Mustard masks

Before proceeding directly to cooking mustard masks, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the basic rules for the use of mustard powder for hair.

A mustard mask recipe for hair that stimulates them well growth:

Mustard Hair MasksTake 1 raw egg yolk, and add to it 1 tbsp. l dry mustard powder, 1 tbsp. l juice squeezed from aloe leaves, 2 tbsp. l cognac, and 2 tbsp. l dairy cream.

(With a fat type of hair, instead of cream, you can take non-greasy sour cream; with dry strands, it is recommended to add 1 more to the composition Art. l vegetable oil – burdock, castor, almond, or mayonnaise).

Mix all the ingredients thoroughly to make homogeneous mass, which, slightly warmed up, well rub into the roots and scalp, and hold for 20-40 minutes. After wash your hair using shampoo and balm.

Apply no more than 1 time per week.

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Mustard hair growth mask with yeast:

Mustard Hair Mask RecipesDissolve 1 tbsp. l ordinary baker’s yeast (to measure the necessary proportions yeast can be crumbled) in about a quarter cup of warm milk, and add 2 teaspoons of sugar, or honey. Put the mixture in some warm fermentation area for 30 minutes (or just wrap the dishes well in warm terry towel).

After add 1 tbsp. l dry mustard powder previously diluted in a small amount of warm water, to formation of a thin homogeneous mass, stir everything again, and rub the composition into the scalp and roots, about 30 minutes before washing. Then wash your hair, as you always do, using shampoo and balm.

It should be noted that with fatty curls, it is better to dissolve the yeast in a slightly warmed low-fat kefir.

Apply 1-2 times a week.

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Mustard hair mask with blue clay:

Mustard hair masksMix 2 teaspoons dry powder of blue cosmetic clay with the same amount mustard powder. Now dilute the mixture with a little amount of warm water, so that it turns out homogeneous, and not very thick creamy mass. Rub it into the scalp, including hairline roots and leave for 15 minutes. After a good wash your hair with shampoo.

This tool not only stimulates the growth of hair, but also has a cleansing, degreasing, regenerating and firming action.

Use only with oily strands. Frequency of use – 1 time per a week.

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Another mustard mask for hair accelerating them growth, with a cleansing, refreshing and degreasing effect:

Preparation of mustard hair masksDilute 1 tbsp. l mustard powder with a little warm water so that it turned out not very dense mass. Add to this mass 1 tbsp. l oatmeal, or plain wheat flour, 1 teaspoon of honey, 2 teaspoons tablespoons of lemon juice, and so much low-fat yogurt or kefir (a few tablespoons) so that when stirring you get an average the density of a homogeneous mixture.

Rub the resulting composition into the scalp and roots for 25-40 minutes before washing. Then, as usual, wash your hair with shampoo.

The procedure is suitable only for oily type of strands. Apply 1-2 once a week.

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Very effective mustard mask for hair growth:

First you it will be necessary to squeeze the juice from the pulp of black radish (for this grind it very finely, or pass it through a meat grinder, and squeeze the juice from the resulting slurry through cheesecloth). Next, dilute this juice 1 tbsp. l dry mustard powder so that when stirring the average density of the mass was obtained.

Now, with a fatter type of hair, add 1-1.5 tbsp. l low-fat sour cream, or 3-4 tbsp. l low-fat kefir.

With dry curls, add 1 tbsp. l fat milk cream, and the same amount of slightly melted butter or mayonnaise. Or even with a dry type of strands, you can add 1 yolk, and 1 tbsp. l castor, burdock, or almond oil.

Stir all the ingredients thoroughly and rub the resulting mixture to the roots 20-40 minutes before shampooing. Then wash your hair with shampoo.

Frequency of use 1-2 times a week.

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Or another recipe for a very effective mustard mask for hair growth:

As in many other recipes, dilute 1 tbsp. l mustard powder some warm water. You should not be able to thick pasty mass.

Stir this mass with the pulp of one fresh, and medium on the size of a tomato.

With a fatty type of hair, only these will be enough ingredients. For drier strands, it is recommended to add more 1-2 tbsp. l mayonnaise, or vegetable oil.

The mixture must be rubbed into the scalp and roots, for 20-40 minutes before the wash procedure. Then, as usual, wash your hair with shampoo.

Apply 1-2 times a week.

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