Nail polish: everything you need to know tosave your health

Fri, Feb 28, 2014

Beautiful sleek handles with neat manicure – business
card of any woman. We paint the nails with varnish, but rarely
think about what it consists of, whether it is harmful to health and how
protect yourself from the chemical effects of its ingredients.

The composition of nail polish

  • Полимеры отвечают за образование на поверхности ногтя
    homogeneous smooth film. As a rule, synthetic
    resins and nitrocellulose compounds.
  • Растворители связывают все компоненты в единое целое,
    responsible for the thickness of the varnish, viscosity, speed of drying,
    ease of application.
  • Пластификаторы необходимы, чтобы лаковое покрытие было
    durable and ductile, did not break, retained its color and gloss
    for a long time.
  • Пигменты придают лаку цвет, текстуру и различные
    effects. Among them are the shimmering mica, mother-of-pearl
    bismuth chloride, which regulates the brightness of titanium dioxide and, of course,
    all sorts of natural and synthetic dyes.

Hazardous ingredients

There are substances from which manufacturers of lacquers around the world
refuse, as scientific research has proven their pernicious
effects on the human body. You can check your composition
favorite varnish with this list and assess the degree of risk to
health International names are given in brackets.

  • Формальдегид (Formaldehyde) — растворитель и консервант.
    The most insidious component that virtually everyone avoids
    famous brands. It is toxic by inhalation, carcinogenic, has
    negative effects on the nervous and reproductive systems, eyes and
  • Толуол (Toluene, Methylbenzene,
    Toluol) — растворитель. Substance that also causes some
    fears, because according to scientists it may affect the function
    liver and kidney conduction of nerve fibers. In the European Union, this
    component is already banned.
  • Дибутилфталат (Dibutyl Phtalate,
    DBP) — пластификатор. Negatively affects
    human DNA, fetus and reproductive system in
    whole Suspected of toxic effects on the liver, kidneys and
    endocrine glands. Also banned in Europe and in
  • Формальдегидная смола (Tosylamide,
    Formaldehyde resin) — полимер. Derivative
    formaldehyde, less toxic than itself, but an allergen and
    causes skin and mucous membrane irritation.
  • Камфора (Camphor) — пластификатор. Causes
    irreparable damage to the liver, has a high risk of causing
    allergic by inhalation and in contact with skin.

How to protect yourself?

  • Pay attention to the composition of varnishes. Manufacturers who care
    about their customers, mark safe lacquers with a big3free mark or
    big5free, which means that the product does not contain the first three
    or all five of the hazardous components described above.
  • Causesе лак только в хорошо проветриваемом помещении, чтобы
    breathe toxic fumes as little as possible.
  • To protect the nails, use before covering.
    colored lacquer special protective base for manicure.
  • Do not get carried away with quick-drying varnishes – they contain
    much more solvents than other types

Text: Valentina Shmidova

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