Platicodone: growing from seed, planting inopen ground. Platycodone care after planting, watering andtop dressing

Ср, 15 фев 2017 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Platicodone is a perennial plant that is represented
only one species – platycodone grandiflorus. Platicodone Buds
very similar to the balls that are revealed, turn into
charming bluebells or blue bells. Plant
platicodone can be seeds, the main thing is to choose the soil and
timely care for the plant.


Planting Platycodone Seeds

Most often, platicodone is propagated by seed. They can be sown
right in the open ground or grow seedlings.

Sowing seeds in open ground

Platicodone seeds are harvested in the summer and sown in the fall. So
the seeds will fall into a familiar environment, and their stratification will pass

The bed where the crop will be sown, dig and
align. In the flowerbed make grooves and poured seeds into them.
Place the sowing level, trying not to fall asleep much
sunflower seeds. A thick layer of soil on top of the seeds makes it difficult to germinate,
platicodone may not climb at all. Enough to sprinkle a bed
peat, a layer of which does not exceed 3 cm.

Planting platicodone seeds in open ground has some
significant disadvantages:

• shoots appear at the beginning of summer;

• seeds germinate slowly;

• seedlings lag behind in development;

• bloom occurs only in the second or third year.

Given all the shortcomings, planting platicodone spend rassadnym
in a way.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

To admire the flowering of platycodone in summer, planting seeds
carried out in early March. In advance, the seeds are subjected to pre-sowing

• place the seeds in a cloth bag;

• immerse in a container with water and soak for two days;

• put the seeds in the fridge for 12 hours.

After which the seeds are sown in a prepared soil. For
seed planting use loose and moisture-absorbing substrate. Boxes for
seedlings are filled with soil mixture and evenly distribute the seeds on
soil surface. To facilitate this process, they are mixed with
by sand. Sprinkle seeds with soil is not worth it. For прорастания им
light is needed.

After planting, moisten the soil with a spray bottle and cover the container
glass Containers are transferred to a room where the temperature is at the level
22C. Periodically, the glass is removed and irrigated soil. First shoots
visible after two weeks of germination.

Care for seedlings of platicodone at home

If you create a comfortable environment for platicodone, then grow
seedlings just.

As soon as shoots appear, glass is removed and temperature is reduced.
indoors to 15 degrees. Platycodone sprouts are fragile and tender,
require careful care.

Water the seedlings carefully, trying not to wet the soil too much,
otherwise plants will die from the black leg. To secure seedlings,
Potassium permanganate is added to the water for irrigation.

Important! Pick up young plants is carried out after
a third pair of leaves is formed.

For пикировки подбирают емкости диаметров 10 см, в которых и
grow the plant before landing in the ground. Omit the pick
can, if the seeds are sown in peat tablets.

Planting platicodone in open ground

Gentle plants are planted in a flower bed only at the end of May or
early July. It all depends on weather conditions. Platicodone bad
tolerates transplant, so the plant must immediately pick up
permanent place.

Location in the garden

The flower prefers to grow in bright and warm areas. Take away
for platicodone the sunniest place in the garden. You can also land
plant in partial shade, but areas with thick shade should be avoided.
Platicodone will develop poorly and rarely bloom.

The soil in the area where platicodone will be grown should be
loose, nutritious and well drained. The plant does not tolerate
moisture stagnation at the roots. Too dense ground is dug up, adding
in her sand. Poor soil composition enriches with wood ash and
mineral fertilizers that make a digging.

How to plant platicodone

The depth of the landing holes should be slightly larger than the pot
with seedlings. The distance between the holes in the garden is left to 25.

Before planting, the plant is well watered and carefully removed from
pot with a lump of earth. To mitigate post-transplant stress,
The bed with platicodone is well watered.

Care for platycodone in the garden

Perennial poorly take root, so it is watered daily and
Pritenut during the first weeks. After this set
the usual mode of watering – 1 time in 3 days.

Neighborhood weeds are not good for platicodone. Regularly
loosen the soil to increase root aeration and remove weeds.
Facilitate care for platycodone will help mulching thick beds
a layer of humus.

For полноценного и яркого цветения применяют top dressing
mineral fertilizers. Perennial regularly fed to
throughout the growing season 1 time per month.

At one place, platicodone is grown for up to 10 years, but for the third
year flower bed loses decoration. The plant is strongly drawn and
becomes less attractive. To avoid this, cut off
platicodone, pinch a growth point or spray it with drugs,
which slow down the development.

Platicodone Propagation

The best results are obtained by reproduction of platicodone by seeds, but
You can try cutting or dividing the bush. True for success
it is not necessary to count too much, such reproduction could not
to many.

Platicodone cuttings are carried out in spring, cutting stem
processes with two internodes. Rooting procedure nothing
different from the usual. Observe high humidity and temperature.
within 25C.

Perennial can be propagated by dividing the bush. For этого его
carefully dig and carefully examined. If rhizome
has shoots with kidneys, they are separated with a sharp knife. Then
Delenki are seated in the prepared wells. Caring for
platicodone as usual.

What to do with platicodone after flowering

After flowering perennial forms a box of seeds. Their
harvested and used for further plant growth.
You need to collect the seeds in September, when they are fully ripe.

Platicodone is a perennial plant, therefore it needs
comfortable wintering. In the autumn, after the stems dry out and
wilted, they are pruned at ground level. With the onset of cold weather
the bed is mulched with humus, peat or compost, dry

Diseases and pests

The undeniable advantage is the stability of platicodone.
to diseases. The plant is practically not affected by pests. because of
violation of the conditions of growing perennial may suffer from sulfur
rot, as a rule, it happens in rainy years. Injured
plants are sprayed with fungicides, copper sulfate solution. Through
14 days processing is repeated. Heavily decayed plants

The greatest harm to platicodone is delivered by moles and rodents, which
damage the taproot of the plant. Use different methods
to scare them off the plot.

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