Pansies – planting and care, featuresthis flower and its different varieties. Diseases and pests panspeephole

Пт, 03 июн 2016 Автор: Ирина Унжакова

Pansies are cultivated flowers grown in
gardens, suburban areas and representing a colorful
annual, biennial or perennial plant of the family

In height, this plant reaches 25-30 cm.

The color of these flowers and the presence of petals on the main background
multi-colored specks, completely depends on this or that grade

Pansies acting as a garden flower are
derived from wild field plants belonging to the genus

�”Pansies” are divided into two main types – simple
varieties and tricolor.

To date, more than 250 species of cultivated
сортов Анютиных peephole.


Features of growing a flower called Pansies

Особенности выращивания анютиных peephole:

• Анютины eyes предпочитают расти на солнечных местах.

• Plants have good endurance and can even survive
with the onset of small frosts and snowfall.

• После высаживания анютиных peephole семенами, растение в первый
year of life gives the amateur gardener only an abundance of greenery and
only in the second year gives flowers and seeds.

• Поливают анютины eyes в зависимости от погодных условий 1-2
times in two weeks.

• Feed pansies weekly for the best
bud formation and flowering.

• Также нужно помнить, что анютины eyes должны быть высажены
on the grounds warmed up and illuminated by the sun not less than 6
hours a day.

Анютины eyes: посадка, выбор сорта

Выращивать анютины eyes можно как осенью, так и зимой. Knowledgeable
Gardeners recommend planting seeds indoors in July, and through
two months are ready to transfer seedlings into the ground along with
a root tuber after the heat goes away and comes

Any action to take place when planting these flowers is necessary.
in the shade when the sun goes below the horizon and the soil is moistened
and enriched with humus. Высаживать анютины eyes необходимо на
a distance of 20-25 cm from each other, as the bush further has
tendency to grow.

Анютины eyes, посадка которых, требует выполнения определённых
rules, for example, adding to the soil a bed of necessary fertilizer
and bone meal is still not very whimsical in care than
attractive to gardeners. The main thing is to provide these
flowers watering, especially after landing in the ground, nutrition
sprinkling the soil around the plants a few centimeters
Mulch layer and further care to cover
seedlings from wind and low temperatures.

Important! Сажать необходимо анютины eyes
so that the top of the earthy coma on the roots coincided
with the level of the ground in the place for landing.

Анютины eyes подразделяются:

• On small-sized;

• large-flowered;

• Gigantic varieties.

These varieties differ among themselves by the length of the stem, the size and
flower color, but have similar growing conditions and may
land in any regions.

Наиболее популярными видами анютиных peephole

• “Fire king” is a small-growing hybrid with a violet yellowish
color buds.

• “Abendglut” – large-flowered variety with a small bush height
and large, up to 6-8 cm in diameter, dark red flowers with
brown specks.

• “Ice king” – a variety with bright white flowers.

• “Weiss” – a giant variety with pure white flowers and wavy

• “Himmelstigen” – a hybrid represented by blue color

Important! All listed varieties have
tendency to pereopilyatsya that gives future generations
characteristics that do not always please the lovers of these wonderful

Анютины eyes: уход (фото)

Flower arrangement

For the proper implementation of pansy care
it is necessary, first of all, in the hot time and heat to shade the plant
from the direct rays of the sun, the impact of which negatively affects
bud growth, delaying it. Места, где растут анютины eyes,
should be ventilated, and the soil moist.

Почва и полив анютиных peephole

When taking care of pansies, it is necessary to ensure
these flowers are soft and loosened soil, which also must
be saturated with organic matter. Besides the soil
произрастания анютиных peephole должна быть удобрена, а цветы
supplied with top dressing.

Для того чтобы анютины eyes выросли крупными и с сочно
colored petals these colors need to ensure frequent
watering. Between watering the soil should dry well, in order to
to prevent stagnation of water and root decay

Анютины eyes – уход за цветами и важные

• In order to prolong flowering it is necessary with constant
Regularly remove from the bush all the withered flowers, so as not to
seeds formed.

• You need to pinch extended and unsuccessful shoots.

• Если анютины eyes стали подсыхать необходимо растение
prune and thoroughly feed the bushes.

The implementation of the proper care of pansies will give them
opportunity to give lovers of these plants delightful and
красочными flowers.

Анютины eyes: подкормки

Подкормка для анютиных peephole необходимо вносить регулярно, а
just hold them in the season at least two times. The main feed
held when the plant picks up buds, with fertilizers such as
nitrofosk and “Agricola”. Subsequent feeding is done during
vigorous flowering plants using a fertilizer called

Для подкормки анютиных peephole нужны минеральные удобрения с
their constituent potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus and other
microelements. After planting seedlings need to fertilize
superphosphate, saltpeter. Fresh manure to make the soil where they live
анютины eyes, запрещается.

From the moment of lowering the temperature, the volume of dressings decreases and,
preparing the plant for the winter, cover the flower bed with sawdust, peat
or other insulation.

Анютины eyes: болезни и вредители (фото)

Very often gardeners face diseases and pests.
анютиных peephole. This flower is quite susceptible as
diseases, and the invasion of harmful insects.

Here are the most common ones:

Мучнистая роса — на листочках и стебельках
plants it appears, forming on them a whitish plaque. Greenery
the flower turns brown. Upon detection of the initial stage of this
болезни необходимо обработать анютины eyes фунгицидами. If
the disease is already progressing, you can use tools such as
�”Chistotsvet” or “topaz”. Most affected plants need no
regrets to remove from the garden or flower beds.

Серая гниль — в результате этого недуга на
pansies appear greyish bloom, leaves and stems
made soft and watery. This disease often appears
due to strong humidity, it develops rapidly and affects all
seedlings. If such a problem occurs, the grower needs to remove
affected plants reduce watering and greenhouse temperature or
treat means called “Fundozol.”

Бактериальная пятнистость — проявляет себя
yellow or brown spots that are almost completely
покрывают листочки plants. Sick plants with
remove flower beds, and healthy bushes to treat with copper oxychloride.

Тля — о поражении ею можно узнать по сохнущим
and yellowing leaves, buds of plants and its sticky secretions.
The flowers of the plant perish, and they will cope;
spraying with soapy water or “Aktellik Zubrom”.

Слизни — появление дырочек и борозд на
leaves of the plant, that is what will determine the pest. In the fight against
snails and slugs can be managed by reducing watering, organize
manual pest collection. If растения сильно поражены, то их
can be treated with metaldehyde.

Caring for pansies is basically easy,
the main thing is to know the basic rules and according to them grow these
unassuming, but charming flowers. And then thanks
pansies garden will be a bright landmark and
the pride of any gardener.

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