Myrtle – growing, care, transplanting andbreeding

Fri, 26 Feb 2016

Мирт обыкновенный (Myrtus communis) является
popular ornamental plant. In nature, his place
the growths are Mediterranean, Azores and North
Africa. There he is a tree having a height of from 3 to 5
m. Indoor specimens have an average height of 60 cm, very
rarely grow to 1 m. Myrtle tree can be described as
evergreen with whole leathery leaves and single
or numerous white flowers in short racemes.

The genus Myrtus (Myrtus) numbers up to 40 species of the myrtle family.
The leaves and shoots of myrtle are a source of essential oil, widely
used in perfumery and medicine. How pot and tub
plant it is indispensable for interior design.

However, this is not all the virtues of a plant. Believed to be
brings home health, youth and beauty. It has long been in many
European nations have been the custom of decorating the bridal outfit myrtle
branches and flowers, so at the birth of her daughter was taken to give
family myrtle tree. It is also considered a symbol of hope and peace, and
attributed to him the ability to build self-confidence and
rid of fear.


Myrtle – growing and care

Easy or easy to care for myrtle? As far as it is
positive flower, so he and demanding. Myrtle
the tree will not forgive its masters forgetfulness if they do not pour
or do not feed him on time. For successful breeding he needs
provide enough bright diffused light. Straight lines
it can also tolerate the sun’s rays, but in a small
quantity. Thus, the best place for a plant will be
space at the western and eastern windows. Possible cultivation and
southern windows, but in this case you need to think about how to protect
him from the midday sun. At the north window, the myrtle tree is also not
will disappear, but will bloom less abundantly. In winter, it should be
find a lighted place.

Myrtle is more prone to cool, in the spring and summer he
needs moderate or slightly below moderate temperatures (from 18 ° C
up to 20 ° C). In winter, it is necessary to ensure its maintenance.
temperature from 5 ° C to 8-10 ° C (but not higher). If this condition is not
will be observed, that is, the danger of dropping foliage.

Watering a myrtle tree from spring to autumn needs plenty of
drying of the upper layer of the substrate), in the winter – limited, with
using soft distilled water. Drying out the soil even
short-term – is unacceptable. If so, then
the plant is watered by immersing the pot in a container of water. Together
however, stagnant water in the pan is also unacceptable.

Also requires attention air humidity. In the spring and summer
period the plant needs regular spraying soft
separated or filtered water. In winter, do not
need to.

It is characterized by a pronounced period of rest, which in
depending on the location may be different: on the north window
Lasts 3 months, in the south – up to 1.5 months.

Myrtle tree can easily be given its original shape by
haircut, which it tolerates very well. However, it should not
overcut side shoots too (especially for young
plants), as the trunk of the myrtle is not very strong.
You also do not need to get involved in pinching young shoots during
avoid reducing the intensity of flowering. Starting to look after
this plant, decide what you are aiming for: to strongly
branching compact bushes or flowering specimens with
weak crown. Myrtle grows very quickly, so for a couple of years you can
get small branched bushes. To increase the intensity
the growth of its weekly fertilized from spring to autumn floral

Мирт – пересадка и breeding

For young plants need an annual transplant without
the penetration of the base of the trunk into the soil, then the myrtle is transplanted
every 2-3 years (as needed). For transplant prepare
a mixture of turf and peat land, humus and sand in equal
parts or ordinary greenhouse soil. When transplanting is necessary
take care of good drainage.

It propagates by seeds and cuttings. In the first case, the seeds
spread over the surface of the wet peat substrate and
sand, taken in equal parts. Then, covering the seed bowl
glass, maintain a temperature of about 20 ° C, periodically
airing her. Substrate needs constant moderate
moisturizing. When in 1-2 weeks shoots appear, and they have
grows in two sheets, produce a pick in the pots.

In the second case, from January to February and in July, they take
semi-woody cuttings and rooting them in boxes or
wide low pots. For rooting, take the mixture in which
Sod and leaf earth and coarse sand are included. Contain
cuttings in a shaded place, covered with glass or polyethylene
film and occasionally airing. A month later when
rooting will occur, they are planted in pots and abundantly

Myrtle – possible diseases and pests

As we said myrtle very capricious and does not forgive
oversight or negligence in its cultivation. So on
insufficient coverage it responds with long stems and
pale small leaves; with its excess its leaves become
dull and yellow. If you put myrtle in a dark room with a high
by temperature, he will shed the leaves.

It is very dangerous for him as overdrying and excess
earthen coma moisture. If it happened that because
failure to comply with these conditions, the plant has dropped the leaves, then you need
pruning shoots to half, continue watering and spraying (with
over-wetting watering must be very careful). Perhaps in
In this case, in 10-15 days, he will respond to your concern.
the appearance of young leaves.

Myrtle can affect and pests: spider mite, pemphigus and
coccid First of all, it concerns the old copies of the plant.
Although it can be attacked at any age if
to keep it in winter at too high a temperature.
However, it should not сразу использовать в борьбе с насекомыми
toxic chemicals. With spider mites, you can try to fight
by a tap of tap water, by which it will simply be washed away, and
To remove pemphigus and coccid, use a brush dipped in
soap-alcohol solution.

You will say that this plant is too whimsical and complicated in
breeding? Try rubbing its leaves lightly, feel it.
delicate pleasant smell that fills your soul with peace and you immediately
become ready to forgive him for this all his whims!


Svetlana 08/28/2016 I have this tree I have been watering it for half a year already
a day later, in a plastic plate, see 15 branches grew, and
stick out in different directions, it is worth it in the kitchen is not the distance from the window!
Very beautiful tree. Tatyana 07/08/2016 Thank you for the article. I
novice florist. It is very important for me to know all the information about it.
flower. Margarita 03/31/2016 Thank you for the information. Many years i
I bought shoots and tried to grow, but he died, read what
there was nowhere about him. Now I understood why I couldn’t
grow up Elja 02.02.2016 First, as soon as I read about the myrtle, his
preferences and care, I thought it would be difficult for me to grow
this instance. But still in the summer acquired rooted cutting in
cup. I can not convey how shaking hands when transplanting – so
I was afraid of losing handsome … But everything turned out to be much easier and not
as scary as they say! The stalk was large enough, transplanted
in a pot and over the summer he raised a mini-tree! Generously during the summer
watering as soon as the top layer of the earth dries out, in the winter watering
more scarce. A sure sign that it’s time to water – bent over
shoots tips. He likes spraying very much !!!! I decided to try
to multiply – cut cuttings, immediately into the ground and under the can
(water, spray). As soon as the tops go to growth – you can
replant =) Do not be afraid of myrtle – very easy to grow
plant! About the ability to purify indoor air from very
Malicious germs generally keep quiet! For rooms with large
a flock of people – irreplaceable! Good luck to everyone =)

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