Planting stock roses with seeds: sowing time,rules for growing seedlings. How to care for stock-rose: fightingpests

Чт, 09 мар 2017 Автор: Юлия Кривенко

Stock-rose or mallow – familiar to all the plant.
Today, breeders have deduced many varieties of this beautiful
flowers that differ in size and shape of the bush

In the garden more often grow two-year-old mallow, which requires
special care only at the beginning of the growing season. How to care for
stock rose so that it pleases with its flowering throughout


Planting stock roses with seeds (photo)

The flower is propagated by seeds that are sown immediately in the open
ground or seedlings. Each method has its own characteristics, which
need to know.

How to grow sprouts mallow

Growing mallow through seedlings allows you to admire the flowering
in the same season, therefore, this method is most in demand among

Planting seeds for seedlings is carried out at the end of February or at the beginning
March, then the plant will bloom in the second half of summer.

Mallow refers to unpretentious colors, but to the composition of the soil
demanding. For seedlings you can buy ready-made shop.
substrate or do it yourself:

• garden land – 2 parts;

• river sand – 1 part;

• humus – 1 part.

All components are mixed to get loose and
breathable primer.

Growing seedlings is better in separate peat pots,
but you can do with improvised means: boxes, trays or
cups. The main rule when planting stock-roses is not
makes transplants, so containers should be designed for one

Tanks filled with prepared soil mixture, slightly
tamp it down and moisten it. Seeds close up at a depth of 1.5-2
see, well sprinkled with earth. After planting containers covered with glass
or pack to provide optimal conditions for germination

Important! Observe the temperature conditions
The air in the room should warm up to 20 degrees.

As soon as the seeds germinate, the glass or bag is removed and the pots
put up on the most illuminated place. Malva needs bright
light, if the lighting is insufficient, then the shoots will stretch.

Caring for seedlings stock roses is simple, the main thing is to water
plants, nothing else is needed. Malva does not need
additional feedings and any treatments. Water the seedlings
as the soil dries, trying not to wet the soil too much.

When the seedlings get stronger, they are transferred to the open ground. With
planting stock roses need to act carefully, trying not to
damage its root system. If the plant was grown in
peat cup, it is planted right in it. Otherwise
seedlings are removed along with a clod of earth.

Sowing seeds in open ground

For beginners in gardening, it is better to plant a seed-rose in seeds immediately in
open ground, because as a transplant the plant tolerates poorly.
However, with this method of growing flowering will occur only in
next year.

Seeds are sown in spring when the weather is warm. how
usually in late May or early June.

The bed is previously dug up and left to the ground
a little subsided. Mallow sowing is carried out in separate wells, which
placed at a distance of at least 20cm. Larger specimens
immediately sown at a greater distance. Put a few seeds into a well
After all, not everyone can climb, then the weak plant is removed. Close up
семена мальвы на глубину до 3 см. With благоприятных погодных
conditions appear shoots 10-14 days.

Experienced gardeners practice planting mallows before winter to
flowering began as early as summer, but delicate plants require
good care.

Care for stock rose in open ground

Remember that mallow does not tolerate even minor frosts,
therefore, seedlings are not planted in the ground in the cold. It may
destroy all efforts, immature plants simply die.

An important condition for the bright flowering of mallow is the sun.
Plant the plant in warm, sunny areas, but correctly
regulate watering. The stock-rose is capricious, does not tolerate drought, but also
excessive soil moisture should not be tolerated. This leads to
putrid root diseases.

It is important in what soil mallow grows. Flower prefers
loose but fertile ground. In addition, the soil should be
enough nitrogen. It is necessary for normal development and lush
flowering If nitrogen is not enough, the plant looks dull.
Feed it with complex mineral fertilizers. Healthy bush
Mallow strong, tall and a large number of buds. Often their
the number reaches 100 pieces.

Mallow blooms for a long time, for two months. To extend
цветение, нужно регулярно удалять сухие inflorescences.

Caring for a stock rose, do not forget to cover it for the winter.
It is enough to overlay the bush with spruce branches or dry leaves. AT
this kind of mallow perezimuet well.

Important! ATысокорослые сорта мальвы
grow only on supports, otherwise gusts of strong winds will break

Common stock-rose diseases with photos

Malva is resistant to pests and diseases, but even with good
care may suffer from some of them. Most often a plant
affected by mosaic virus, rust and powdery mildew.

To combat these diseases apply complex
drugs that are sprayed bush during the growing season. Some
preparations are suitable for soaking the seeds before planting to
prevent infection of the bush.


ATозбудителем этой болезни на мальве является патогенный грибок,
which is carried by air. how правило, заражению подвержены
plants that are planted too close to each other. AT дождливое
summer spores of the fungus multiply actively and are carried by the wind.

To avoid infection, follow the rules of planting stock roses,
use only quality seeds, make in time

ATсе листья растения, которые поражены ржавчиной, придется
to remove. Further throughout the whole season the bush is sprayed
препаратом «Топаз», допускается использование бордосской

After flowering, all shoots from the diseased bush are cut at the level of
soil and burn. In addition, collect all the leaves and remove weeds,
which were near the mallow. The soil is again treated Bordeaux
fluid. ATыращивать на этом месте цветок можно не ранее, чем
in three years.

Mealy dew

Fungal disease that quickly spreads to all
parts of the plant. AT начале болезни листья покрываются порошкообразным
bloom, which then becomes felt. Plant becomes
ugly, the patina moves to the inflorescences and shoots. If not on time
pay attention to it, the mallow will simply die.

Mealy dew поражает растения в период повышенной влажности
air, so in a rainy summer you need to spend
preventive spraying. Thickened landing thin out, and
the lower part of the plant is cut to increase air circulation.

At the initial stage of infection, the plant can be sprayed with a solution.
soda ash and soap. To prepare it 25 grams of soda
dissolved in 5 liters of hot water, mixed well and added
5 grams of laundry soap. Sprayed not only the bush, but also the soil
under him. The interval between treatments is 2 weeks.

Of the chemicals most effective are
«Топаз», «Скор» и «Фундазол».

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