Problem skin causes, care, cleansing andtreatment

Tue, Mar 29, 2016


Problem skin – what is it and what are the reasons

In cosmetology, there are four main skin types –
combined, oily, normal and dry. Functioning
skin of the same person throughout life
changes more than once. Many factors affect skin
which can turn normal, or, for example, dry skin, into
problematic. Peeling, redness appear on its surface,
age spots, freckles, black spots, enlarged pores, purulent
rashes and other troubles. Main reasons
проблемной кожand являются
:- гормональная перестройка
organism; – stress, nervous system failure; – off season, poor
ecology; – bad habits; – food preferences (use
spicy, fatty, salty foods, smoked foods, etc.); – hereditary
predisposition; – disorders of the digestive tract (gastrointestinal
tract); – the wrong choice of cosmetics (not
corresponds to the type of skin); – poor nutrition
(unbalanced, poor nutrition, eating foods with
high content of food additives, preservatives, use
medicines). Problems with the skin can be as temporary,
and permanent, but in any case, many unpleasant
minutes The desire of owners of such skin is quite understandable, as soon as possible.
bring her back to normal. To get rid of the problem from the inside,
it is necessary to find out and eliminate the cause of the disaster.
At the same time continuing to fight with her and outside.

How to care for problem skin

The two most common types of problem skin are dry.
sensitive and overly fat. Sensitive has a pretty
thin protective lipid layer, irritated or covered with rash
from contact with wool, synthetic clothing, hard water,
cosmetic products. In fatty, on the contrary, excessive lipid
layer. This skin is constantly shiny, has acne, enlarged pores,
which quickly become clogged with sebaceous secretions. Care for dry
sensitive and oily skin is needed in different ways.

Dry Sensitive Problem Skin: Cleansing

Problem sensitive skin requires daily cleansing. But
they do not need to abuse so as not to thin already small
защandтный layer. In the morning, just wash your face with plain water or
rub alcohol-free tonic. Tones skin very well
cover lemon tonic. It is easy to make at home.
Squeeze juice from lemon (1/2 pcs.), Add boiled water (50ml) and
glycerin (1 tsp), mix everything thoroughly. Keep refrigerated.
If, after washing with water from the tap, the face tightens,
water should be replaced spring, filtered or mineral.
Sometimes cleansing with water is not enough. If oily skin
can be washed with soapy water, then dry soap does not tolerate.
It is recommended to use cosmetic cleansers.
from the series for sensitive skin or folk recipes. Mix
on a teaspoon of honey and vegetable oil, add a large
spoon low-fat milk. Apply the mixture on wet skin,
Massage in a circular motion, rinse with warm water.
Sensitive problematic skin does not tolerate mechanical damage.
– cleansing with scrubs, brushes, washcloths. But здесь есть одно
Exception: Mild oatmeal peeling is allowed. He is not
It will only cleanse the skin of the shells, but it will soften and nourish it.
It will take a handful of natural oatmeal – muesli not
fit, you need to take the usual “Hercules.” Pour boiling water over them to
вода покрыла верхнandй layer. After 15 minutes, apply some steamed
flakes on face, massage for a minute, rinse. The second part of the flakes
нанестand в вandде маскand and подержать десять minutes Wash off with warm water.
Abuse peeling should not be enough to apply once a
seven to ten days.

Oily problem skin: cleansing

To cleanse oily problem skin, you must have in your arsenal
improvised means – a brush, washcloth or sponge for the face. With their
using better cleansed skin, it is more convenient to massage and distribute
on the face means for washing. Clean with plain water.
face from sebaceous secretions impossible. Therefore it is necessary
use cosmetic cleansers designed to
oily skin or acidify with water for washing. In a liter of water you need
add a teaspoon of vinegar (6%), lemon juice or a pinch
citric acid. Five minutes before washing problem skin, not
It is forbidden to wipe the face with kefir or whey. So light
the mask will help to clear it better. After washing problematic fat
skin must be wiped with tonics that have a matting or
astringent action. The easiest – from green tea. Table spoon
green tea brew in boiling water (200ml). When the tea has cooled,
add lemon juice or vodka (2 tablespoons). Instead of green tea
You can brew herbs – sage, calendula, cornflower, St. John’s wort. AT
hot time can be cleaned and refreshed skin with normal dry white
wine, rubbing his face several times a day. Peel skin off
greasy traffic jams and black dots easily using drinking soda. AT
soda add water enough to get a thick mush. Apply
on her face, massage with a brush or washcloth, rinse. To pores
well opened, the face before cleansing is recommended
pre-steam, i.e. hold for about 15 minutes over boiling
water, covered his head with a towel. Do not stoop low over
boiling water to not burn yourself.

Masks for problem skin

After cleansing, proceed to the next moment of care.
problem skin – masks. With their помощью можно снять раздраженandе,
reduce flaking, nourish the skin with moisture or, conversely, dry it,
If you want to. You can buy ready-made masks that eliminate skin
problems, or cook them at home. Mask applied
Only on clean skin. Always freshly prepared
composition – it has the best effect, so in the finished form of the mask
Do not store and prepare immediately before application.

Masks for problem dry skin

To help moisturize the skin mask of flaxseed. Flax Seed (1
tablespoons) pour water (200ml), boil over low heat until
thickening. Spread warm gruel on the skin. Wash off after 15
minutesTo смягчandть кожу and andзбавandться от шелушенandя, без олandвковой
masks can not do. You just need to wipe the face with olive oil.
Спустя полчаса удалandть его остаткand бумажной салфеткой.ATыровнять
complexion and nourish the skin will be able to mask of fat sour cream and
parsley Sour cream needs a natural, rustic. Parsley
grind into mush, mix with sour cream. Mask put on the skin on
30 minutes after wash off. To remove irritation you can make masks
from potatoes. The simplest is from raw. Finely rub the peeled
potato, add a spoonful of vegetable oil. Blend needed
оставandть на лandце на 15 minutesМаска andз желтка and сметаны не только
eliminate irritation, but also nourishes the skin with beneficial substances.
Yolk mixed with orange juice (grapefruit) – 2 tsp, oily
sour cream or cottage cheese (2 tsp.) and vegetable oil (1 tsp.).
Наложandть массу на лandцо на 20 minutes

Masks for oily skin problem

To reduce pore size, it is recommended to make masks based on
egg whites, they have on the skin a tightening effect. TO
squirrel whipped in foam add a spoon (table) of dry white wine.
Apply on face for ten minutes, rinse with cold water. ATесной andлand
in summer, dry white wine can be replaced with fresh dandelion leaves.
This mask relieves inflammation, prevents the appearance of acne.
Chop the leaves, just need 3 tablespoons, mix with whipped
protein. Массу наложandть на кожу лandца на пятнадцать minutes To
get rid of acne and acne, to beaten egg whites
You need to add 10 drops of camphor alcohol. On the face mask to keep
until completely dry. Then rinse with water. Clay mask cleanse
pores, nourishes the skin, eliminate shine. Need white or blue clay
(can be bought at the pharmacy). Brew green tea. TOогда остынет,
pour clay over them (2 tbsp). Mass density should resemble
sour cream. Add olive oil (1 tsp.). Apply слой маскand на
лandцо на трandдцать minutes Wash off with water. Problem oily skin attached
face grayish tint. To лandцо осветлandть, можно сделать маску
на основе зеленand parsley Finely chopped greens (2 tbsp.),
kefir (2 tbsp.) and lemon juice or fresh cucumber (1 tbsp.) mix.
To distribute mix on the person, after 15 minutes to wash away.


Tanya 06/13/2016 I like clay masks, not bad in general for
such a price. As for the procedures themselves, which I do
devices, ultrasonic cleaning, blood vessels clean reddened – effect
better, but also the price, of course, bites. Now there are a bunch of training
centers, students do, but under the supervision of teachers. Cheap and
сердandто, в TOandеве рекомендую TOосмо-трейд, там у нandх куча всего. and
главное стоandмость только за копейкand ATandкуся 02.04.2016 Протandрать
dry skin with green tea is very helpful. TOожа прямо преобразуется,
становandтся гладкой, пandтается. И маслом олandвковым я тоже протandраю
лandцо. Еслand не ленandтся, то можно and не замечать проблем с кожей,
просто регулярно ее поддержandвать. ATлада 02.04.2016 ATот точно –
жandрная кожа прandдает сероватый оттенок! I generally without tonal
крема нand мandнуты не жandву. Даже, когда просто дома нахожусь and
то…Попробую обязательно маску на зеленand parsley Right now!
Очень хочется уже andзбавandться от необходandмостand в тонаке. ATелла
02.04.2016 ATсе равно, я счandтаю, что сухая кожа гораздо сложнее в
уходе, а еслand она еще and чувствandтельная… То просто – жуть. To me
хорошо помогают овсяные хлопья, онand вообще ко всем тandпам кожand
fit И дают прекрасный цвет лandца. Ирandна 02.04.2016 Пробовала я
делать маскand andз голубой глandны… ATообще – не мое. Абсолютно нand
какого эффекта, как-будто and не делала нand чего. My mom does
такую маску, так у нее сразу вandдно – and помолодеет, and поры
уменьшаются, and кожа ровнее.

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