On hair of any length – the ideal youthhairstyles A quick decision, youth hairstyle style (photo andcreation instructions

Сб, 03 сен 2016 Автор: Ирина Тарусова

Youth is the period of life when young ladies can
allow yourself to experiment in clothes, makeup and, of course,

Hair is the decoration of every girl. And perfectly styled hair –
beauty is double. Different ladies are very suitable for young people.
styling options.

There is a huge amount of youth hairstyles for long
short hair and medium length hair.

Considering that girls are often in a hurry somewhere and limited in
time, our review of youth hairstyles light and fast.


The beauty of youth hairstyles (photo) for short hair

Let’s start with short hair. Short hair in the concept of hairdressers
– This hair is long to the ears or base of the neck. They can be
cut short enough. Literally the width of the nozzle. Such
bold decisions allow themselves very extravagant fashionistas. AT
the case with a short hairstyle is simple. The main thing is to have foam,
mousses, waxes for styling and the desired direction of the strands. Separate
strands in youth hairstyles can be allocated special
coloring tools that will make some

Hairstyles for short hair can be added exclusive
barrettes, shawls and hoops.

Simple youth hairstyles for hair of medium length

ATолосами средней длины принято считать те, что достигают до
shoulder lines or shoulder blades. Often, hair length may be uneven.
on the sides, that is, cut off the ladder. AT этом случае красиво будут
look easy curls or, conversely, exactly laid strands.

Light curls

Great helpers to create light and easy
Curls can become round brushes of different widths in diameter and a hairdryer.
To create volumetric waves, take a larger brush. For
bangs fit fine comb with natural bristles.

Before styling, wash your hair with your favorite shampoo, dry it,
well soaked with a towel. AT создании локонов поможет любое
laying means. Divide hair into strands. Start laying with
the ends of each. For получения пышности прокручивайте каждую прядь на
brush to the base of the hair, fixing a lock of warm air from
hair dryer. Then, in the opposite direction, unwind curl. For придания
do a more natural look of light curls,
winding strands in different directions. At first, this installation can
require a longer time, but do not despair. ATскоре
your movements will become more confident, and such a youth hairstyle
will be given to you very easily. After all done, lower
head down, fan your hair with your hands. Fix hair spray
for fixing or special varnish. AT течение дня лучше не
use combs, because the pomp may disappear. If you
the owner of curly hair, then you are lucky! Hairstyle can be
supplemented with a beautiful hairpin or flowers.

Smooth and curly strands in youth hairstyles

Very often on the hairstyles of medium length can be seen curly
strands. Beautifully they stand out on the hair with smooth (straight)

This hairstyle is very simple and interesting. ATымойте волосы,
dry them lightly. Use mousse for styling. Apply on
comb a small amount of mousse (the size of a ball for
ping-pong). Comb your hair along the entire length with a comb. Via
large diameter brushes twist the ends of the strands inward,
fixing warm, then a hot stream of air. Give hair
cool down ATыберите из всей причёски несколько мест для расположения
strands are corrugated. They are better to make a special curling.

If you make small and stiff braids in the evening on these sites
hair, you can do without special tools. ATы
get a stylish youth hairstyle (photo).


Divide the hair into an arbitrary parting. Strands on both sides
free up so they can form braids. Weave braids,
grabbing hair alternately from the main body of hair and
additional. Fix the braids with thin rubber bands, preferably in
hair color. Hairstyle will look very gentle.

For следующей молодёжной причёски (фото) достаточно пробора и
braids on one side. Fix the braid with a small stealth
on the side, give the rest of your hair a light fluffy look, and your
hairstyle will be kept all day.


The simplest hairstyle that you can think up to this length
hair – tail. Make a pre-light nachos. Take away
hair in the tail. Lift a piece of hair on top of the head, a little
pulling them out of the gum. One of the thin strands in the tail can be braided.
around the gum. Pin her end invisible.

Tail может быть завязан красивой резинкой, собран красивой
barrette If one strand of tail to braid in a thin braid and twist
her base of the tail, then your hair will get a new zest.

Long hair – youth hairstyles (photo)

A girl’s long hair is a beauty that can
envy friends. ATедь ухаживать за таким «богатством» не очень
just as it might initially seem. But make fast
hairstyle, so that it was unusual, universal and caught on yourself
admiring glances, very easy. There are simple and beautiful options.
We will not take into account the laid curls and perfect, even on
the entire length, styling. Let’s play!

Ponytail and youth variety

This is perhaps the fastest youth hairstyle for long
hair. How can you diversify and beat her?

Make a taut tail behind the base of the head. Desirable
thin, no eye-catching elastic. Divide the hair above the rubber band on
two sides, slide the tail into the resulting space while
slightly freeing the hair out of the gum. This hairstyle
versatile and simple. It can also be supplemented with delicate flowers in
основания хвоста или красивой barrette

Make hair all over the length of your hair. Assemble the tail on
back of the head. Next, we will make puffs of hair. Scribbling a tail
Secure each scratched area with a rubber band. Distance between
rubber bands can be more than five centimeters. ATсё зависит от длины
hair. Rezinochki can be chosen in a hair color or contrast
colors. Hairstyle beautiful and easy.


Make the tail on the crown of the head. It is best to collect hair,
leaning forward and dropping them down. Just so comfortable
comb the hair along the entire length, leaving no careless, loose
strands. Secure the tail with a rubber band

Braid your tail. Free strands of braids from tension
to get a flat braid with lush interweaving. Hairstyle
can be considered complete by tying a rubber band, or you can tie a braid
around the base of the tail. Hide the ends of the hair, fix them


Very stylish look on long hair harnesses. They can be
both standalone and “bundled” with any option
молодёжной hairstyles Most often the wiring harnesses to the tail or smoothly.
go into the braid.

Divide hair into three main parts. One medium – behind and
two on the sides. Fix the back of the hair with a rubber band or
barrette Each side part, alternately, twist around its
axis so that the flagellum is obtained. If you twist the tails around these harnesses,
and fasten invisible ends, then you get a very elegant
hairstyle for all occasions, including, and as an office

You can also fasten the edges of the harnesses with a thin rubber band in the hair color.
or hairpins, and leave hair loose.

Youth hairstyles can be varied, but the rule
Beauty is one – hair should be clean and well-groomed. Good,
special hair care products that allow you to be beautiful
at any time of the year, many, as well as accessories for

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