Noodle Salad – General Cooking Principles
Noodles are an amazing product. For some, this is the usual
everyday food, and for some noodles may be some
an exotic product. Especially when it comes to new and
unusual varieties of noodles that came to our country quite recently
their china and japan. Fighters for healthy food rejoice, because noodles
contains only fiber and carbohydrates. Fat is not here, which allows
to eat noodles every day, but at the same time not to gain weight at all.
Some nutritionists even suggest paying attention to Lapshun
diet, you can throw off the weight, but not feel
Noodles also have a healthy effect on the body. TO
For example, tryptophan contained here relieves depressive
condition and makes sleep sound and calm. It contains a lot
vitamins of groups A and B, the mineral reserves are also concentrated –
calcium, manganese, phosphorus and so on.
Noodle Salad – Preparing Food and Cookware
В TOитае и Японии салаты с лапшой являются частью истории и
traditional cuisine. Best for making noodle salads
take rice noodles – funchozu. In our country, noodles are made
exclusively from durum wheat. In the components of the dish with
noodles include fresh and boiled vegetables. Perfectly noodles combined with
meat, boiled or smoked, as well as with seafood – squid
and shrimp. It is important to observe the process of boiling noodles so that it
not stuck together.
Recipes салата с лапшой:
Recipe 1: Noodle Salad
TOогда речь идет о приготовлении салата с лапшой для повседневных
feast in the circle of your family, then for the dish you can take the usual
noodles such as Rolton, Mivina, can also be pasta with
different patterns, spirals, shells and so on. Cooking noodle salad
for the holiday table, it is better to take rice or bean
Ingredients Required:
- 200 g – noodles;
- 1 bundle – green onions;
- 100 ml – mayonnaise;
- 2 pcs. – tomatoes;
- 200 g – ham.
Cooking method:
TO моменту заправки салата отваренная лапша должна полностью
cool down So, throw the noodles in boiling water, until ready
boil, throw back in a colander and leave to cool there. Then
take a piece of ham and cut it into strips or cubes. Tomatoes
also wash well, and then cut in medium pieces. Green
Onion finely shred.
In a deep bowl, mix all the ingredients, refuel
Recipe 2: Salad with noodles and asparagus beans
When cooking this salad for everyday meals you can
take the usual canned beans and sausages, and for the holiday
useful beans and ham.
Ingredients Required:
- 300 g – noodles;
- 1 PC. – cucumber;
- 3 pcs. – sausages;
- 1 bunch – asparagus beans;
- 2 tbsp. l – rast. butter;
- 150 ml – mayonnaise;
- from spices – black pepper, red pepper and salt.
Cooking method:
Add vegetable oil to boiled water, add noodles,
after the readiness of which we recline in a colander.
It’s time to cook the asparagus beans. Throw it in boiling
salted water, boil a couple of minutes. Also boil and
sausages. We grind all components. All combine with noodles,
заправляем специями и mayonnaise.
Recipe 3: Tuna and Noodle Salad
For this noodle salad, it’s better to take canned tuna in
own juice. This will save time but taste
cooked salad is not affected.
Ingredients Required:
- 250 g – noodles;
- 1 b. – tuna;
- 1 PC. – bow;
- 3 pcs. – egg;
- 1 ч. l – mustard;
- 200 ml – mayonnaise;
- 1 PC. – lemon;
- 50 g – cheese.
Cooking method:
Boil the noodles to readiness and let it cool in a colander. The
time, thoroughly knead with a fork tuna. Eggs are also boiled
hard-boiled, and then cut into strips. If the noodles are already cold, into it
rub cheese and add tuna. All we connect, we decant from a lemon
a spoonful of juice, mix with mustard and mayonnaise, obtained
the consistency of the dish.
Recipe 4: Noodle and Pineapple Salad
This dish will not leave you indifferent, especially if
взять рисовую noodles. This is a very tasty and beautiful dish.
Ingredients Required:
- 200 g – noodles;
- 25 pcs. – olives;
- 2 pcs. – eggs;
- 0.5 b. – tinned pineapples;
- 2 pcs. – tomatoes;
- 2 tbsp. l – soy sauce.
Cooking method:
Отвариваем noodles. Pineapples cut into slices. Grind olives.
Eggs boil and cut into quarters. how только лапша
cool, add pineapples, sliced tomatoes,
olives. Season everything with soy sauce, and use chopped eggs
to decorate the dish.
Recipe 5: Salad with noodles and radishes
Healthy and tasty salad, which, no doubt, will surprise your
guests an unexpected combination of ingredients.
Ingredients Required:
- 300 g – noodles;
- 5 pieces. – tomatoes;
- 10 pieces. – radish;
- 2 tbsp. l — оливковое butter;
- 2 tbsp. l – lemon juice;
- 1 PC. – zucchini;
- 20 g – basil.
Cooking method:
Отвариваем noodles. Then нарезаем кубиками цуккини и немного
fry in a pan with olive oil. Further cut
radish better slices, and tomatoes in medium slices.
Zucchini ready, send to the noodles, there are also sliced
products. Pour over noodle salad with butter, drizzle with a little lemon
juice and all the above sprinkle with basil.
Noodle salad – secrets and tips from the best
Often, recipes indicate that noodles after boiling
need to rinse. Nutritionists do not recommend this, because
A greater supply of vitamins and trace elements go along with the liquid.
Most often washed rice noodles, but only no later than three
minutes after it boils.
Pasta, noodles, tend to stick. To avoid this
unpleasant moment, add a couple of spoons to the water with salt
vegetable oil. It is also worth choosing the right ratio
water in the pan, at the rate of 1 liter of water per 100 g of noodles. No way
case you should not cook noodles “for the future.” A couple of hours noodles
may lose its taste and become absolutely tasteless.