Nausea and vomiting in puppies: the nature of the disease,etiology and diagnosis. What to do if the puppy vomited or heconstantly spit up

ATс, 27 май 2018 Автор: Елена ATитинг

Most often, vomiting and regurgitation are a protective mechanism
allowing the body to quickly and effectively get rid of toxic
substances or foreign bodies. But sometimes these symptoms speak of
the presence of serious diseases. That is why every owner should
know what to do if the puppy has vomited or he is constantly
spits up.


Puppy belching: causes of false vomiting. Host actions when
pet regurgitating

By regurgitation understand the reflex process, followed by
throwing away just eaten pieces of food. For reasons of
which puppy regurgitates include:

– obstruction of the upper intestine;

– foreign body in the larynx;

– abnormal narrowing or protrusion of the esophagus;

– eating grass;

– quick ingestion of food;

– air entering the esophagus;

– binge eating;

– the excited state of the puppy.

With rare regurgitation, the strategy of the owner’s behavior comes down to
pet monitoring. If the process is not complicated by disturbing
symptoms (fever, lethargy, lack of appetite), then for his
cupping will be enough to change the diet and limit
active actions of the baby after eating.

Permanent passive ejection of food indicates the presence of
diseases and requires medical advice. If puppy
spit up blood, the causes may lie in the presence of a foreign body in
body or damage to the mucous membrane of the esophagus and larynx. AT
In this case, the owner should show the four-legged friend.
to the vet.

ATиды и этиология настоящей рвоты. Clinical picture

The process of real vomiting is accompanied by contraction of the abdominal muscles.
cavity, diaphragm and chest. By nature vomiting
is a protective reaction of the body, relieving the stomach from
toxic content. In addition, various

The first symptoms of the coming illness – increased salivation,
loss of appetite and puppy anxiety. Then nausea begins and
discharge of stomach contents. If vomit include
blood, this is evidence of injury to the gastrointestinal tract,
infectious diseases, ulcers, poisoning, parasites, leptospirosis
or the presence of tumors. Bile signals problems with
liver, allergies and flatulence. Yellow frothy discharge
explained by eating spoiled feed and carrion, blockage
intestines consuming large amounts of food on an empty stomach
and drug intoxication.

ATетеринары различают острую (до двух недель) и хроническую
forms. Spontaneous (acute) vomiting due to:

– changes in feed and inadequate diet;

– consumption of poor quality or spoiled food;

– by swallowing foreign bodies;

– stress;

– poisoning;

– intestinal obstruction;

– eating grass;

– heat stroke;

– motion sickness in the car;

– reaction to medications.

Chronic vomiting provoke:

– worms and parasites;

– enteritis, colitis;

– gastritis, stomach ulcer;

– gastrointestinal inflammation of different origin;

– pancreatitis;

– endocrinological diseases;

– pathologies of the central nervous system, heart, kidneys and liver;

– tumors.

AT некоторых ситуациях (отравление, переедание, солнечный удар)
the ejection of vomit passes without a trace. But there are times
when the dog needs emergency veterinary care.
Long involuntary “cleaning the stomach” always
accompanied by dehydration.

Puppy vomited – what to do the owner. First Aid and
self treatment

When nausea and vomiting occur in a puppy, the owner must first
assess the condition of the four-legged friend. In the absence of apathy,
refusal to eat, bloating, cramps, fever
body, prolonged diarrhea, foam, and blood in vomit can be
talk about having a simple upset stomach. AT этом случае
The following methods and medications help well:

1. Adsorbent means: enterosgel, micro-target, activated

2. Starvation diet during the day. Fresh water should be
always available to the animal. To replace lost fluid
it is good to add drinking electrolytes to the water. On the second day the dog
allowed in small portions to give easily digestible food: boiled
turkey, veal, chicken breast, boiled rice or
buckwheat porridge, low-fat cottage cheese.

3. Antiemetic medicines: furazolidone, cerrucal,
nifuroxazide, domperidone.

4. Preparations of antispasmodic action, removing painful
sensations: papaverine, spasmol, trigan, riabal, buscopan, no-shpa.

5. Gastroprotectors. In order to protect the mucosa
stomach from the negative effects of hydrochloric acid, pepsin and
aggressive factors, experts advise to conduct a course
film-forming agents: de-nola, omez, ankrusal, smect,

ATыполняя эти нехитрые рекомендации, владелец поможет питомцу в
get rid of unpleasant symptoms as soon as possible. But what to do,
If a puppy has vomited many times and his condition worsens markedly? AT
this case is the only correct one the solution is urgent
visit the vet.

Medical Diagnostics

Vomiting and nausea can be symptoms of not only gastrointestinal problems, but
and the ominous signs of serious diseases: leptospirosis,
diabetes, hepatitis, pancreatitis, meningitis, cardiac
insufficiency and neoplasms (benign and
malignant). If, despite the measures taken to stop
Vomiting dog continues to feel sick, it needs medical help.
For proper medical advice, veterinarians practice

– Clinical examination. ATключает в себя взвешивание, оценку
behavior, checking the condition of the skin, coat and mucous membranes
shells, palpation, breathing, temperature measurement and
heart rate.

– General and biochemical blood test.

– Analysis of urine and feces.

– Abdominal radiography, endoscopy, ultrasound of organs
Gastrointestinal tract.

Based on the results obtained, the doctor puts the final
diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

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