Recipes milk biscuits для домашнегоtea party Honey, chocolate, nut and many other recipesmilk biscuits

Пт, 23 сен 2016 Автор: Марина Выходцева

Buy delicious and fresh cookies in the store is not always
it turns out.

But it is very easy to cook at home.

There will be no more question with what to drive the seagulls.

Here are assembled simple, easy, accessible recipes for cookies on

You can cook at least every day!


Cookies on milk – the general principles of cooking

Whole, sour milk may be added to the cookie dough
dry or condensed. It all depends on the selected recipe. Basically
milk is adjacent to eggs, butter, sugar and flour. But
There are interesting recipes for cookies with nuts, chocolate or
cocoa, honey, oatmeal. It is these additives that make pastries.
fragrant, unusual, help to diversify the taste.

Cookies are generally shaped by hand. First roll out the layer
desired thickness. If it is not specified in the recipe, then make your
discretion. Then the cookies are squeezed out by cuttings or a glass. Can
just cut with a knife. Products are shifted to the baking sheet, baked until
cooked in the oven.

Постой рецепт milk biscuits

Вариант рассыпчатого, но мягкого milk biscuits.
Замечательная и простая выпечка для домашнего tea party These
The ingredients are designed for one baking tray.


• 60ml milk;

• 50 g of oil;

• 2 eggs;

• 250 g of flour;

• 120 g of sugar;

• 0.5 tablespoon ripper;

• vanilla and powder.


1. Oil soften, transfer to a bowl.

2. Add sugar, one egg to it and rub it. Can взбить

3. Add flour with a ripper, vanilla and when mixing gradually.
pour in the milk. The dough will turn out thick, but soft, with a light
pressure will form a fossa.

4. Sprinkle the table with flour, roll out the bed. Make thickness seven

5. Figure out the clearings or ordinary glass squeeze
biscuit. Can просто порезать на квадратики, прямоугольники или
other figures.

6. Transfer to a baking sheet, but not tightly. Between the cookies should
stay distance.

7. Оставшееся яйцо взбейте вилочкой, смажьте biscuit.

8. Put 200 degrees in the oven. Bake a quarter

Рецепт milk biscuits «Анюта» с творогом и овсяными

Незатейливый рецепт полезного milk biscuits с овсянкой и
cottage cheese. It is advisable to use accelerated cooking flakes.


• Sugar 250 g;

• a glass of milk;

• 0.5 packs of oil;

• cocoa 5 spoons;

• soda 1 tsp;

• a pack of cottage cheese;

• egg;

• 1 scoop of starch;

• 1 spoonful of flour;

• Hercules 2 glasses.


1. Remove the oil in advance to soften it. If suddenly not
have time, then you can put in the microwave on the mode
defrosting products.

2. Boil the milk, pour the oatmeal. Stir periodically,
so that the moisture is evenly distributed. Оставьте на полhours

3. Add sugar, egg, slaked soda, flour with starch and
softened butter, stir. At first it will be difficult
but then the sugar will melt, the dough will become thinner.

4. Pound the curd with cocoa powder and add to the dough.
It remains only to stir well.

5. Cover the baking sheet with parchment, add butter.

6. Вылейте тесто тонким слоем около пяти millimeters.

7. Выпекайте на 180 градусах около полуhours

8. Hot cookies must be removed from the oven, quickly cut.
squares until it hardened. After cooling, decorate

Рецепт milk biscuits с джемом

Рецептура milk biscuits, которое очень напоминает курабье.
From these products, an average of 70-80 pieces will turn out. It’s a lot. With
the need to proportionally reduce the amount of ingredients in


• 450 ml of milk;

• 800-1000 g of flour;

• oil 150 g;

• soda 7 g;

• 3 eggs;

• sugar 200 g;

• some jam;

• vanilla.


1. Butter the butter or take the margarine.

2. Beat eggs and sugar, add butter, add vanilla and

3. Влейте молоко, stir.

4. Soda extinguish, add to the total mass.

5. Now it’s the turn of flour. Its quantity depends on the size of the eggs,
fat oils. Pour in enough to make it thick and soft.

6. Divide the mass into several parts.

7. Roll the cake about one centimeter, squeeze the cookies,
put it on a baking sheet.

8. Similarly form the products from the rest of the dough, not
forgetting to add trim.

9. Mash the jam until smooth.

10. In each cookie, make the hole any convenient object.
drop some jam.

11. Bake cookies at 180.

Рецепт milk biscuits «Сахарное»

Бюджетная рецептура milk biscuits. If there is no baking powder, then
Replace with soda, dividing the amount in half. That is, you will need
about six grams.


• 200 ml of milk;

• 3 yolks;

• 12 g ripper;

• half a kilo of flour;

• egg white;

• 150 + 50 g sugar.


1. Spread three egg yolks with sugar. Pour 150 grams,
the rest will be used for dressing.

2. Добавьте молоко, stir.

3. Add half the flour, then the ripper. Stir and enter
the rest is flour. Roll the ball out of dough. Shift on spiked
flour table.

4. Roll the layer of any thickness. The thinner the cookie, the
crunchy will. For soft cookies, do not roll

5. Squeeze the cookies.

6. Transfer to a greased baking sheet.

7. Whip the protein, brush the stuff on top. Use for this

8. Now sprinkle cookies with sugar. Well, if it is large.
Can взять коричневый сахар, получится еще лучше.

9. Bake in the oven.

10. Put in a stove heated to 180 degrees, cook from 10
up to 15 minutes, look at the color of your cookie.

Рецепт milk biscuits «Арахисовое»

For this baking, you need peanuts, but you can use
any other nuts. It is very important that the kernels are raw. If they
пожарены, но сгорят быстрей, чем приготовится само biscuit.


• butter (margarine) 100 g;

• 100 g of milk;

• peanuts 2/3 cup;

• 1 cup of sugar;

• 1 egg;

• 2.5-3 Art. flour;

• ripper package.


1. Арахис порубите, добавьте ложку сахара, stir.

2. Mix milk and sugar, bring to a boil, cool.
Get a milky syrup.

3. Whip the softened butter and the egg, add the boiled milk.
Pour in small portions, constantly beat. Otherwise the mixture is not
connect, oil will be taken lumps.

4. Now add flour, but not all. Add 1.5 cups at once.
и рыхлитель, stir. Rate the consistency. Add more flour,
to make the dough thick.

5. Roll the ball out of the dough, sprinkle with flour, roll it with a rolling pin.
flat cake.

6. Take molds, squeeze out free-form cookies and
size. Immediately transfer to the baking sheet, leaving between
products of at least two centimeters.

7. Pour water into the bowl, take a brush and spread it on top.
все biscuit. Can использовать молоко или белок.

8. Withсыпьте арахисом, смешанным с сахаром.

9. Bake milk cookies at 200 degrees until rosy

Рецепт milk biscuits с какао «Минутка»

A wonderful recipe for milk cookies with chocolate flavor.
Preparing baking is really very fast, fully justifies
your name.


• 150 g of sugar;

• 70 ml of milk;

• 300 г flour;

• 1.5 tablespoons of cocoa;

• butter (or milk margarine) 200 g;

• 1 tsp. ripper;

• Powder a pair of spoons.


1. Put the butter in a bowl, add sugar and whisk with a mixer
just a minute

2. Gradually add the milk to the butter, starting in droplets.

3. Add flour mixed with one spoon of cocoa and ripper.
Замесите dough.

4. Immediately roll the layer. Make it thicker from four to seven.
millimeters thinner is not worth it.

5. Порежьте тесто ножом на ромбики, put it on a baking sheet.

6. Bake at 200 degrees until ready. It takes minutes

7. Cool the cookies on the baking sheet.

8. Mix the powder and the remnants of cocoa powder, sprinkle with cookies.
from above.

Рецепт milk biscuits с медом

For this cookie, besides whole milk, you will need
natural honey It is necessary to focus on its quality. If the product
artificial, then baking will not work fluffy and airy.


• 3 spoons of honey;

• 100 g of oil;

• 100 g of sugar;

• 60 ml of milk;

• 1 egg;

• 400 г flour;

• 5 g ripper.


1. Oil must be removed from the refrigerator in advance. Put it in
bowl with sugar, whisk.

2. Combine the egg with milk, blab and gradually add
in whipped butter, stir thoroughly all this time. Can это
make a mixer.

3. Now enter honey. If it is liquid, then add just like that.
If candied, pre-melt in a water bath.

4. Beat the dough with the mixer for the last time, remove

5. Now pour the flour ripper. Knead by hand.
Cinnamon is well combined with honey dough, you can add a pinch
at this stage.

6. Уберите в холодильник на полhours

7. Take out the dough, roll out the cake, cut the honey

8. Spread out on a baking sheet, bake at 180 degrees to
readiness The cookies will turn out quite dark due to the addition

Milk Cookies – Tips and Tricks

• Sand dough does not like prolonged stirring with flour. From
This cookie will become hard. With добавлении муки, достаточно
stir the mass for a few seconds. Make ingredients easy
connected, the flour must be sifted.

• Any, even the simplest, cookies will be more fun if
glue 2 pieces together. For interlayer can be used
jam, chocolate paste, condensed milk or any cream.

• In order for the oil to easily absorb the liquid, add it
in small portions. First, the milk pours in droplets. how
only the bulk will become more liquid, you can start up a little
trickle. If you just pour a liquid mixture into the oil, it will peel off,
dough fails.

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