Pancreatitis in dogs: causes, clinical pictureand treatment. Prevention of pancreatitis in dogs

Сб, 28 апр 2018 Автор: Елена Витинг

The most common non-communicable disease of the digestive tract in dogs –
pancreatitis accompanied by exocrine insufficiency
pancreas. The diagnosis is sometimes difficult, therefore
a mild disease may go unnoticed.
If time does not take action, the disease can cause complications,
which can cause peritonitis, sepsis, sugar
diabetes, and in advanced cases – and the death of the pet.


Causes of Pancreatitis in Dogs

The pancreas is an organ in the upper abdomen,
Emitting enzymes: lipase, amylase and protease. In the event of
pancreatitis they are activated before the onset of digestion and
ferment the texture of the body, starting the process of its self-destruction.
The disease is accompanied by the death of tissues and cells, which causes
obstruction of the ducts of the gland.

The following factors affect the appearance of pancreatitis in dogs:

Endocrine and gastrointestinal diseases, such as diabetes,
increasing the concentration of free fatty acids in the blood, hepatitis,
helminthic invasion, hypothyroidism, hormonal disorders, enteritis.

Overweight and unbalanced diet. Stale products
cheap dry food, fatty, smoked food and food from the host table
провоцируют воспаление pancreas.

Avitaminosis, hypercalcemia, medication:
cortisone, diuretics, antibiotics, estrogen, painkillers

Poisoning by chemicals and toxic substances, including
household appliances.

Genetically predisposed to the disease are boxers, chow-chows,
German shepherds, dwarf poodles, Yorkshire terriers,
miniature schnauzers, collie, cocker spaniels, labradors, toy terriers,

Symptoms of pancreatitis in dogs

Unclear clinical picture that often accompanies onset
disease, can cause late recognition of the disease and
subsequent improper treatment. Distinguish between chronic and acute
types of pancreatitis. The most dangerous form is chronic –
slow, often asymptomatic disease can cause
интоксикацию организма и рубцевание тканей pancreas.
The acute form is characterized by pronounced manifestations and
successfully diagnosed.

The owner must immediately show the pet to the veterinary
a doctor if the dog has warning signs:

pain in the digestive tract, accompanied by anxiety of the animal (running
circle, scream, whine, refusal of food);

vomiting, diarrhea, constipation;

weakness, depression;





nose bleed;

frequent urination;


dehydration, drying and yellowing of the mucous membranes;

weight loss;

cardiac arrhythmia;


hair loss;

difficult or rapid breathing.

A complete diagnosis of pancreatitis in dogs includes
palpation, urine and blood tests (general and biochemical), x-rays and
abdominal ultrasound scan, biopsy, test for
measurement of trypsin-like pancreatic immunoreactivity
glands. Examination of the animal allows the veterinarian to find out the exact
cause the disease and prescribe the appropriate course of treatment.

Drug treatment of pancreatitis in dogs

Disease therapy stands on three pillars: the elimination of symptoms,
elimination of the causes and protection of the stomach.

Treatment begins with the edema vomiting with
drugs Latran, metoclopramide, cerrucal. For pain relief every
8 hours give the dog analgesics and spasmagolics: butorphanol,
ketopen, aminophylline, papaverine. The most important measure to combat pancreatitis
is compensation for fluid loss due to vomiting and diarrhea.
Water and electrolyte balance is restored by droppers with
colloid solutions or injections of saline (subcutaneously or

If there is a risk of infection, the veterinarian prescribes
the patient is given a course of antibiotics: amoxicillin, ampicillin sodium,
aminoglycosides. The final stage of treatment – recovery
gastric mucosa and irritant suppression
of hydrochloric acid. For these purposes, famotidine, orthanol,
Losek, omeprazole.

Care for a sick pet

One of the conditions for successful treatment is to ensure the correct
care and nutrition of the animal. The owner of the sick dog must
take care of the complete peace of the pet, protect it from drafts,
dampness and temperature changes. Reduced risk of complications and
relieving the disease depends on a balanced
enteral nutrition. Diet for pancreatitis in dogs reduces
load on the digestive tract and implies the presence of components
восстанавливающих функции pancreas.

The first day of the animal every hour give a small amount.
warm water. Feeding begins on the third day after termination
gagging urge. The best option is a special healing
food containing carbohydrates, easily digestible proteins and lipids. If your
dog is accustomed to natural food, completely revise it
daily menu. A few days, let’s just rubbed pet
cooked meat, low-fat yogurt and low-fat cottage cheese.
Exclude fatty foods, rich broths, fresh bread.

In a week, you can supplement the ration of boiled water porridge.
(oatmeal or buckwheat), steam omelet, vegetable puree, boiled
beef, rabbit or turkey. In small quantities
useful potatoes – it helps to reduce the level of salt
acid. In the recovery period, you need to feed the animal
in small portions 4-5 times a day.

Prevention of pancreatitis in dogs

The main task of the owner who wants to prevent the occurrence
diseases, is the normalization of the nutrition of the animal. Required
exclude beans, peas, sweets, mushrooms, flour products, fat,
spicy, fried, salty, smoked, spicy foods. Perfect menu
pet includes protein foods (eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese,
kefir), boiled fish, buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, vegetables,
fruits and greens.

In the daily diet should be present raw lean meat and
beef maslaki. These products contain the necessary for normal
digestive enzymes. In small quantities полезен рубец —
source of enzymes parietal microorganisms performing
the function of digesting fiber and vegetable components.

If the dog suffers from endocrine disruption or
genetically predisposed to pancreatitis, the owner is worth
consult a veterinarian. In such cases, the doctor prescribes the animal
special drugs, the action of which is aimed at normalizing
producing digestive enzymes and maintaining healthy
состояния pancreas.

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