Moisturizing mask for dry hair with oils andnutrients. The best recipes moisturizing masks for dryhair

Ср, 06 сен 2017 Автор: Юлия Улиткина

Сухие hairы доставляются не меньше неприятностей,
than fatty. The weights look lifeless, the hairstyle crumbles,
no volume. Увлажняющая маска для сухих hair — вот быстрая помощь
curls. Cook it yourself – it’s not expensive, effective.
and useful.


Причины сухости hair

Чаще всего hairы становятся сухими летом. The scorching rays of the sun
omnipresent dust, harsh wind and salty sea water — quite
достаточные причины, чтобы структура hairяных стержней ослабла.
Зимой hairы тоже испытывают стресс от перепадов температур и
warm, heavy hats.

Сухость и сечение hair могут быть сигналом нарушений в обменных
processes. Если в организме не хватает витаминов, жиров, hairяные
луковицы недополучают питательных веществ, и hairы портятся.

Finally, improper care, constant use of a hair dryer,
ironing and curling irons also cause dryness. To again
наполнить hairы здоровьем, упругостью и блеском, нужен регулярный
care and prevention.

Компоненты масок для сухих hair

To увлажнить hairы, можно использовать в качестве
mask components cheap pharmaceutical oils and food,
which is in the refrigerator and kitchen cupboard.

• Natural dairy products perfectly moisturize
поврежденные hairяные стержни. Kefir, whey, sour milk,
Yogurt – all this can be done by mask components.

• Cosmetic oils, among which the most popular and
effective – burdock and castor. Но hairы с благодарностью
Edible oils will also be received – flaxseed oil, olive oil. They contain
beneficial fatty acids, vitamins, phospholipids that protect
scalp from drying out.

• Honey, chicken eggs – the source of many substances that moisturize and
питающих hairы.

• Glycerin, which can be bought at the pharmacy, is one of
best moisturizing products.

Кроме того, в увлажняющие маски для сухих hair иногда входят
solutions of vitamins E or A, aloe extract or juice. They have
благотворное влияние и на корни, и на hairяные стержни.

Как использовать домашние маски для hair

Смешав состав, сразу нанесите его на hairы. With dry skin
rub the head mask into the roots, then spread it over the locks. To
быстро восстановить здоровую структуру hair, сделайте маски курсом
from 10 procedures. Apply them twice a week. With prophylactic
for the purpose of making a mask once a week or ten days.

To компоненты маски лучше проникли в чешуйки hairяного
стрежня, наносите ее чистые, слегка влажные hairы. An exception –
увлажняющие маски для hair с маслами. You apply such structures on
грязные сухие hairы.

Warm your head. Закройте hairы с нанесенной маской
film, wear a warm hat or just make a “turban” of
thick towels. Heat will enhance the action of the ingredients.

Масляные увлажняющие маски для сухих hair

Популярность масел для восстановления сухих hair и
maintaining a normal level of moisture is very high. Most
a simple option is to make a monomask, processing curls with any
cosmetic or food unrefined oil. Pre
Heat it by holding over boiling water. Rub into the roots
neatly apply over the entire length of the strands. Depending on their length
The procedure will take 2-4 tablespoons of oil.

Такая маска глубоко увлажнит стержни, сделает hairы гладкими,
brilliant, strong. A similar effect will give mixing several
types of oils.

With glycerin, egg and vinegar

This is an express mask that will result after the first
procedures. Curls will begin to shine, become obedient and alive.


• three tablespoons of olive oil;

• a teaspoon of natural apple cider vinegar;

• teaspoon glycerin;

• a raw egg.

Beat the egg to foam. Heat oil over boiling water.
Mix все ингредиенты и нанесите на hairы.

Gelatin, vitamin solutions

Эта увлажняющая маска для сухих hair — настоящее спасение.
Масляная композиция заполнит чешуйки hairяных стержней,
restore their healthy structure and make the hair beautiful.


• a tablespoon of gelatin powder;

• half a glass of water;

• tablespoon of castor oil;

• a teaspoon of a solution of vitamins A and E.

Dissolve the gelatin according to the instructions or just pour warm
water for forty minutes, and then warm on a small fire until
the grains do not melt. In the cooled gelatin pour the oil, stir and
нанесите состав на hairы. Be sure to wear insulated

Восстанавливающие увлажняющие маски для сухих hair

Food is a great base for homemade masks. Special
полезны для сухих hair мед, кисломолочные продукты, алоэ, лук.

Mask on kefir

Кефир, простокваша, йогурт помогут восстановить структуру hair.
The mask is very simple, but effective, especially if you use it.
as prevention of split ends. Take 150 ml
fermented milk product (without sugar and additives), slightly heat
in a water bath until warm. Wash your head. Rub in
roots, then apply copiously on strands.

Mask on kefir, меда и оливковом масле

More complex composition for deep moisturizing, shine, nutrition
корней и восстановления структуры hair. After the procedure hairstyle
becomes perfect.


• half a cup of kefir, yogurt or yogurt;

• a tablespoon of liquid honey;

• a tablespoon of olive oil (can be replaced

Melt thick or candied honey in a water bath or in
microwave. Heat oil in a separate bowl. Mix
components until a pleasant homogeneous mass. Apply on
roots, then comb with wide teeth comb along the strands.

Mask with yolk, coconut oil and aloe

Perfect restoring and moisturizing mask for dry
hair, которая дает эффект с первой procedures. If you have no juice
homemade aloe, it can be replaced by pharmacy extract


• half a cup of thick yogurt or kefir;

• two dessert spoons of aloe juice;

• raw yolk;

• A tablespoon of coconut or almond oil.

Coconut oil hold over boiling water to melt.
Separate the yolk, beat it with a fork. Connect all the components and
immediately use a mask.

Mask with honey, yolk and vegetable

Блестящие hairы, легкая укладка и живая упругость локонов — вот
what gives this composition.


• a large spoon of honey;

• two or three tablespoons of olive, almond or burdock oil;

• fresh yolk.

Heat the honey so that it becomes liquid. Separate and whisk yolk.
Combine everything in one bowl, mix thoroughly and gently.
apply on strands over the entire length.

Multicomponent mask

Each component of this mixture has a beneficial effect.
on curls. After the procedure, they are well hydrated, shine and delight.


• two tablespoons of olive oil;

• raw yolk;

• half an average lemon;

• one capsule of solutions of vitamins A and E;

• two tablespoons of honey.

Отделите желток и разотрите его с оливковым oiled. Squeeze out
lemon juice. Melt the honey. Mix все ингредиенты в однородную
массу и сразу же распределите по hairам.

Sour cream, butter, yolk

Этот состав хорош для вьющихся hair. If curls ceased
obey, make this particular moisturizing mask for dry


• tablespoon with a hill of low-fat sour cream;

• two tablespoons of olive oil;

• tablespoon of castor oil;

• fresh yolk.

Whisk the yolk in a separate bowl. Mix масла и сметану,
stir vigorously. Add the yolk to the emulsion, whisk again and

Mask with onions and aloe

Этот состав увлажняет hairы любого типа, а также оздоравливает
scalp. Nourishes follicles with nutrients, gives
well-groomed appearance hairstyle.


• a leaf of homemade aloe (you can replace the pharmacy with a teaspoon

• small onion;

• a tablespoon with a slide of sour cream (it is better to take low-fat);

• teaspoon of burdock oil;

• big spoon of honey.

From aloe and bulbs squeeze the juice. Melt the honey over boiling water.
Mix компоненты и сделайте маску.

To избавиться от неприятного лукового запаха, после смывания
увлажняющей маски для сухих hair вымойте голову шампунем,
ополосните hairы лимонной или уксусной водой. Can cook
neutralizing rinse by adding five drops to a liter of water
peppermint oil

Ухаживайте за hairами, не допускайте пересушивания в любое
time of year and be beautiful!

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