Peripheral edema: symptoms, causes, treatment.How to remove peripheral edema at home?

Ср, 13 июн 2018 Автор: Елена Куровцева

In peripheral edema, the place of accumulation of fluid
becomes subcutaneous tissue (most often – limbs). Experiencing
pressure, skin stretches, loses elasticity, can become
hot. Swelling is accompanied by a feeling of heaviness, squeezing,
deterioration of joint mobility, pain.


Causes of edema

• Fluid retention.

The accumulation of water in the tissues, causing swelling of the face, hands, ankles,
feet, provokes excess sodium intake. Getting worse
outflow of fluid with a long stay in a static position.

• Inflammation.

The inflammatory process, fraught with edema, develops with
allergies, injuries (fracture, dislocation), arthritis, cellulitis, gout,
infection of tissues.

• Medicines.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (naproxen,
ibuprofen, diclofenac, aspirin, ketoprofen, piroxicam,
indomethacin), insulin analogues, antihypertensives and drugs,
used in steroid therapy, upset the balance of sodium and
potassium, causing swelling and deterioration of kidney function.

• Protein in the blood is below normal.

Albumin is synthesized by the liver. In case of malfunction of the body,
problems with the functioning of the kidneys, malnutrition, enteropathy
protein concentration decreases, edemas appear.

• Obstruction of blood vessels.

With venous insufficiency, blood supply to the lower limbs
worse, feet, ankles swell. Thrombosis may develop,
varicose veins (in this case, the legs, feet, “buzzing” on the skin for a long time
traces of seams of clothing, gum socks are preserved).

• Kidney disease.

If kidneys lose the ability to excrete sodium, and with it
water, pressure on the vessels increases, edema develops. First about
the problem is signaled by swollen eyelids, under the eyes.

• Heart failure.

If myocardial damage occurs, the heart is not able to support
blood supply at the required level. Blood stagnates organs
suffer from hypoxia, develop acidosis, renal failure.
Ankle swelling (usually – at the end of the day) may appear
shortness of breath, weakness, feeling short of breath, tightness in

• Hormonal disorders.

Edema can react to the development of hypothyroidism.
Edematous areas (feet, legs) in this case are dense,
pressing on the skin leaves no residue.

• Congestion in the lungs.

The work of the heart and lungs is interrelated. Response to the violation
the work of the circulatory system can be pulmonary hypertension.

Excess fluid accumulates during emphysema, fibrosis, gathering in
air sacs causes pulmonary edema.

Treatment of peripheral edema by natural methods

1) Refusing salt.

The amount of sodium in the body is controlled by the kidneys, removing excess
element through urine. When a violation of the body, deterioration
blood flow, sodium concentration rises, water accumulates.

Reduce swelling exclusion of sodium-containing products:
fast food, meat semi-finished products, ham, soy sauce,
instant noodles, table salt, chips, olives, salted
nuts, pickles, canned food, breakfast cereals, pastries, solid

To maintain the permissible concentration of the element is enough
getting sodium from natural sources: sea kale,
anchovies, sardines, eggs, squids, mussels, legumes, tomatoes, beets,
celery, offal, whole grain cereals.

Get rid of excess liquid: apples, green tea, cottage cheese,
lemon, ginger, zucchini, cranberry juice, eggplant, cucumber, watermelon,
carrots, garlic, asparagus, horseradish.

2) Movement.

To support blood circulation, it is important to remain active for
of the day When seated work (or associated with the need for a long time
stand up) need to warm up every hour and a half. If there is
opportunity to walk 5-10 minutes or strain / relax muscles
limbs, rotate feet, crouch, make bends.

In the evening or in the morning, devote more time to the sports load,
doing jogging, walking, swimming, doing stretching. One of
Mandatory exercises – “bike” (rotation of the legs stimulates
blood flow).

During the day, it is useful to raise the limbs (putting
roller, pillow) at least 20 minutes – this will improve the outflow

3) Water.

The presence of edema does not mean that water consumption is necessary
refuse. Dehydration can also cause swelling (ankles,
wrists, lower abdomen).

The main rule: to observe moderation – do not abuse
diuretic teas, juices. Water is enough to 2 liters per day, and
distribute this amount evenly for 10-12 receptions.

4) Massage.

Gentle effect reduces pressure on blood vessels, stimulates
circulation. It is often recommended for swelling of the legs. it happens
deep, pinpoint and segmental. Carrying out the procedure
it is preferable to entrust a specialist (reflexologist,
masseur) – it is necessary to avoid traumatic
effects on edematous tissue.

5) Dandelion.

Natural diuretic. Not only activates the work
kidney, but also enhances and beneficially affects liver function,
Contributing to the elimination of toxins provoking inflammation.

Tablespoon of dried dandelion leaves pour a glass
boiling water, insist at least 10 minutes. Take a decoction 3 times a
a day for two spoons. You can also use dandelion root,
insisting it for 20-30 minutes.

You can not use the plant for allergies, gastritis, ulcers,
hypoglycemia, taking blood-thinning drugs.

6) Parsley.

Another natural diuretic. In addition to eating in
fresh (in salads, soups, stews, smoothies), stems and leaves can be
used as a raw material for making tea: per cup
boiling water – a pinch of finely chopped leaves (possible with a stem),
brew 5 minutes. Drink can not be consumed during pregnancy
nephritis, during menstruation, in violation of blood clotting.

7) Essential oils.

Withdraw fluid, stimulate blood circulation, grapefruit oil and

Grapefruit oil activates the lymphatic system,
promotes detoxification, eliminates bloating, relieves
joint pain, convulsions.

For treatment of the edematous area to use in combination with
coconut or olive (3 tablespoons of oil per tablespoon of base)
grapefruit). Таким же образом применяется масло fennel

Peripheral edema may indicate development
a serious disease – heart, kidney failure,
dysfunction of the lungs. If the puffiness is accompanied by shortness of breath,
chest pain, dizziness, urgent medical care is necessary.

Prevent fluid retention by maintaining water balance,
moderate salt intake, motor activity, normalization

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