Moisturizing hair masks – how to make themright

Sun, 03 Apr 2016

Hair is the business card of every woman.

Unfortunately, nature has not rewarded all the brilliant and
thick head of hair. If after all you wish to have magnificent and beautiful
hair, then you just need to use hair masks.

This is the easiest and most effective hair care product.
Masks protect hair from negative effects, improve their health and
make it attractive.

Under the influence of various adverse factors they
dry up, lose moisture, so they begin to break, split,
look lifeless. These factors include exposure
sun rays, especially after relaxing on the beach, and
use of various styling products that destroy the protective
layer and searing hair. Not the best way to affect the state
волос и неrightе питание, а также недостаток витаминов.

Moisturizing and nourishing masks need to be done for all types.
hair. Lightened hair is especially drained and needs
moisturizing at least 1-2 times a week. Oily hair, especially
long, can be fat only at the roots, and the tips also
dried up. In this case, the roots must be applied adsorbing
masks, for example, clay, and moisten the tips and nourish. For
split ends need masks based on vegetable oil, with
by adding essential oil.


Moisturizing hair masks: professional care or folk

Definitely answer this question – a thankless task. Everything
so individually depends on the availability of free time
financial resources, the degree of damage to the hair, general condition
health Each species has its own advantages.
Professional moisturizing hair masks save your time on
cooking recipes, and homemade recipes only include
natural ingredients. Homemade moisturizing hair masks are not
designed for long-term storage, so you need to prepare
single serving before each use. The exceptions are
alcohol infusions, but they must be stored in a cool place.

Moisturizing hair mask разного типа – как right

On dry, defatted scalp, hair becomes dry and
brittle. Moisturizing hair masks with this type of skin are usually
contain in the composition of the oil, honey and egg yolk. Yolk can
use and for washing hair instead of shampoo. He is whipped in
foam, hair is well washed, and at the same time refreshed and
strengthened. This product contains fats beneficial to the scalp and
nutrients. If the hair quickly becomes greasy, then
do not solve this problem with frequent washing. Daily wash
hair, on the contrary, stimulates sebum secretion.

The maximum effect of a moisturizing hair mask can be
with regular use, at least once every two weeks, and for
intensive recovery they need to be done more often. Head wash
after the mask. For восстановления волос сухих и ломких маски можно
leave overnight. It is important to use alternately different formulations,
It is more useful and efficient. Moisturizing hair mask
include the most common products that can be easily
get in any grocery store or pharmacy.

Moisturizing hair mask – рецепты

Moisturizing mask with gelatin

It consists of a spoon (table) of gelatin, honey and flowers.
chamomile (for blond hair) or nettle (for dark). For
cooking need to brew the grass with boiling water and dissolve in this
decoction gelatin. Everything смешать с медом. Mask put on wet
washed hair, rub into the roots, wrap with a film, and then insulate.
For того, чтобы волосы хорошо укладывались, нужно смыть маску, не
washing out the gelatin completely.

This mask perfectly moisturize hair and scalp. Gelatin
nourishes hair with vitality and is also effective
natural styling product. After applying the mask you can
model any styling, it will keep its shape for a long time, and
hair will look bigger and thicker.

Moisturizing hair mask с простоквашей

Dairy products – a simple and effective way to moisturize
hair. And the best of them is acting sour milk. She needs
heat to 37 degrees and apply as much as possible on the hair.
Then wrap the hair with a film or permanent paper, to insulate.
Mask to keep at least half an hour, and the longer, the better the effect.
After rinsing, you must again put yogurt on the hair roots and
Massage them for about five minutes, then syt.

Moisturizing hair mask с маслами

Option 1

Take one teaspoon of vinegar, glycerin and castor
oils, and also egg. Everything тщательно перемешать, распределить по
волосам и очень хорошо втереть в корни hair. Insulate and keep
about 40 minutes, then rinse with shampoo. This mask has
very strong moisturizing properties.

Option 2

For приготовления этой увлажняющей маски для волос понадобится
olive or other vegetable oil (2 spoons), ten capsules
vitamin A and two capsules of vitamin E. In addition to oils, you need to add
three spoons of linden honey and yolk. Ingredients for acceleration
The process can be mixed using a mixer. This mask must be kept
on the hair as much as possible time, at least half an hour. Flush her
need a baby or other soft shampoo.

Option 3 – moisturizing mask based on

You need to mix an equal amount of castor or other
растительного масла и honey, примерно по три ложки. Add there
yolk and some lemon juice. Stir this mass thoroughly and
Apply generously to all hair for at least half an hour. Thereafter
rinse hair well with shampoo.

Egg Moisturizing Mask

For приготовления маски нужно отделить белок от желтка и взбить
its mixer to a foamy state. Then add the yolk and
mix gently. This mixture should be applied to the hair approximately on
half an hour, then rinse them with warm water without shampoo. Besides
moisturizing properties, the egg has a good cleansing

Moisturizing hair mask с хной

Option 1 – маска с хной и медом

Mix a teaspoon of such ingredients: colorless henna,
brandy and honey, add yolk and a tablespoon of oil. Mixture applied
on hair, cover with polyethylene and insulate. Hold for about an hour and
wash off with shampoo.

Option 2 – маска с хной и авокадо

It is necessary to dissolve two tablespoons of henna powder with hot water. Resulting
leave the thick mixture to cool. Then add the avocado pulp, and
also a spoon of castor oil. To sustain on hair about an hour, at
This is wrapped with cellophane and insulated. Wash off with shampoo.


Iris~ 31.05.2016 Moisturizing hair mask с маслами Option 1
Take one teaspoon of vinegar, glycerin and castor масла,
as well as an egg. Everything тщательно перемешать, распределить по волосам и
очень хорошо втереть в корни hair. Insulate and keep около 40
минут, затем wash off with shampoo. This mask has очень
strong moisturizing properties Question .. what vinegar? how much

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