Monodiets – to be or not to be (our lettersreaders)

monodieta-bit-ili-ne-bitDear editors! I want to tell
to you about your main effective weapon against excess weight.

My penchant for fullness often played a cruel joke with me. But
every time a new monodiet, thanks to which it was possible to bring
in shape, started the process of losing weight.

Often our struggle with excess weight ends in victory.
last one. Why is this happening?

Handling such a subtle instrument of successful victory over
fat stores like a mono diet requires a sensible approach. My
Experience can tell you about secrets and “pitfalls”, which
should provide.

Was I ever a skinny child? Yes, two or three years old,
judging by the numerous photos. But вскоре мои родители
moved closer to relatives, where I began to visit daily
grandmothers. Each of them tried to feed me something delicious,
therefore, duplicate meals have become commonplace. Do not offend
same grannies refuse!

This led to the fact that by the age of five I was like
ruddy apple. Since then, I have been on the “warpath” with the
insidious enemy – overweight. In the beginning, my mother helped me, and
from adolescence I mastered this science myself.


Why do I agree with nutritionists that most monodiets

It doesn’t matter in childhood or in adulthood, but a person needs
receive a balanced diet. Sitting on a diet that is
for several days will consist of one mono-product,
you may soon experience nausea, dizziness, often visits
the body is such a delicate matter as constipation and many others
unpleasant sensations. �The “clogged” intestine at this time delivers
blood decomposition products – toxins.

I experienced all these negative factors of poor health.
to myself. Moreover, the lack of many nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates and
especially fat) disrupted the endocrine system. Hence the frequent
weakness, headaches, nausea and other signs of bad
Feelings made me urgently throw this venture and go
to your favorite dishes.

�”Avalanche” of calories, coming with a strong diet after a hard
diets, led to triple weight gain!

My mistakes…

So, what is the risk of improper handling of various

  • If I ignored the preliminary consultation of the doctor and randomly
    prescribed a monoproduct diet, then its long-term consumption
    inflicted significant damage to my health, even to the hospital
  • The illiterate choice of low-calorie foods led to
    �”Clogging” of my intestines and poisoning the body, causing
    painful symptoms;
  • With the help of mono-diets, it was easy for me to beat a little extra
    weight: from 3 to 5 kg. Fat reserves of 10-15 kg and above – it was necessary
    process in several stages, changing products and with large
    pauses between monodiets, otherwise I either broke down or pounded
    your body to fainting. About my experience right
    Power in the pauses and exit from the monodiet will tell below.

Another significant disadvantage of mono-diet I think is weakness
which occurs due to the deficiency of many vital vitamins and
trace elements. It does not give full power to play sports,
it is therefore difficult during this period to burn fat mass, since it
splits only with regular workouts.


Positive moments monodiet

And now for the pros …

  • Monodiet helps to quickly throw the required amount
    kilograms for the celebration (meeting graduates, birthday or
    Butвому году), к поездке в отпуск или к свадьбе.
  • When you quickly lose weight, you do not have time to be disappointed in their
    opportunities, desire (or motivation) does not fade away.
  • Compared to nutrition, mono-diet gives instant
  • If you eat your favorite foods, then not only lose weight, but also
    have fun.

How I chose products for weight loss on mono diets?

The fact that you need to exclude from your diet, flour, fat,
sweet, salty, spicy, smoked meats, canned foods,
Fast food, fried and fast food, known to all.
Therefore, this “gentleman’s set is bad,” I brushed aside immediately.

What was left in the end? Healthy foods:

  • Lactic acid: kefir, cottage cheese, ryazhenka;
  • Milk (from which tasty milk comes from – 0
  • Unsweetened fruit: apples, oranges (except bananas, figs,
  • Fresh vegetables: white cabbage, cucumbers, radishes, tomatoes,
    Bulgarian pepper, leafy greens (celery, parsley – in a salad from
    vegetables or smoothie smoothies). Excluded potatoes, beets, which
    contain starch;
  • Meat: lean beef, poultry;
  • Fish (only river, as in the sea there is a considerable
    the amount of fat);
  • Porridge on the water: oatmeal or buckwheat.

Of the berries for mono-diets, a watermelon is suitable for many, but this
individually. I tried several times to try a watermelon diet,
but on the first day my weight grew significantly.

Ideal to lose weight, I managed to kefir, cucumber,
orange, cabbage and protein diet (boiled bird breast
or cottage cheese). Well helped to lose weight oatmeal (occasionally buckwheat)
diet. Wide famous apple diet I varied by
I feel good: sometimes I ate a kilo of fresh apples a day, and
they had to bake them (but without adding sugar, honey and
other ingredients – just baked fruit).

Best of all, I got rid of extra pounds when applied
�“Mono-diet plus” or “striped” diet. One day was fed strictly
kefir, and in the second – added one product: grated cucumber
without salt, boiled breast (100 grams), porridge on water (150
gr.) or “zero” cottage cheese (100 gr.). So I did it though
poor in calories, but fairly balanced diet. Organism
not so keenly responding to the hungry stress.

Besides, it was easier for me to play sports in this case, which
improved the body’s metabolism and even more helped to lose weight.

Each mono product differently influenced the process of losing weight. If a
kefir cleansing diet helped me get rid of 3 pounds in 3 days
overweight, and “striped” per week – from 5 to 8 kg (thanks to
the lack of salt in the diet in the first days out
plenty of water, so I always had better results than those
who got rid mostly of fat).

But because of the water retention in the body, the watermelon did not suit me.
diet, since I’m on it instead of losing weight is gaining weight and

My favorite was the six-petal diet. Perfect
the combination of mono-diet invented by Anna Johanson: one day –
protein, the second – carbohydrate, helped me drop a week before
8-9 kg! It lasted only six days, it was necessary to alternate, not
changing the order: fish, vegetable, chicken, cereal, cottage cheese and
fruit day. She kept my weekly nutritional balance.
substances and at the same time helped to easily lose weight!

My favorite monodiet recipes

I started to lose weight with hard monodiets, trying each no more
1-3 days. Apple, kefir, vegetable, cottage cheese, rice, protein
the power system of a single product during this time easily rid
me from 1.5 – 2 kg of excess weight.

  • Яблочная diet. Kilogram – one and a half sour fresh apples I
    divided into 5-6 meals. If a они были кисловаты, то я их в
    microwave or oven baked for 5-7 minutes, previously
    fork piercing the peel in several places.
  • Kefir. Liter and a half fermented milk drink (kefir or
    natural yogurt without additives) is also evenly distributed in
    throughout the day.
  • Cucumber or cabbage. A kilogram of cucumbers, or one and a half,
    divided into 5-6 servings, you can use as a whole or do
    salad (the same goes for cabbage). Add salt and butter to the dish.
    You can not, you can sprinkle it with lemon juice and sprinkle with chopped
    celery or parsley.
  • Rice or buckwheat. A glass of cereal boil without salt and eat
    rice or buckwheat when you feel hunger.
  • Meat. 500-700 gr. boiled chicken breast or lean
    beef divided into 5-6 servings. To refresh the taste of meat, you can
    eat it with leafy greens, fresh cabbage without salt or
  • Oatmeal. Several times a day (5-6) poured 2 tbsp. spoons
    Hercules 150-200 ml boiling water, insisted 5 minutes and ate without

This diet requires a large amount of clean non-carbonated.
water. I drank about one and a half liters of boiled water, sometimes in this
the amount of liquid included, if desired, green tea without


What to eat in the pauses between monodiets and how to get out of them

My mistakes were the first time illiterate exits from mono-diets.
The hungry organism sent every calorie to the fat depot, and to me
more like to eat. Therefore, I remember with horror how
gained three times more kilograms than they managed to lose. With
In time, I realized that during pauses I had to eat as often, but already
healthy low-calorie foods. You can not skip the tricks
food, otherwise the next time the body takes its own.

Best of all, I managed to keep the shape on exit, if I
In the “striped” mode, she stayed for a few more days, adding to
monoproduct fresh non-starchy vegetables and fruits (in salads,
cocktails, smoothies, juices), low-fat protein foods (cottage cheese,
beef, poultry breast, fish), cereals from cereals on the water (for example, from
lentils), dried fruits, jelly, honey (not more than 1 tsp. per day!).

If a меня мучали отеки, то я делала в перерыве один разгрузочный
day on molokochae (liter of milk was diluted in half with water, finished
to boil and brewed 5-6 bags of green tea). Ok he
It turns out in a thermos. This amount was enough for the whole day. Here is
so I managed to keep that weight for a long time
thanks monodiet.

In the pauses between monodiets and at the exit of them the diet is the same.
If a найти баланс между поступлением калорий и их расходом, то
You can successfully regulate your weight, achieving perfect

Another “underwater pebble” in monodiets

From my own experience I know that you need to proceed to any mono-diet
only in his free time at home. Organism
reacts differently to drastic calorie restriction. therefore
mental or physical labor during this period happens tense: then
head badly thinks, then weakness knocks down. In the home
the atmosphere, even sports can be interrupted at any moment and
lie down.

And now I will tell about the delicate problem often mentioned here.
If a кисломолочная монодиета, овощная, фруктовая или овсяная редко
complicated by constipation, the protein (meat, mostly), rice
can trigger intestinal blockage. Especially if you drink
меньше, чем нужно, water. Then the next morning you have to clean the intestines with
using an enema.


Otherwise, the body is poisoned by toxins, it increases
nausea, moreover, slows down the metabolic process. This leads to
stopping most metabolic processes and losing weight.

Here is так я худела, перебирая одну монодиету за другой. �”Jump”
from one to another without pauses, as I sometimes did, it is impossible, because
this led to the depletion of the body and loss of strength (with the weight
stopped decreasing). Health must be protected! Successful practice
mono-diet came when I used them like “golden
key “or” stop signal “gluttony, and then moved to
low-calorie diet, but be sure
balanced food.

These were the same monoproducts, but completely covering protein,
carbohydrate, fat deficiency in the body. In addition, skin health,
nails and hair can not be subjected to a long “attack” – a long
lack of essential trace elements and antioxidants leads to
hair loss, thinning of the nail plates, deterioration of the external
appearance and early aging of the skin. Is it worth the risk?

In conclusion…

I use today only one-day monodiets as
unloading. The next day, be sure to add each appointment
food a small portion of another product. For example, meat kefir,
oatmeal on water or fresh vegetables. It helps for many years
keep fit.

Mono-diet gives an excellent result, but for a long time to practice it
can’t! I learned this from my own experience. Be beautiful and
necessarily healthy!

It is also important: “Where to start raw foods for weight loss?” And
�”Figs against excess weight.”

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