Preparations for increasing muscle mass: whom andwhen needed


  • Preparations for fitness lovers
  • Sports nutrition
  • Anabolic steroids and their harm

Do we need drugs for muscle mass? It all depends on
understanding of the subject. Not a person competing in bodybuilding
most of them need nothing. Fitnessists fit amino acid and
protein supplements as well as various drugs to improve
providing muscle with blood. But steroid drugs him completely
to nothing. You need to understand that most of what allows
effectively build up mass, quite significantly intervenes in
human hormones. Therefore it is necessary to divide the drugs on
suitable for wellness training and not suitable.


Pharmaceutical preparations for fitness

  • Riboxin

This medicine is known as a heart medicine.
failure. It improves the functioning and nutrition of the heart muscle. On
muscles, its use also has a positive effect – it accelerates a little
anabolic processes and recovery. Riboxin можно включать
as when working on muscle mass, and drying, because he protects
overload our heart.

  • Potassium Orotate

The drug has a weak anabolic activity. Him
used in order to improve cellular metabolism. It affects
the body and complex – causes an increase in appetite, therefore
useful “in bulk”. For those who seek to be dried, the orotat may
to be useful as an assistant in the great work of keeping muscles on

  • Panangin

This drug enhances blood circulation and contributes to
muscle blood. It turns out a good pumping effect (pumping), and more
quick recovery after exercise. Actually
Panangin does not increase muscle, but accelerates their metabolic processes,
which gives a positive effect with adequate nutrition and competently
organized training process.

  • Glutamic acid

This is an amino acid that is used by the body to synthesize
squirrel. Filling its deficit contributes to normal
recovery after exercise, and allows us to grow
big muscles. Glutamic acid важна и для иммунитета, так как
its use here will contribute to normal
body resistance to various infections.

  • succinic acid

Has no direct effect on muscle growth, but contributes to more
rapid cellular metabolism. In the presence of other factors –
normal hormones, enough sleep, good
training plan – helps recover from physical
loads very significantly.

Sports nutrition preparations for muscle growth

  • BCAA

Branched-chain amino acids are the “fuel” for
building muscle and building material at the same time. During
training they increase the level of energy, after its completion –
contribute to a quality offensive recovery. Reduce to
there is no loss of muscle on drying, it helps to grow in weight, in general, it is
drug required by all. Можно найти BCAA в таблетках или
powder to dissolve in water.

  • Creatine

Creatine участвует в процессе преобразования энергии в мышцах и
helps to increase their contractile activity. Enough
the amount of creatine contributes to faster growth of strength, this
The product of sports nutrition is quite useful for strength
athletes, and for those who want to increase essential
mass of

  • Proteins

Complete Protein Supplements, Protein Isolate, Albumin and
casein helps to compensate for the lack of protein in the normal diet. we
we can take protein after training, or in the morning on an empty stomach to
start classes to get enough energy.

  • Myostatins

Myostatins — класс новых спортивных добавок, который должен
lead to an increase in muscle mass, but the effect of myostatins is not yet
studied. They must make the anabolic potential of the cells
unlimited, without affecting the hormones and is not doping.
Myostatins можно найти во всех линейках спортивного питания, но об
their effectiveness today is controversial.

  • Tribulus preparations

Tribulus and his drugs will be interesting, above all,
men These supplements increase the natural level of testosterone and
contribute to increased metabolism. They speed up
muscle recovery and allow you to get rid of lethargy and fatigue in
life. Tribulus preparations не содержат синтетический тестостерон и
are not doping. They just help uncover the genetic
full potential.

  • ZMA

It is a zinc sports supplement that improves sleep and enhances
growth hormone secretion and testosterone. Athletes should be treated
к приему ZMA осмотрительно, некоторые бренды содержат также
green tea extract with a stimulating effect and
disturbing sleep All this does not allow to take a supplement at bedtime and
requires the selection of another brand.

Anabolic steroids, amateur sport and muscle

The use of anabolic steroids in amateur sports
considered unjustified. Да, weight от всех этих препаратов придет,
undoubtedly, but the effects of steroids are systemic, not to
end are studied, and in the case of the female hormonal system in general
unpredictable. Many have heard that steroid drugs
increase muscle mass almost without training and start them
take too early before the birth of children and the onset of mature
age Then the risk of acquiring negative consequences

It should be understood that all anabolic steroids affect
hormonal background. For women, they “introduce” quantities that are alien to them.
testosterone, which can lead to:

  • appearance of male body hair and baldness
  • changes in the tone of voice, and they are
  • the appearance of acne, rash;
  • fluid retention and significant weight gain;
  • mood swings, seizures not controlled
  • headaches, high blood pressure.

In this case, post-course therapy for women is also
endocrinological mystery. Many at the end of the course are
not slender relief beauties, but “drenched”, with acne and
disturbed hormonal background.

It is proved that the reproductive system after drinking
anabolic steroids in women is restored at least a year, and
this whole period is better not to think about the birth of children.

Many after such a set of muscle mass are faced with
«откатом», то есть weight не держится, мышцы уменьшаются в объеме
fast enough, and everything comes to its original state. Eventually,
a person is faced with a choice – either periodically apply
drugs courses and continue so almost all my life, either
to accept the fact that the result will not be permanent and unstable.

In the set of muscle mass are not only important and not so much drugs
how much training, nutrition and recovery. If a lover
practicing 3-4 times a week in the gym without skips, and eating “on
mass, can not gain 500 g per month, he does something wrong.
Most likely, the training load for him is minimal, and the power
– not enough. Either there is an excess of valid
training load and not optimal distribution
macronutrients. Most often, a fitness lover really
enough multivitamins, fish oil and regular food to gain
mass of

Article prepared by Anna Tarskaya (trainer, nutritionist)

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