Pohuev, Elena Vaenga won a majordispute

Tue, 10 Jun 2014

For a year, singer Elena Vaenga was on a diet. During this time she
lost as much as 15 pounds. Answering questions about how she
managed to lose so much in a very short time, Vaenga
посоветовала всем поdisputeить на эту тему, с каким-нибудь очень
responsible person for a large amount. And in the end, this person in
If you win, you must take the money.

На какую сумму поdisputeила Ваенга со своим концертным директором
Ruslan Sulimovski unknown. There is information that it was
big money that allowed Elena not only to become slim, but also
substantially replenish the family budget.

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