inflammatory mask. The skin is not only brightens, but also good
it is cleared due to a light peeling effect.

• Boiled potatoes, mashed in mashed potatoes, very good
whitening and soothing mask. For severe burns, great
helps raw potato juice.

For quick relief of the skin condition of a single mask can be
not enough. Therefore, do it before the result, but not
more than 1 time in two days. You can alternate compositions.

Broths and lotions to remove redness

To soothe irritated skin, use decoctions of healing
herbs, prepare homeless alcohol-free lotions, freeze
cosmetic ice.

One of the most popular recipes is washing with a decoction of nettle and
chamomile. Mix herbs in equal proportions and brew 1 table. a spoon
collecting a glass of boiling water. Let cool completely by wrapping
capacity with a towel and then strain. Use the tool for
rinsing the skin in the morning and evening.

This decoction can be poured into ice molds and sent to
freezer Rub the skin twice a day, but remember: cold
acts on the small blood vessels, and first the skin turns red
from a rush of blood. This is a normal physiological response that
passes quickly.

Cosmetic ice can be prepared from broth or parsley juice
curly. It is this herb that is known as an effective whitening and
sedative. If there is couperosis on the skin (red
streaks, manifestation of fragility of blood vessels), ice is not
use, use only decoction.

Cucumber juice has no less pronounced effect than juice
parsley To help irritated skin, rub fresh vegetable on
fine grater, put on the face in the form of lotion, wrapped mashed potatoes with two
layer of gauze. Express option – wiping the face with a slice of fresh

A good anti-inflammatory effect gives sea buckthorn. You can
cook the broth or apply sea buckthorn oil made
alone or bought in a pharmacy. Can be purchased sea buckthorn
cream – it also calms and relieves irritation.

What drugs can remove redness on

To cope with irritation, buy in a pharmacy any cream or
ointment containing soothing substances. Quick effect give
funds with panthenol. Local redness from emerging
acne removes tea tree oil, salicylic acid.

With allergic redness, eczema and other skin lesions
hormone-containing products help (usually these are ointments with
cortisol). You cannot use them yourself, but by
prescribed by a doctor such products are safe and effective. There are and
non-hormonal antiallergic agents, for example, “Fenistil”,
которым можно пользоваться on their own.

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