Onefour days Japanese diet – menus and recipes

  • one Proper weight loss for onefour days on the Japanese diet
    • What to eat and drink?
    • one.2 What can replace zucchini?
    • one.3 Japanese diet onefour days – menu for every day
    • one.four Correct way out
  • 2 Recipes
  • 3 What could be the results?

Many people need weight of will to lose weight.
Follow a strict menu plan for a certain
the number of days not exceeding the specified volume is not easily given
to each.

В основе ограничений японской диеты лежит принцип
умеренности в питании
, постичь который можно за указанное
the number of days, observing the detailed menu, painted for each

The recipes of the dishes involved in the weight loss method are simple and
available. Cooking with a recipe does not take much time.


Proper weight loss in onefour days on the Japanese diet

To achieve effective results in losing weight, without causing
harm to the body, it is necessary not to overeat and eat
portionwise. A diet based on the Japanese method can
considered popular by achieving effective

Продолжительность можно выбрать по желанию
(7, one3, onefour дней). According to reviews thinned out
A popular duration is a duration limit of
onefour days.

Fundamentals of the Japanese Diet
The methodology are as follows:

  • low calorie dishes;
  • minimum of carbohydrates;
  • large amount of protein products.

According to the advice of doctors, the Japanese principle is desirable.
применять в питании не более, чем 2-3 раза в год.
Особое внимание в проведении режима ограничений отводится
, который должен проводиться правильно. If a
losing weight on such a diet is contraindicated for you, pay attention to
Maggi. This diet for four weeks, which refers to the maximum

What can you eat and drink?

Rules of the onefour-day Japanese diet:

  • Основное правило соблюдения ограничений: можно
    drink liquid in the quantities necessary for the body. First point
    in the list of liquids allotted to water. Drink water regularly
    стакану через каждый час), есть нижнее дневное ограничение
    , верхняя планка отсутствует. Preferably drink
    purified water without gases.
  • During all days it is not forbidden to drink green tea and coffee.
    Among the large selection of juices for the diet fit vegetable. If a тяжело
    drink, for example, tomato or celery juice, just add
    This vegetable in the menu.
  • Есть нужно регулярно, правильно выбрав время
    for a meal. It is advisable to make a menu in advance for the entire amount.
    mode days.
  • Meals are prepared only from authorized products.
  • Restriction rules allows use in Japanese menu
    fruits and vegetables.
  • The Japanese method allows you to add to recipes of dishes listed
    в меню всех дней, масло для заправки
  • Белковый принцип поддерживается употреблением
    meat and fish low-fat varieties.
  • Vitamins enclosed in food can be preserved
    если готовка блюд будет проводиться на пару.

The list of permitted foods for the Japanese diet is onefour

  • meat – turkey, rabbit, chicken, beef.
  • fish – pollock, burbot, roach, haddock, perch, sterlet, cod,
    hake, trout, pike, pike perch.
  • fruits and berries – apple, orange, grapefruit, kiwi, cherry,
    слива,  абрикос, клубника, малина, черника, смородина.
  • vegetables and greens – pumpkin, tomato, cucumber, zucchini, eggplant,
    asparagus, celery, carrots, beets, broccoli, cauliflower, onions,
    sweet pepper, spinach, parsley, dill, arugula, leaves
    salad dressing
  • porridge – oatmeal, rice, buckwheat, bulgur.
  • quail eggs and quail.

What to drink:

  • mineral water without gas;
  • tea – green, black, herbal, fruit;
  • fresh vegetable juice;
  • savory compote;
  • fruit and vegetable smoothies;
  • milk;
  • kefir.

What can replace zucchini?

In reviews, there is often a question: how to replace zucchini in
Japanese diet? The basic rule is strictness and
the need to comply with all the rules of the menu, compiled for all

onefour days Japanese diet in case of intolerance
vegetable, zucchini can be replaced with eggplant, zucchini,

The most important thing is that the menu is based on the list of allowed
products, but you can easily adapt it for yourself and your
preferences. The main rule – focus on protein

Japanese diet onefour days – menu for every day

Deciding to diet, suggesting the Japanese method, nutritionists
советую распечатать меню на все количество дней и  повесить на
refrigerator door.

Japanese diet for onefour days – menu table:

 Day  Breakfast Snack  Dinner  Afternoon tea  Dinner
 one  green tea  green apple  chicken soup (chicken breast, onion, carrot, parsley,
zucchini), coffee
 cottage cheese with berries  творог с orangeом, green tea
 2 Black tea  Orange juice  Pollack and steamed vegetables (zucchini, broccoli, asparagus),
herbal tea
 kefir  protein omelet with tomatoes, fruit tea
 3  Chamomile Infusion  carrot  Boiled rabbit with fresh tomatoes and spinach,
 natural yoghurt хек с огурцами, Orange juice
 four coffee с молоком  vegetable smoothie (celery, cucumber)  grilled chicken breast, 2 cucumbers, celery stalk and
apple compote
 cottage cheese casserole  casserole (chicken мясо, one яйцо, natural yoghurt,
tomatoes), tomato juice
 five coffee  four сливы  steamed trout and spinach tomatoes natural yoghurt  cottage cheese with natural yogurt, apricot, apple compote
and apricot
 6 herbal decoction  carrot and cabbage salad  grilled chicken breast and asparagus  ryazhenka with dietary loaf  turkey with cucumbers and spinach, apple juice
 7  coffee  apple smoothie  Рыбный суп (треска, кабачок, сладкий перец, лук, carrot,
broccoli) chamomile tea
  kefir  natural yoghurt, творог, стакан молока
 eight green tea  cucumber and 2 tomatoes   Hake and steamed vegetables (zucchini, cauliflower, sweet
перец), coffee
 cottage cheese with berries  креветки с рукколой, green tea
 9 Black tea с лимоном  яблоко и carrot на терке  salad of 3 eggs, tomatoes, cucumber, lettuce, spinach,
лимонного the juiceа и coffee
 cottage cheese casserole  кролик с carrotю и брюссельской капустой, яблочный
the juice
 one0 chamomile tea  grapefruit  five перепелиных яйца с салатом (брокколи, стебель
сельдерея, петрушка, яблоко), green tea
   ryazhenka with dietary loaf  grilled prawns with red onions and sweet peppers,
яблочный the juice
 oneone coffee с молоком  fruit salad (apple, orange, plum)  boiled turkey with raw zucchini, seasoned with lemon
the juiceом, лимонад
  kefir  индейка запеченая с кабачками, green tea
 one2 fruit tea  baked zucchini  grilled chicken breast with vegetables (red onions, zucchini,
баклажаны), herbal tea
 cottage cheese with berries  запеканка (минтай, one яйцо, natural yoghurt, стебель
сельдерея), grapefruitовый the juice
one3 coffee  carrot  turkey soup (turkey meat, onions, garlic, tomatoes,
carrot, цукини, укроп), морс
 cottage cheese casserole   мидии с рукколой и петрушкой, green tea
 onefour  green tea  orange   куриный суп (куриная грудка, лук, carrot,
петрушка, zucchini), coffee
  natural yoghurt  белковый омлет (2 яйца, one томат, петрушка), зеленый

The salt-free principle will help to grow thin, therefore when cooking it is necessary
avoid adding salt to dishes.

Correct exit

Correct exit из японской диеты, без риска вернуть сброшенные
килограммы — это постепенный переход на привычное питание,
с сохранением five0% правильных продуктов.

Продолжительность выхода может составлять onefour
Making a sharp exit is not worth it, gradual input
foods excluded from the diet, will not gain weight and save
body of discomfort. Every day is marked by the introduction of a new

  • On the first day you can spend a way out of the diet by adding such
    vegetables, like potatoes and corn, but in boiled form.
  • On the second day, the thinner one can diversify the diet by returning
    cereal for breakfast.
  • To better return to the previously used power mode,
    стоит добавлять не больше пары новых продуктов day.

It is worth remembering that a full return to good nutrition in
previous volume can reduce the effective result to zero. Worth
observe the rule of moderation, and the protein principle itself is
save to normal menu.


The best recipes for the Japanese diet:

Meat Casserole

Meat Casserole


  • chicken breast – 200 g;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 200 grams of natural yogurt;
  • bunch of spinach and parsley.


  1. finely chop the meat;
  2. beat eggs well and mix with natural yogurt;
  3. chop greens;
  4. mix the meat with spinach and parsley, put it in the form for
  5. pour a mixture of yogurt and eggs;
  6. выпекать в разогретой духовке (oneeight0 градусов) 30 минут.

Cabbage Salad

Cabbage Salad


  1. chop the desired amount of fresh cabbage;
  2. according to the menu for a particular day, you can add rubbed
    свежую carrot, яблоко;
  3. в качестве заправки разрешается лимонный the juice и оливковое

The amount of cabbage and carrots is not limited to the rules of the diet,
added to the quantity according to personal preference.

Carrot salad

Carrot salad


  • 2 medium carrots;
  • brynza;
  • parsley;
  • grapes;
  • лимонный the juice;
  • spoon of olive oil.


  1. натереть на терке carrot;
  2. cut cheese into cubes;
  3. finely chop the parsley;
  4. разрезать на половинки grapes;
  5. mix all the ingredients;
  6. заправить салат the juiceом одного лимона и ложкой оливкового

Recipe Zucchini Casserole and

Запеканка из кабачков и eggplant


  • 2 medium zucchini;
  • one большой баклажан;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2five0 г натурального йогурта.


  1. zucchini, tomatoes, eggplants, wash and cut into rings;
  2. выложить слоями в форме для baking;
  3. beat eggs and mix with yogurt;
  4. pour the mixture on top of vegetables;
  5. выпекать four0 минут пр температуре onefive0 градусов.

By taste preference slimming person fried
vegetables can be replaced with a recipe for stewed in water
, не нарушая японских принципов:

Тушеные кабачки и баклажаны
  1. кабачки или баклажаны вымыть, to cut in cubes;
  2. put on a preheated pan with 3 tablespoons of water
    (the volume of water depends on the amount of vegetables, water is not needed much,
    кабачки дадут the juice);
  3. simmer under the lid until the vegetables are soft.

For dinner as part of a fruit-restricted diet
можно использовать рецепт фруктового салата, исключая
grapes and bananas

Фруктовый салат
  1. помыть apple, pear, peel a tangerine;
  2. core apple and pear;
  3. to cut in cubes;
  4. из нескольких долек мандарина можно отжать the juice для

What could be the results?

The results of the diet with the Japanese method of losing weight,
according to reviews on the forums of thinner people, mainly
are positive. Really reset for the presented number of days from
five кг до eight кг в зависимости от особенностей организма.

Worth помнить, что это может быть временный результат, поэтому
to keep an effective outcome of the Japanese way of losing weight, you need
соблюдать умеренность в питании каждый day.

Results of the Japanese diet – photo before and

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