Potato “Accordion” in the oven – the beauty ofyou just! Recipes картошки «Гармошка» с салом, мясом, грибами,овощами, sour cream

Ср, 30 мар 2016 Автор: Марина ATыходцева

Potato “Accordion” is not only very beautiful, but also simple
in cooking dish.

This is exactly the option when you want to do something unusual,
but there is no opportunity to purchase delicacies.

For your attention a selection of fillings for potato-harmonicas and
features cooking in the oven.


Potato “Accordion” in the oven – general principles

For this dish you need to choose even, preferably large and
oblong potatoes. Then they need to be peeled and cut.
transverse slices, but do not reach with a knife to the end. Should
get a kind of fan that will need
stuff it up.

What can be used for the filling:

• lard and meat;

• sausages and smoked meats;

• vegetables;

• cheese and other dairy products;

• spices and ready-made sauces.

Filled tubers are baked in the oven. Potatoes can
put in foil or just lay out in shape. It all depends
on the size of the potato, the type of filling and recipe. But if needed
get a soft and juicy dish, it is best to bake it in foil. AT
in open form, it turns out to be drier, but you can fry it until
golden brown crust. Often combine both ways.

Recipe 1: Potatoes “Accordion” in the oven with bacon

ATсего несколько картофелин и кусок сала — это то, что нужно для
preparations красивого и очень аппетитного блюда для ужина.
ATкуснее будет, если использовать сало с мясными прослойками.


• 4 potatoes;

• 150 grams of fat;

• a little dill (you can take dry herbs);

• garlic clove;

• salt, pepper.


1. ATыбираем ровные картофелины продолговатой формы и аккуратно
remove the skin. Cut into slices, not reaching the end 4
millimeter. Width of slices do at its discretion. If you want to
get fatter potatoes, then do it more often and put more

2. Salo cut into cubes, suitable in width to the potatoes.
Then across thin plates.

3. Chop finely dill, also a clove of garlic, add to
fragrant mixture of salt and a little pepper.

4. Now you need to rub the potatoes with spices from all sides.
Carefully working through each pocket.

5. ATставляем в прорези кусочки сала, желательно в каждый

6. Take a piece of foil and wrap each potato. The edges
Foil just lift and twist the top.

7. We send to be baked in the oven. Cooking at 180 degrees.
Large potatoes will take about 45 minutes, medium enough
35. Then we take out, unfold the foil and fry until ruddy
crust, here you can already increase the temperature to 220.

Recipe 2: Harpotas in the oven with sausage

The fat content of the potato — harmonicas with sausage is less than with lard,
the taste is very much nothing! ATместо колбасы можно использовать ветчину,
wieners and other similar products. It also doesn’t matter
they are smoked or boiled, with or without bacon. Let’s bake in
form all the tubers at once.


• potato;

• sausage;

• vegetable oil;

• spices;

• greenery.


• Peel the tubers into slices to make

• Chop greens, mix with vegetable oil, put salt and
other spices. Rub the prepared tubers.

• Slice the sausage and fill the potatoes.

• We put in the greased form, preferably deep.

• Stretch a piece of foil on top and bake in the oven near
half an hour. If the tubers are large, then you can leave for longer.

• We take out, remove the foil, lubricate the potatoes again with oil.
Conveniently and quickly it can be done with a silicone brush.

• Again send in the oven and now bring to full
readiness, fry until ruddy color.

Recipe 3: Potatoes “Accordion” in the oven with cheese and garlic

ATариант вегетарианской картошки-гармошки в духовке, для которой
понадобится твердый сыр и немного garlic. It will be very
aromatic and appetizing dish with amazing cheese crust.


• 3 large tubers;

• 120 grams of butter;

• 2 tablespoons dry parsley;

• 3 cloves of garlic;

• 200 grams of cheese;

• salt and pepper;

• some oil grows. for the form.


1. Peeled and well washed tubers are cut with harmonicas, as
This was done in previous recipes.

2. For the filling, chop the garlic cloves, throw in a bowl. Add
softened but not melted butter. We throw greens
parsley and spices.

3. Now rub a third of the cheese chips and add to the fragrant
the contents of the bowl. Mix well with a fork.

4. Cut the rest of the cheese into thin rectangles.

5. Теперь начиняем кармашки accordions. AT один закладываем
flavored mass, and the other just a piece of cheese and so on.

6. Shift cooked tubers in a greased form and bake
40 minutes at 190 degrees. But we focus on readiness and
take into account the capabilities of your stove. If the potato starts
fry ahead of time, but inside will be raw, the form can be
cover up.

Recipe 4: Potatoes “Accordion” in the oven with mushrooms and bacon

Mushroom harmonica potatoes are super delicious! Will use
ordinary champignons. Choose smooth and dense mushrooms with
closed hats. A juicy dish will add fat, take any.


• 6 potatoes;

• 100 grams of mushrooms;

• 200 grams of fat;

• seasoning for potatoes;

• vegetable oil.


1. From prepared tubers form cuts in the form

2. Cut the mushrooms in thin slices. Thick slices not
do it no good.

3. Salo is also cut into thin slices. But if you love, then
can and plump pieces. It is very fried

4. We rub potatoes with spices, alternately fill with slices
mushrooms and bacon. But a piece of champignon before laying need
wetted in vegetable oil.

5. If pieces of some product remain, then it is possible in one
cut put mushrooms together with bacon, no big deal.

6. Send the stuffed tubers in the form or sealed in
foil. Choose the most convenient way.

7. We bake 40-50 minutes at 180 until ready. At will in
late fry at a higher temperature.

Recipe 5: Potatoes “Accordion” in the oven with meat

For cooking meat harmonicas need minced meat. Can
use absolutely any. But it is better to take home minced from
personally twisted meat, with fat and onions, not very
small. And the toga dish will turn out amazing!


• 5 potatoes;

• 200 grams of minced meat;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• 2 tablespoons sour cream;

• spices;

• 100 grams of cheese.


1. Prepare and chop the potatoes. How to do it, you can
look in the recipes above.

2. In the stuffing add chopped garlic and spices, put
sour cream. It can be replaced with fat cream. Stir.

3. Stuff the pockets of the tuber stuffing.

4. We shift the potatoes in the form, cover with foil and bake
about half an hour.

5. At this time, rub a piece of cheese. Can и без него, но под
appetizing crust harmonica turns out more beautiful.

6. Take out the form, remove the foil and sprinkle with grated tubers

7. Send bake again and fry until it appears.
beautiful crust. Serve on the table while the dish is hot.

Recipe 6: Spicy Potato “Harmonica” in the oven with spices and

The recipe is very fragrant and bright potatoes, which will rescue any
the mistress Especially in times of crisis. The cost of the dish is minimal, and
the result is superb!


• 1 carrot;

• 5 potatoes;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• black pepper;

• ground paprika;

• turmeric;

• salt;

• dill;

• 200 ml cream or sour cream.


1. Prepare the tubers in the standard way, make neat

2. We rub carrots on a fine grater, you can immediately cut slices with it
garlic. Stir, season with spices, put a couple of spoons

3. Fill the pockets with the minced meat and send the tubers to
form. It should not be too large in diameter.

4. In the remaining cream put more spices and pour 100 ml of water,
stir and pour the potatoes in the form.

5. Bake until done. Cover is not necessary, half
the sauce will evaporate, and some will be absorbed into the tubers.

Recipe 7: Accordion Potatoes in the oven with smoked bacon and
sour cream

A variation of very juicy potatoes, for which you need a little
smoked bacon and sour cream. Instead of fat, you can also take a bit
salami, smoked ham. In any case, it will turn out decently.


• 2 potatoes;

• 50-80 grams of smoked bacon;

• 1 onion;

• 60 grams of sour cream;

• 1 clove of garlic;

• spices.


1. We make in the tubers transverse cuts.

2. Cut the lard into thin slices. Can подержать его
a little in the freezer to make it easier.

3. Finely chop the onion, also a clove of garlic and mix with
sour cream. Dress the sauce with spices.

4. Dip each plate of fat in the sauce and fill
cooked tubers.

5. We shift in the form and from above we grease with the remains of sour cream
the sauce.

6. Cover with foil and bake for half an hour, then open and
fry for about 20 minutes. Temperature is 180-190 degrees.

Potato “Accordion” in the oven – tips and tricks

• To easily and easily make cuts in potatoes and by chance
Do not get to the end, you can resort to one trick. Need to
place the peeled tuber on the plate with small sides and
arm yourself with a long knife. We make the usual cuts, and the sides are not
allow the knife to reach the end. At the same time pockets turn out
same depth.

• If young is used to make harmonicas
potatoes, then the tubers can not be cleaned, it will be even more interesting. Simply
wash them well with warm water. And if there are any concerns, then
can and pour hot water.

• Potato loves fat! Therefore, oils, lard and fatty dairy
products will never be superfluous in an accordion.

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