Protein shakes at home – asto cook

For gaining good physical shape – be it weight loss, set
or weight retention, nutrition plays an important role. That you know.

Protein shakes will help make your diet effective – mixes
with high protein concentration. They are produced as a finished product.
soluble powder, but it is not necessary to run after it in
sports nutrition store. Protein shakes can be easily
to cook самостоятельно в домашних условиях из доступных
ingredients. The recipes are very simple and very tasty.


Cocktail consists of

– bases: milk, yogurt, kefir or other fermented milk product
(can be whey) – the protein part: cottage cheese, curd cheese,
milk powder, protein powder – vitamins: fruit – flavoring
additives: honey, vanilla, chocolate, etc.

The protein drink recipe depends on the end goal you



Protein plays a very important role for the body in the period of weight loss,
it saturates well and for a long time, gives energy and does not allow
decrease muscle mass. Protein shake cooked in
home conditions will help reduce the caloric content of the entire diet, and
supplements provide the body with vitamins.

You can use cocktails in different ways – you can replace them
dinners and desserts, and you can arrange on protein cocktails
fasting days. Here are some cocktail recipes to reduce.

Mix “Sibarit”

Ideal for fasting day due to high
protein content. To prepare a cocktail for the whole day,
you will need:

– 300-400 g low-fat cottage cheese, – 300-400 g of fruit (any, except
high-calorie bananas, for example, plums)

The recipe is very simple – you need to chop the fruit in a blender and
mix with cottage cheese. It is better to take different fruits and berries – apples,
pears, kiwi, peaches, cherries, strawberries, etc., so the composition of the cocktail
will be more diverse. It is not forbidden to dilute the cocktail with a small
the amount of yogurt without sugar or juice. Divide all received
volume for 5 servings and savor throughout the day. In this cocktail
contains the daily protein intake for women, many vitamins and
fiber useful for digestion. Thanks to him, you are not only
lose weight, but also will look better.

Protein cocktail “Chocolate”

You can drink it instead of dessert, calorie – no more than 150 Kcal.
Mix 2 tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese with a teaspoon of honey,
a little hot water stir a spoonful of natural
cocoa mix with curd mass and, while stirring, pour 150 ml
skimmed milk. Similarly, you can make a coffee cocktail. AT
ready drink add a pinch of cinnamon or vanilla if desired, not
small (!) amount of chocolate chips is also prohibited.

Cocktail “Oatmeal”

Suitable for breakfast. ATозьмите 1-2 ст.л. oatmeal
quick-cooking, grind up with a glass of warm
milk for 10 minutes, then add half a grated apple, dining
spoon cottage cheese and mix well.

ATкус коктейля можно улучшить небольшим количеством меда или
fructose, however, do not forget that it increases
calorie content.

For weight gain

Lack of weight is also a frequent occurrence, and coping with it happens
very difficult. To gain at least a couple of kilograms, you need a good
and eat right. However, fat meat and rolls do not matter
help, you need high-quality food. Complete protein and
carbohydrates will help the body build up healthy muscle mass and not
will starve.

For weight gain необходимо «усилить» протеиновый коктейль
useful carbohydrates – bananas, dried fruits, honey, and cottage cheese with
milk does not necessarily take fat-free. Also add nuts,
corn or cereal flakes. If you have a weight deficit, then
Try snacking on tasty and healthy drinks:


Mash a ripe banana with a spoon of honey, 50 g of cottage cheese and stir
with a glass of milk.


50 g of medium fat cottage cheese diluted with a glass of warm milk,
Add a spoonful of cocoa and grate 20 g of chocolate on a fine grater.

AT коктейли для набора веса можно также добавить немного
chopped nuts.

ATы активно занимаетесь спортом

For a fitness lady, protein is nutrient No. 1, its
deficiency can greatly affect the quality of training and external
the form. Before training, you can pamper your body with a cocktail
banana to give strength and energy, and after – a light cocktail with
low-fat cottage cheese and fruit. A good option to enrich the cocktail
protein is the use of milk powder.

ATы хотите улучшить здоровье и полноценно питаться

Health nutrition is necessary for everyone, but in modern
conditions, this possibility is not at all. Protein Shakes
fill deficiencies of nutrients and vitamins. Milk protein
it is easy to digest, and if it is intolerable, milk can be easily
replace with yogurt, kefir or ryazhenka. Cottage cheese – a source of calcium and
beneficial protein. Fruits provide the body with beneficial fiber.
moisture, vitamins and minerals. Cereals – a source of useful
carbohydrates and trace elements. ATсе это в сочетании с медом и орехами –
tasty and healthy mix.

Состав коктейлей вы можете регулировать сами – одни любят
thicker, others can add a spoonful of powdered to a cocktail
концентрата, одни по душе молоко, а другим – йогурт.

Protein shake can be a good alternative to eating “outside
at home, for example, at work. Homemade cocktails in some ways
даже лучше магазинных – без добавок, а состав вы можете подбирать
themselves depending on their features. They are well digested and
easy to prepare. Of course, not as easy as opening a pack
chips, but if you value your health and appearance, then not
regret 10 minutes of time.

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