Pork with mushrooms … and immediately, for some reason
a clay pot is presented.
Of course, we picked up such a recipe, but a wonderful
food combinations can be prepared in many different
The dish is very nourishing and contains a lot of proteins and
calories, a great way to recharge after a hard day’s work
Especially true for spring work in the country.
Pork with mushrooms in a creamy sauce – general principles
• Cream sauce prepared on the basis of heavy cream. Therefore,
so that the dish does not turn out to be fat, it is better to take lean pieces of pork
the pulp, namely the loin or shoulder part. Interest
fat content in cream can be any, but it is worth noting that
the fatter the product, the thicker the sauce will be. Often creamy
The sauce is thickened by adding starch or flour diluted in water.
• Before cutting the meat should be well rinsed with running water.
and pat dry with a towel. You can cut into pieces of any shape,
the main thing is not to shallow. Although pork is cooked in a sauce,
Its pieces are recommended to pre-fry quickly to
crispy brown crust. This keeps all the juices in the product, and
the dish will be more juicy and softer.
• The dish will turn out to be fragrant if you take forest mushrooms, but with
their absence, you can use fresh champignons or oyster mushrooms. For
more flavor to them, you can add dried mushrooms, their only
You will need to soak in water and boil slightly.
• Pork and mushrooms go well with spices. Cream sauce
often seasoned with nutmeg, ground pepper, basil,
oregano, turmeric, saffron. Do not add spices too
a lot, otherwise they will kill the main, mushroom flavor of the dish.
• Pork with mushrooms in a creamy sauce can be cooked in
a thick-walled pan, or bake in the oven, wrapped in foil or
folded in a pot. There are recipes for this dish and for
• Such meat is well suited to boiled rice garnish,
potatoes and pasta. It can be served with fresh vegetable salads,
seasoned with vegetable oil.
Свинина с грибами в сливочном соусе — рецепт для preparations
in the pan
• fresh, medium-large champignons, oyster mushrooms – 300
gr .;
• spoon creamy, preferably homemade, butter;
• ground pepper, nutmeg powder, salt;
• 400 gr. pork (pulp);
• a glass of medium-fat cream;
• starch – 1 tsp.
Способ preparations:
1. • Cut the flesh into small pieces, as for frying.
Be sure to dry the meat before this, otherwise it will not
2. • Rinse the mushrooms thoroughly with warm water, after which, as
meat, dry well. Cut champignons large, arbitrary,
irregular shape, slices.
3. • Turn on the stove, set the heating to slightly more than average and
put the pan, put the butter and warm it up carefully.
4. • In hot, but not hot, fat, lower the pieces of pork and
fry until appetizing crust. To meat evenly
reddened, do not put a large portion at a time.
5. • Put the mushrooms to the browned meat and wait until
pans evaporated all the juice.
6. • Season with pepper and nutmeg cream, taking a sample,
salt and mix well.
7. • Pour the seasoned cream to the pork when the pieces
mushrooms in it slightly browned. Set the heat to
minimum, close the pan with the lid and continue cooking for about
half an hour. Pieces of meat should be soft and easy to pierce.
a sharp knife.
8. • Pour into a glass about 50 ml of water, dissolve starch in it.
Влейте раствор в сковороду по окончании preparations, доведите
соус до самого начала закипания и remove from heat.
Recipe for pork with mushrooms in a creamy sauce with cheese
• fresh pork pulp – half a kilo;
• 200 gr. �”Russian”, you can slightly stale, cheese;
• half a liter of 22% cream;
• 300 gr. small champignons
• a mixture of basil with oregano – 2 tbsp. l .;
• lean oil for roasting.
Способ preparations:
1. • Rinse the meat and mushrooms with water, dry.
2. • Cut the pork into small strips and cut the mushrooms into slices.
With the finest grater available, rub the cheese into the chips.
3. • Heat the oil over medium heat, dip it gently
Slice the meat and cook until all the moisture from it is evaporated.
Then, lowering the flame level slightly below average, brown the meat
from all sides.
4. • Add the mushrooms, pepper and salt, fry everything
together for about ten minutes.
5. • Pour in the cream, let them boil, then put out ten
minutes Enter chopped cheese, add herbs, stir well and
remove from heat.
6. • You can use boiled rice or potato as a side dish.
mashed potatoes.
Braised pork with mushrooms in a creamy sauce
• свежие, некрупные шампиньоны — 200 gr .;
• large bulb onion;
• 50 gr. dried mushrooms;
• refined oil;
• 15% cream – 100 ml;
• spoon of sweet cream butter.
Способ preparations:
1. • Fill dried mushrooms with water, and when they are well soaked,
squeeze and chop very finely.
2. • Cut peeled onion into thin half rings. Fry the pieces
onions in vegetable oil to transparency shift into a separate
a bowl.
3. • Cut the pork from moisture after washing and cut into
small layers of medium thickness. Fry the pieces мякоти на
medium heat in refined oil. Pork must thoroughly
lightly browned on all sides so that upon further preparation of
she did not go juice.
4. • Cut fresh mushrooms in the dried form into thin
and fry lightly in a mixture of both oils.
5. • Transfer fried champignons and chopped dried mushrooms
to meat. Add fried onions, pour in cream and some water,
in which dried mushrooms were soaked.
6. • Season the dish to taste with finely ground pepper, lightly
Salt, put the stew on slow fire. Cook occasionally
перемешивая, под крышкой не менее сорока minutes
Baked pork with mushrooms in a creamy sauce, with cheese (in
• fat cream – half a cup;
• half a kilo of pork, preferably pulp;
• 50 gr. dried mushrooms;
• сливочное, 72% масло — 25 gr .;
• spoon of highly purified oil;
• a few tablespoons of vinegar;
• 100 gr. non-spicy cheese;
• a large spoonful of flour.
Способ preparations:
1. • Before preparing the dish, you must prepare in advance
dried mushrooms. Rinse them several times and soak in water.
less than four hours. Then boil, without adding some salt water, around
quarter of an hour and decant the decoction. Leave it, it will come in handy.
2. • Cut the meat washed with running cold water into slices.
centimeter thickness. So that the pieces of pulp did not lose the juice and
remained juicy, fry them on both sides until ruddy on
vegetable oil. This should be done on intense heat, and
Pork slices should be lowered only in well-warmed fat. Not
cover with a lid.
3. • Place a large sheet of foil on a baking tray with high sides.
Calculate so that there are free edges that can
will cover the pork.
4. • Place fried pieces of meat on the foil, lightly
sprinkle them with vinegar and wrapping the edges of the foil on the meat,
place in the oven (180 degrees) for about half an hour.
5. • While the meat is baking, there is time to make the sauce.
Boiled mushrooms cut into small pieces.
6. • Melt butter in a thick-walled skillet. Cast off
in a glass of 50 ml of mushroom broth, dilute the flour in it and pour
mix to oil, stir. Immediately add the chopped mushrooms,
Pour in the cream, season with pepper. Add a little salt,
Stir and let the sauce simmer for two minutes.
7. • Remove from the oven a baking sheet with meat, carefully expand
Layer the foil and put on the pork sauce. Sprinkle everything crushed.
put on a large grater with cheese and, without covering with foil, put back into
oven for a quarter of an hour or a little less.
Recipe for pork with mushrooms in a cream sauce for the slow cooker
• lean pork pulp (sirloin or shoulder part) – 450
gr .;
• three small slices of garlic;
• 200 ml medium fat cream;
• 300 gr. fresh or frozen champignons;
• flour of any kind, white – two spoons;
• medium bulb;
• highly refined oil, vegetable oil;
• turmeric, ground pepper, saffron, allspice,
Способ preparations:
1. • Rinse the pork, remove the tendons and films from the meat and
cut it into medium-sized pieces, season with spices. Bow
chop not very thin, half rings, cut garlic on tonic
plate, and best finely crumble.
2. • In the “Preheat” mode, warm several tablespoons of refined
sunflower oil. Pour onion in bowl and stir fry
him before getting a golden blush.
3. • Add the garlic plates, stirring, continue heating.
two minutes, no longer. If the garlic overcook the dish
taste bitter.
4. • Transfer meat to vegetables, and by systematically stirring,
подрумяньте его from all sides. Add mushrooms and continue frying.
in about five minutes.
5. • Put the flour in the cream and whisk well, so that there is no
lumps. Pour the cream in the bowl to the meat, a little salt, season
6. • Close the multicooker lid, switch the mode to “Quenching” and
запрограммируйте таймер на сорок minutes
7. • When serving well sprinkle such dish with greens, grinding it
and mixing.
A simple recipe for pork with mushrooms in a cream sauce in the pots
(with potato)
• two small onion heads;
• 300 gr. potatoes;
• a pound of pork trim or pulp;
• medium-sized carrot – 2 pcs .;
• 150 ml liquid, cream, fat;
• tablespoon of vegetable oil;
• 200 gr. fresh forest mushrooms;
• wheat flour – 1 tbsp. l .;
• A spoon of any sweet cream butter.
Способ preparations:
1. • Peel and cut the potatoes into small pieces,
and washed, dried mushrooms – slices, can be plates.
Chop the onion in half rings, scrape the carrot medium
a grater
2. • Rinse the meat, dry the pulp with a towel, and then
cut into pieces not as large as more potato.
3. • Put the flesh into the vegetable oil preheated in a pan and
fry until ruddy appetizing crust. Season the meat
freshly ground pepper, a little salt and mix.
4. • Prepare the sauce in parallel. In a dry frying pan until tender
cream shade warm flour. Put a piece of butter to it, and,
while it is heated, stir, bringing the mixture to homogeneity.
5. • Pour in the cream, stir well so that there are no lumps left,
boil the sauce for about a minute, salt it, season with spices and
remove from heat.
6. • To the bottom of an earthen, preferably not elongated, but as much as possible
round shape, pot, put the fried pork, sprinkle it
onions, and put potatoes on top. Pour the cream sauce,
put a layer of carrots with mushrooms and pour over the sauce again.
7. • Close the clay container with a lid and place it on a half
hours in the oven, warming it up to at least 180 degrees.
8. • Ready pork with mushrooms and potatoes in a creamy sauce
sprinkle with chopped greens.
Useful tips for cooking pork with mushrooms in cream
sauce and small tricks
• Meat will cook faster and will become softer if its pieces
slightly before frying.
• When pre-frying so that all juices are preserved in
meat, it should be reddened quickly. Therefore, lower the pieces
Only in well warmed up fat, do not lay out on a frying pan for one
once a large amount of meat and be sure to dry it after
• If cooking in a pan, after adding the cream, reduce
fire to the very minimum. No need for sauce to boil, pork should
languish in it.