Modern methods of non-surgical rejuvenationfaces

In the struggle for beauty and youth all means are good. But go to bed
for this, few under the surgeon’s knife are solved. And rightly so. because
that radical rejuvenation methods are needed only in extreme cases,
associated with many health risks and the result does not always give
expected. In addition, modern aesthetic cosmetology
has a whole arsenal of innovative technologies, tools,
способов, позволяющих добиться визуального омоложения faces на 5-15
years without surgery.

The vast majority of anti-aging techniques is
in restoring and stimulating the synthesis of collagen and elastin –
proteins that provide turgor, elasticity, freshness, elasticity
skin. Consider the most popular salon options
anti-aging procedures, we will conduct a tour of the means
anti-aging cosmetics and, of course, touch on the topic of home
способов борьбы с приметами увядания skin.


�”Injections of youth”

Кто готов ради сохранения молодости и привлекательности faces
go on any experiments, not sparing money and time, preference
give salon non-surgical rejuvenation procedures. Giving himself in
hands of specialists, you can not worry about anything, because as a doctor
he himself will make a choice, from a professional point of view, assessing the state
patient’s skin, features and scale of the problem, age, presence
factors prohibiting or restricting the use of one or another

There are many options. The most popular today are
injection and hardware non-surgical rejuvenation techniques. AT
The number of the most demanded injection methods includes:

  1. Mesotherapy.
  2. Plazmolifting.
  3. Biorevitalization.
  4. Ozone therapy.
  5. Non-invasive contour plastics.
  6. �”Beauty shots” for individual problem areas.

The popularity of injection methods is not only due to
amazing effect of skin rejuvenation from the inside, but also the lack of
mandatory in most cases of lengthy preparation
short-term rehabilitation period, practical safety
and painless procedure. The procedure is the same.
– inject drugs are introduced into the dermis, as a result of exposure
skin visually rejuvenated, disappear from its surface
main signs of wilting.

Preparations in such procedures are used different. AT мезотерапии
they mainly use multicomponent youth cocktails,
The composition of which includes:

  • ATитаминные комплексы.
  • Hyaluronic acid.
  • Artificially isolated proteins of collagen and elastin.
  • Organic acids.
  • Fibroblasts, etc.

Plasma lifting is performed using its own plasma.
patient’s blood. After the substance is introduced into the dermis, the process starts.
natural rejuvenation of the skin without the risk of an allergic reaction
organism on the drug, the risk of rejection of the filler.

AT озонотерапии основным действующим компонентов инъекционного
material is ozone, under the action of which skin cells also
updated and rejuvenated by yourself.

Hardware methods of rejuvenation

Хорошо зарекомендовавшие себя в вопросах омоложения кожи faces
innovative hardware procedures:

  • Elos rejuvenation.
  • Photorejuvenation.
  • Radio wave lifting.
  • Laser rejuvenation.
  • Laser fractional rejuvenation.
  • Лазерная шлифовка skin.
  • Thermage and others

The principle of operation of most of them is extreme,
non-invasive effects (directed or fractional) on the skin.
The devices produce light, heat, ultrasound,
radio wave, etc. streams.

AT любом случае для клеток кожного покрова это является своего
kind of shock therapy, which ultimately causes the desired response
– active updating of the structural composition of the surface and
подлежащих им слоев skin. AT зависимости от примененной методики
hardware rejuvenation achieved instant or cumulative
эффект обновления структуры skin.

In addition to eliminating the optical signs of aging on
коже faces в косметологической клинике пациенту могут быт предложены
ultrasonic and chemical peeling procedures, threadlift
faces, инъекции препаратов, восстанавливающих структуру кожи за счет
moisturizing (hyaluronic acid) or blocking mobility
мимических мышц faces (Диспорт, Ботокс).

Преимуществ салонных методов омоложения faces множество. AT первую
queue is high efficiency, relative painlessness,
the ability to quickly see the result of the procedure (course of procedures),
painless, lack of serious risks, complications, adverse

Among the minuses – the high cost, time costs,
short rejuvenation effect. These factors become
the reason that many women still have to fight
за сохранения молодости faces с помощью косметических средств или по
the old way – folk remedies.

Anti-aging cosmetics

If a woman is sensitive to her appearance and wants
delay wilting as long as possible, at home
she must have a cosmetic first-aid kit
омолаживающие кремы для faces – ночной, дневной, moisturizing,
nutritious, anti-wrinkle, etc.

The effectiveness of any anti-age cosmetics is based on
the four “pillars”:

  1. Moisturizing. Insufficient degree of moisture – the main of
    causes of skin aging. Therefore, it is possible to delay its withering
    account of maintaining a normal sufficient moisture level. Therefore, in
    any anti-aging cream have components that provide
    moisturizing the dermis. As a result of the use of cosmetics
    anti-age skin becomes elastic, smoothed, looks more
    young. Alas, the effect of the rejuvenation of the cream is given only in the case
    their regular use.
  2. Cleansing Чистая кожа выглядит ухоженной и более young.
    Therefore, in состав омолаживающих кремов часто включают вещества с
    peeling action (salicylic, glycolic, lactic and
    other organic acids). They remove from the top layer
    epidermis dead skin cells, making the skin look clean,
    fresh. Small wrinkles and folds are smoothed.
  3. Protection. One of the factors of aging is accumulation in the skin tissues.
    free radicals. Reduce the degree of negative external
    effects on the skin can antioxidants. Therefore, in состав
    anti-aging creams injected substances with strong antioxidant
    properties – vitamins A, C, E, extracts of medicinal plants (green
    tea, grape seeds, etc.), coenzyme Q10. These components
    provide anti-aging cosmetics with a preventive effect,
    aimed at preventing the formation of new wrinkles. Alas,
    remove existing wrinkles anti-aging cream is not in
  4. Smoothing The main component of anti-age cosmetics,
    designed to visually smooth out wrinkles, is retinol (vitamin
    BUT). It not only reduces the effect of free radicals on the skin, but
    also exfoliates well the cells of the upper stratum corneum,
    stimulates the production of collagen. �”Magic” rejuvenation application
    creams with vitamin A, of course, can not give, but as a result
    regular use of their skin structure becomes more elastic,
    smooth, clean, supple.

Conclusion: anti-aging cosmetics can and should be used to
кожа подольше оставалась young. But it is necessary to perceive it
only as prevention of aging, and in no way as a means
able to turn back the clock. In addition, the real effect
rejuvenation any cosmetics give only on condition of their
regular use.

�”Non-professional” means of facial rejuvenation

Self-made masks, creams, serums, lotions,
tonics are made up of products that moisturize, nourish,
protect, smooth skin. That is, perform the same actions as
and anti-age cream. At the same time, they consist exclusively of
natural components, which guarantees the safety of use.
Naturally, the cost of any of these compositions is much lower than that of
purchased creams, masks, serums, etc., and the efficiency is equal
or even higher.

In addition, homemade facial treatments can be performed.
at any convenient time, recipes of folk remedies for skin rejuvenation
faces a great many that makes it possible to choose an option
matching skin type. Plus, the ingredients for making such
formulations are always available. Food, pharmaceutical vitamins in
capsules, herbs with healing properties, essential oils … In general, everything
what you need to make homemade anti-aging remedies
either buy at the nearest pharmacy for mere pennies, or find on
the kitchen.

For example, women get excellent results from using masks.
with starch and rejuvenating home treatments with retinol acetate
(vitamin A).

Compete with the salon techniques folk cosmetology,
naturally can not. No home events can
eliminate signs of aging already on the face with the same
degree of effectiveness like high tech injectables or
hardware procedures for skin rejuvenation without surgery. But make up
decent competition anti-aging cosmetics folk remedies
quite capable, since their main task is
prevention of aging.

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