Protein-free diet – menus and recipes

  • 1 Protein-free diet – the principles of nutrition and the menu for the week
    • 1.1 For kidney disease
    • 1.2 In oncology
    • 1.3 Before spirography
    • 1.4 Slimming
  • 2 Protein-free diet for children
    • 2.1 Recipes

Another food restriction for the purpose of instant weight loss, not
harming health is a protein-free diet. She is not only
rid of excess weight, but also fill the body with all necessary
vitamins and nutrients.

How is it useful and is it worth adhering to it, consider


Protein-free diet – the principles of nutrition and the menu for the week

Несмотря на название, главный принцип питания
безбелковой диеты
– вовсе не исключение продуктов,
containing protein from the menu. On the contrary – to lose weight you need protein
consumed, but in very limited quantities.

В список разрешенных продуктов при безбелковой
weight loss diet includes:

  • wheat bread, bran;
  • soups on low-fat broth;
  • lean meat and fish;
  • eggs;
  • low-fat cottage cheese and kefir;
  • fruits vegetables;
  • cereals;
  • weak coffee and tea;
  • juices and compotes.

Что касаемо строжайших запретов при безбелковой
для похудения, в этот перечень входят:

  • meat broths;
  • salt;
  • fresh white flour bread.

If this amount of protein foods seems to you
not enough, go to a protein diet for a week, where you can
lose up to 6 kg.

Based on the above lists, with a special protein
диете для похудения можно составить следующее меню на


  • Breakfast: cottage cheese, oatmeal and jam;
  • Lunch: macaroni with cheese, milk sausages;
  • Dinner: vegetables and diet bread.


  • strawberries with cream, weak black coffee;
  • millet porridge with prunes, orange juice;
  • sandwich of rye bread and processed cheese to drink a glass
    skimmed kefir.


  • milk porridge with jam, lemon tea;
  • stewed zucchini with peppers and tomatoes, apple compote;
  • low-fat fish cakes.


  • buckwheat and kefir;
  • lettuce, carrot and cucumber;
  • banana, strawberry and kiwi combined with low-fat


  • toast with honey, coffee with cream;
  • millet porridge, tea;
  • oatmeal with milk.


  • finely chopped cabbage, cucumbers and sour cream with a glass
  • boiled rice with low-fat fish cutlets;
  • 250 grams of chicken and tomatoes.


  • carrot puree, apple compote;
  • oatmeal and milk;
  • fruit and weak black tea without sugar.

Kidney disease

Protein-free dietary restriction for weight loss usually
назначается при различного рода заболеваниях, с
to improve blood circulation and stabilize the work of organs
digestive system. A protein-free diet for the disease
нужна для сбалансированного обмена веществ.

It’s known that renal failure sooner or later
will lead to the destruction of the whole organism. Therefore, in order to avoid this
grave fate is recommended this limitation in nutrition for
losing weight

When used in the menu recommended products above
food restriction for kidney disease is not recommended
take any medications because they create an extra burden
on this body.

Diet is recommended to follow within 1-2 weeks. With
deterioration of health, reduce fasting days to 1-2 times
a week

It is necessary to eat fractional portions from 4 to 6 times a day, with
minimum calorie 3500. Limit salt, dried fruits, nuts,
bananas and cottage cheese. Potassium and phosphorus contained in them increases
load on the kidneys.

Еще к списку запрещенных стоит отнести:

  • fatty broths;
  • mushrooms;
  • chocolate;
  • radish;
  • food seasonings.

Разрешены в таком случае:

  • vegetables;
  • croup;
  • pasta;
  • compotes, jellies;
  • dairy products.

With онкологии

Наиболее распространена безбелковая диета для похудения
таком заболевании, как онкология.

A protein-free diet recipe for kidneys is not only necessary.
for weight loss, but also to restore the body after medical
procedures. After each procedure, it is recommended to eat a little
strawberry, raspberry or pomegranate. The vitamins contained in these
products help to slow the growth of cancer cells.

Главная цель ограничения для похудения при
oncology – inhibition of tumor growth and strengthening the immune system.
To do this, turn on foods like broccoli, nuts,
onions, mushrooms, tomatoes – they reduce the likelihood of cancer.
And if there is one already, it helps to improve the condition.

Food consumed in cancer should
stimulate the immune system, cleanse the body and add energy
a sick person. Запрещены жирные и
refined products. Замените их
на белокочанную капусту, рыбу, растительное и
olive oils, soybeans and mushrooms.

Before spirography

With the application of this restriction in the diet for
kidney disease for weight loss is understandable, but how
stick to a protein-free diet before spirography?

The study of the functionality of human breathing, that is, spirography
– the phenomenon is frequent and rather unpleasant. To make it easier
was to carry out this procedure, it is necessary to observe the menu
special limited meals a week before spirography. So
In this way, the body will be prepared and medical action will take place.
painless for you and for your internal organs.

Since the procedure takes place in the morning, refrain from
drinking coffee. Also two days before spirography, exclude
smoking and strong alcoholic beverages. Before the procedure itself
allowed to drink water, juices and tea.

Ensure that there are no temperature changes and exclude
physical exercise. It is also extremely necessary to exclude from the diet.
all products are orange.


If you significantly limit the menu in protein foods,
after a week you can lose weight by 2-3 kilograms.

Protein-free diet for weight loss and normalization of the kidneys
not as effective as many others, but thanks to it you will
Feel much better and avoid many side effects
which are inherent in the body during abrupt changes of the diet.

Она назначается с целью выведения из организма  шлаков и
toxins and to improve blood circulation. In no case can not
self-torture themselves, using only a fraction of the recommended products,
for the purpose of losing weight immediately to a lot of kilograms. Protein-free diet
appointed as a treatment of the body, and not to worsen
states by losing a lot of weight.

If you want to lose weight, and not just use the recommended
day-to-day foods, combine diet with sports activities,
in the form of daily morning exercises and be sure to get enough sleep.

Protein-free diet для детей

Children, this restriction in nutrition is most necessary because
their growing body needs the right balanced

With соблюдении данного пищевого ограничения для похудения и
getting rid of kidney disease, children
рекомендуется совмещать их с физическими
exercises, in the form of morning exercises and everyday walks on
fresh air.

Итак, безбелковая диета – меню на неделю для


  • Breakfast: milk porridge and strawberry jam;
  • Lunch: vegetable soup with sour cream;
  • Dinner: buckwheat, kefir.


  • toast with melted cheese, a glass of ryazhenka;
  • citrus in combination with yogurt;
  • Kiwi and orange fresh.


  • boiled egg, unsweetened tea with lemon;
  • millet porridge, dried fruits;
  • vegetables and lettuce.


  • buckwheat, boiled egg and kefir;
  • oatmeal with prunes and dried apricots;
  • boiled rice, apple juice.


  • tomato steam omelet, fresh orange;
  • soup with lean meatballs;
  • dried fruits.


  • toast with jam, a glass of milk;
  • cottage cheese with sour cream, weak black tea;
  • low-fat fish cakes with kefir.


  • scrambled eggs with greens, carrot juice;
  • cabbage, cucumbers and tomatoes;
  • buckwheat and herbal tea.


Of course, as in other dietary restrictions with
заболевании почек, рецепты для диеты безбелковой
have a place to be. Consider the most useful ones:

Eggplant Salad

Ingredients: 5 eggplants, 2 liters of water, 450 grams of sugar,
3 tablespoons of sunflower oil, 2 teaspoons of vinegar and
a pinch of salt.

  • add salt, sugar and sunflower oil to the water and
  • then add vinegar and eggplants;
  • cook for 15 minutes;
  • cut boiled eggplants into cubes and fill with sunflower

Carrot Salad with Honey

Ingredients: 3 carrots, a tablespoon of honey, an apple and 250 grams
low-fat yogurt, celery.

  • grate carrot and apple and chop celery, mix these
  • mix yogurt and honey and fill with this mixture salad.

Вышеуказанный рецепт наиболее эффективен для losing weight

Vegetable pickle

Ingredients: 4 pickled cucumbers, 2 potatoes, carrot, 100 grams
rice, a pinch of parsley leaves and the same amount of dill, onion, 2
bay leaves

  • chop the potatoes and throw in boiled water;
  • next “put in” finely chopped carrots, parsley and
  • peel cucumbers and cut into large pieces;
  • add cucumbers to the soup.
  • continue cooking for 10 minutes.

All the above recipes are suitable for getting rid of all.
kidney diseases and perfectly eliminate hunger.

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