Moisturizing hair at home


  • Causes of dry hair
  • Sprays, conditioners and hair moisturizing masks
  • Homemade hair moisturizing masks (folk remedies)

Hair, as well as skin, needs moisturizing. Otherwise,
they will look dry and lifeless. With proper care
curls will be flowing and shiny.


Why does hair become dry?

There are several major factors that can deprive
your hair is vital moisture.

  • Adverse effects have the greatest impact
    external environment. For example, extremely detrimental effect on curls
    constant temperature drops. Also important is the role and
    dry air in the rooms where heating devices are installed.
    The solution to the problem can serve as special moisturizers, which
    can be found in home appliances stores. If you do not want
    spend money on extra devices, then just place it near
    radiators open containers with water or hang them wet
  • Sometimes we deliberately damage our hair by coloring and curling
    them, as well as using hair dryers and ironing. If you can not do without
    these devices, then be sure to use balms and sprays with
    marked “thermal protection”.
  • One of the most important factors in the health and beauty of hair is
    proper and balanced nutrition. If you want to improve
    the state of your hair, then you will be helped by nuts, carrots,
    chicken eggs and liver. It is also recommended to drink a course of vitamin

Moisturizing hair with professional products

  • Hair Moisturizing Sprays

In order to cope with the effects of dry hair and
protect them further, many hairdressers recommend
use moisturizing sprays. Their peculiarity is that
The basis of the chemical composition is thermal water and natural
plant extracts. You can also find funds enriched
mineral elements and vitamins.

Particular attention should be paid to spray components such as
ceramides and chitosan. They form on each of the hairs protective
a barrier that protects the curls from evaporation of moisture, but, at the same
time, do not block the intake of oxygen. But sprays low
the price category moisturize hair due to lanolin and

A quality spray must contain the following

  1. – chitosan – tightens the hair structure, and also gives shine and
    makes combing easier;
  2. – Vitamin E is responsible for the nutrition and hydration of curls;
  3. – Vitamin F – protects hair from damage;
  4. – panthenol – intensively moisturizes hair, and also unravels

Be sure to read the composition before buying a spray. If it is
only silicones, they will have a temporary cosmetic effect, but
no benefit to the hair will bring.

  • Air conditioners

One of the effective ways to moisturize hair is
use of air conditioners. The main task of the air conditioner is
moisturizing hair and scalp, as well as the best combing. After
using the conditioner the hair becomes more docile and
long retain their brilliance.

Conditioner, like shampoo, must also be selected according to the type
hair. Therefore, long-term conditioners need
use with caution: due to their use of hair, especially
fatty, become heavier.

  • Purchased moisturizing masks – the most affectionate care for

ESTEL Restoration and Protection mask containing a UV filter for
всех типов hair

Эта маска эффективно увлажняет и питает hairы и кожу головы,
helps to restore the natural water balance and structure
поврежденных hair. Благодаря УФ-фильтру hairы обеспечены защитой
from the sun and in the solarium, and the content of chestnut extract and
сбалансированного витаминного комплекса придает hairам
elasticity. Сияющий блеск hair обеспечивается пчелиным воском, а
кондиционирующее действие позволяет легче расчесывать hairы.

Результат:  hairы получают увлажнение и питание, а также
protection against UV radiation, their structure is restored.

Применение: маску наносят на вымытые влажные hairы и
massaging movements distributed over their entire length, after 5-10
minutes thoroughly washed with warm water.

Bonacure Moisture Маска увлажняющая для hair

The Schwarzkopf Professional Lab has created a mask that
обеспечивает интенсивную регенерацию и увлажнение hair,
предназначенную как для сухих, так и для вьющихся hair. Dairy
proteins, panthenol, amino acids help to ensure deep
увлажнение hair и восстановление их внутренней структуры.
The moisturizing gel mask helps to soften and
разглаживанию сухих hair, а также их питанию от корней до самых

Уже после первого применения к hairам возвращается жизненная
strength, shine and silkiness.

Способ применения: на вымытые и подсушенные полотенцем hairы
наносят маску, через 5 минут hairы тщательно промывают.

Homemade recipes

However, a very simple but effective air conditioner can
cook by yourself. The main ingredient of this “homemade
conditioner “is honey, which contains a rich spectrum
vitamins and minerals as well as moisturizing and softening

Make a mixture of your usual shampoo and honey in the ratio
1: 1. На hairы средней длины потребуется примерно полстакана смеси.
Этот «домашний кондиционер» нанесите на hairы и покройте их
plastic shower cap or package. For maximum
воздействия мед должен пробыть на hairах не менее 20-30 минут,
после чего hairы нужно тщательно вымыть шампунем и промыть теплой
water If you are allergic to honey or too sensitive skin.
head, it is better to first put a little mixture on the bend of the elbow and
look at the result.

  • Кефирная маска для увлажнения hair

In the cosmetic stores and pharmacies you can find dozens
наименований масок для увлажнения hair, но лучше домашних рецептов
hard to find anything. Excellent effect on curls kefir, which
must be mixed with olive oil (2 tablespoons). Here also
enter slightly beaten egg yolk. It is important that all ingredients
were room temperature, and therefore before mixing they must
some time to be outside the refrigerator. By applying a remedy
hairы, обязательно обмотайте их полиэтиленом и утеплите полотенцем
or a hat. The procedure lasts about an hour.

  • Moisturizing sea buckthorn mask

Масла – это незаменимое средство для увлажнение hair. Special
Sea buckthorn works well. Mix it with any other base
oil in a ratio of 2: 1. Be sure to add to the mixture a few
drops of vitamins A and E (or squeeze a couple of capsules Aevita). Applied
маску не только на кончики, но и на корни hair, утеплив их
cellophane and towel.

  • Увлажнение hair после окрашивания

Краска может подарить hairам невероятно яркий и насыщенный
Colour. Nevertheless, it is worth being prepared for the fact that for such
beauty will have to pay dried tips and lifeless
kind of curls. You can fix this problem with
miraculous mask, which consists of the following

  1. – incomplete cup of kefir (bacteria that it contains,
    оживляют и восстанавливают hairы);
  2. – the fifth part of a glass of vegetable oil (on your
  3. – a teaspoon of liquid honey.

The ideal option would be to use kefir
independently, because It has an order of magnitude more useful components,
than in the store. Перед нанесением на hairы маску обязательно
warmed up. Обрабатывая корни hair, проведите легкий массаж,
to increase blood circulation. At the same time will be strengthened
hairяные луковицы и увлажняться кончики.

  • Mask to restore split ends

Больше всего от негативных воздействий страдают кончики hair.
They become brittle and dry. But do not rush to take scissors.
Better try to make a regenerating henna mask (20
grams), 2 teaspoons of flaxseed oil and capsules Aevita.

First you need to prepare for the use of henna. For that her
pour boiling water and allow to stand (according to the instructions on
packaging). When it is completely cool, add the rest.
Components. Если после обработки tips у вас останется маска, то
apply it to the roots too.

Для того, чтобы поддерживать hairы в здоровом и увлажненном
In addition to masks, it is also useful to use thermal
water Hair especially need such care in hot summer
period, as well as in winter in rooms with heating devices.

Теперь вы знаете, что увлажнение hair в домашних условиях не
as hard as it might seem at first glance. Moisturize
hairы, используя приведенные выше рекомендации,  и через
some time you will see a great result!

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