Phalaenopsis: home care.The wonderful world of growing Phalaenopsis at home:care rules

Ср, 30 мар 2016 Автор: Инна Квашина

Phalaenopsis (“Moth Orchid” or “Butterfly”) is
one of the most common types of orchids, because of the simplicity
care and ability to bloom almost all year round.

It is easy to grow at home, and it can stay in
color for a very long time.


Phalaenopsis: home care – breeding

Phalaenopsis has from 3 to 6 very wide flexible sheets that
alternate with each other. Peduncle occurs between these leaves.
Flowers can be any color from white to black, including
striped and stained.

Reproduction of phalaenopsis at home is available and not very
experienced florist.

It is recommended to carry out the transplant procedure after
the flowers have faded. This is due to the fact that after flowering the plant can
focus on the development of new roots and leaves. Also better this
the procedure is best done from late fall to summer. Carry it out
once every three years.

General photo of phalaenopsis, breeding methods, kids

In addition to your desire, sometimes there are objective reasons for
which require a transplant:

• the previous pot is small for the plant;

• There are many roots on the surface that are entwined, there are dead.
In itself, the fact that the roots grow above the pot is a sign
healthy plant. But if they completely filled the pot,
displacing the substrate, intervention is necessary here;

• requires full replacement of the substrate;

• to initiate plant growth.

Phalaenopsis has a monopodal form of growth. And its main
Unlike orchids, the stem grows from
The apical outlet and does not have a pseudobulb.

Based on this, for such a plant there are several
breeding methods.

1. Черенками. The technology is that
from the orchid, which has already faded, cut off the stem (which were
flowers) or side shoot. From these twigs prepare cuttings from
10 to 15 cm. The edges of the cuts are powdered with charcoal powder or
tablets of activated carbon. The resulting cuttings spread on
wet soil (sphagnum or sand) and cover with a film or
transparent cover, creating a greenhouse effect. Temperature should
be +26 – + 28 ° С. At each handle should be at least two nodes
with axillary sleeping buds. The lowest ones are the strongest. Still
it will be easier if you put the flower in the water with diluted in it
minerals and put in sunlight.

2. Размножения детками. Kids are side
shoots i. small new plants. They are formed or on
flowered peduncles, or at the base of the roots. Their appearance also
can be provoked by feeding the plant fertilizer with high
nitrogen content. But quite simple methods will help:
wait for the plant to fade, place it in a room with
heat or where the most light is and provide
high humidity. Do not stop spraying the plant when
the appearance of children, it will help her to release roots. Period from
appearance before transplanting into the ground is approximately three months. Behind
this time, the children additionally appear 3-4 leaves, and the roots
grow 5-7 cm in length. Next, you need to separate the baby from
main maternal plant and transplanted into a permanent pot.
Cut it from the peduncle with a pruner, blade or sharp
knife. All these items must be treated with alcohol. Slices
it is recommended to powder with charcoal powder or
activated carbon. Next, put a young plant in advance
poured substrate, fill up the edges to complete
pot. The first few months we keep in conditions of increased

3. Существует еще один метод размножения
phalaenopsis, which is not used very often –
это деление розетки. In this
case we need a perfectly healthy plant with large
sockets and enough leaves. Sharp tool
necessarily treated with alcohol (it is necessary not to bring
fungus), cut off the top of the flower. It must necessarily
stay a few leaves and aerial roots. Slices
disinfect the above methods. The resulting shoot is planted in
new pot, which already has the required amount
substrate. Take care of the plant carefully, respecting all
the necessary conditions. A few months later on maternal
phalaenopsis will have lateral buds at the base, of which
young shoots will develop. The term of its transformation into a beautiful plant
is 2-3 years.

Before breeding, you need to know that
Phalaenopsis poorly tolerates transplantation and destruction of soil coma.
This is due to the fact that this process breaks root
волоски, которые являются проводниками воды и substrate.
Try to still use the method of transshipment from the tank
smaller to larger. Free space fill
дополнительным количеством substrate. This is the most painless

Совет: используйте для phalaenopsis
transparent pots. This is due to the fact that the roots of this plant
light-requiring, extra light will enhance the process of photosynthesis. You
will be able to irrigate in sufficient quantity and in a timely manner
see the problems of your plant.

Phalaenopsis home care – soil, lighting, conditions
for flowering

Почва для phalaenopsis необычная — это кора
pines (bark of another tree is not recommended). She can
prepare yourself, collecting in the forest with fallen trees. Before
using bark, cut into pieces, boil and dry so as not to
developed mold and fungus. There is such a composition of the substrate:
pine bark, large expanded clay and charcoal in the ratio
2: 1: 1. In such a mixture, each component will fulfill its role:
clay and coal will accumulate water, and then gradually
give it to the bark. Charcoal, everything else will also
to deal with the decay of the bark and the appearance of fungi on it and

Best of all, of course, buy a ready-made substrate. There are different
Opinions on the addition of moss or sphagnum. It is believed that these
substances can contribute to stagnant moisture and decay.

Свет. Phalaenopsis grows beautifully on the east
window If the window is located in the south or west, then it is necessary
protect the curtain. The leaves should be olive green.
If they are darker, this means that the plant does not receive
enough light; red leaves shade mean
that there is too much light. After phalaenopsis blooms, you
You can place it anywhere in your home away from direct
sun rays. If the plant does not bloom again, it is necessary
increase the amount of light it receives.

Место для выращивания phalaenopsis

Температура. Phalaenopsis is easy to grow,
because he uses the same temperatures as us. But keep
mean that closer to the window it will be colder on the windowsill or
warmer than your home. Temperature drops can cause
abscission of buds from plants.

Условия цветения. After the last flowering
it is necessary to cut the stem (which should dry out), leaving two
node (these little brown lines on the trunk below where there were
flowers) and then the plant will bloom with larger flowers and
Strong stem for 8 to 12 weeks. Speed ​​up flowering
allows and lighting. If the plant has not flowered for 6 months,
then move it to a more lighted area.

Ударным методом for flowering может быть способ перепада
temperatures. It has, for example, a low night temperature.
(not below +10 degrees C) and normal in the afternoon. So necessary
contain phalaenopsis for 2-3 weeks and completely eliminate

The general growth season begins at the end of spring. Also pay
attention to the time of year when you bought your plant. If it
then it bloomed, and then it should bloom at the same time.

Phalaenopsis home care – feeding and watering

Подкормка. You can use any
balanced care for orchids. It should be remembered that
this plant needs fertilizer many times less than others
plants The point is that if you start too often
use top dressing, then they will begin to grow rapidly, and blossom
will refuse. Youберите свой вариант — от одного раза в неделю до
once every 3 months. Everything is very individual. Avoid
fertilizing urea and nitrogen, as this may burn
root tips. Excessive feeding and accumulation of salts can
lead to the development of fungal infections, and also cause a strong
burned the roots. If you want the flower to bloom, use
fertilizers with phosphorus content. Fertilize only moisturized.
substrate! Also use clean water once a month.
accumulated salts from the pot mixture.

Полив. Its frequency depends on the pot environment and
living conditions, the amount of light and heat. During the summer months
more frequent watering is required, less need in winter. Average,
It is recommended to water once a week. And in sunny weather
watering can even be done in 2-3 days. On the need for watering
may indicate the color of the roots, which should be
silver green. You can see it through the transparent
plastic pot. Better water in the morning. Sure to
let it drain completely to avoid root decay.

Правило: недостаточный полив phalaenopsis
can lead to some wilting of the leaves, and excessive watering
lead to the death of the roots and plants.

ATлажность.Обеспечьте растение необходимой
humidity. Use a shallow tray filled with pebbles, filled
water to increase moisture around the plants.

Continue watering and feeding in anticipation of the flowering cycle.

Phalaenopsis at home: why does he die?

Causes of death:

Orchid with damaged leaves

1. Механические повреждения. If the pot with
flower fell, then try as soon as possible to return it to
original condition and for several days carefully behind
watch with him. If you don’t like something,
Use breeding methods to save the plant.

2. Behindгнивание корневой системы. If you
observe that the leaves of your plant are drooping, then check
root condition. Youньте растение из горшка, обрежьте все гнилые
the roots. А места среза посыпьте порошковым или activated carbon.
Behindтем поместите растение над субстратом (чтобы основание не
come in contact with it) and cover with film so that it consumes moisture
only leaves. Do not water! If you обнаружите появление корней,
that means you saved the plant.

3. Болезни и вредители. May be affected
spider mite, mealybug, which you can fight
colloidal sulfur or acaricides. Scorovka can start, but live
it is short and does not multiply strongly.

Areas with black wet spots on the leaves are removed on
a few centimeters more from the margin of defeat, and cut off

The pale green dents on each sheet
indicate the presence of a viral disease. It is incurable and
the plant should be destroyed.

4. Солнечные ожоги. They may appear
large black spots on the leaves. Put the pot on the windowsill with
приглушенным светом и избегайте прямых sun rays.

5. Полив. Excessive watering, increased
humidity and low air temperature can lead to
mold and fungal infection on the roots of the plant. AT
In this case, reduce watering and dry the plant. If plant
weakened or blooms, then try pouring it with a weak solution
potassium permanganate. AT дальнейшем желательно заменить субстрат и
pot, the roots of the plant while processing fungicides.

6. Wrong plant can cause death
пересадка или размножение

7. This type of orchid has lower leaves throughout its life.
могут желтеть и отмирать
. This is normal
process. That the plant lacks light or lacks
additional minerals indicated by total yellowness
leaves of the whole plant.

If you are lucky enough to have phalaenopsis, then you
You are in the wonderful world of growing orchids! This is one of
the easiest-to-care orchid species that can grow at home
conditions. If you будете следовать всем основным требованиям, то
this plant will reward you with blooming beautiful flowers for
several months.

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