Mixed marriages: pros and cons

Thu, 08 Dec 2016

Mixed marriages sometimes cause controversy and
perplexity, but from young people who have decided to unite fate with
representative of another race or religious denomination, often
Parents turn away forever. However when it comes to
people from show business who are often famous for their extraordinary
acts, the audience falls silent and begins to admire a bold step
young. However, once the couple breaks up, it becomes a reason for
frank malice.

Famous German model Heidi Klum, being an enviable bride
for many handsome men from show business, shocked many by marrying
for black singer Force. In love and harmony, the couple lived 7 years,
after which the blonde beauty had to raise mulatto children
one. Surely many fans of creativity Power and activity
Heidi unanimously stated what caused the breakup of marriage – the difference in
skin color. At least this is the only argument for
broken marriages. What a pity that the eyes on the former
happy family life is closed, and other factors of a divorce are not
taken into account.

Need more examples of successful or broken mixed marriages?
For clarity, we again call some foreign stars in order to
emphasize the ordinariness of a similar phenomenon. So.

  • The late Marlon Brando had a penchant for women not his
    races. He was married to Indian actress Anna Kashfi, Vietnamese.
    Frans Nguyen, Puerto Rican Rita Morin and Tahita Tahitian
  • American singer David Bowie has been married for many years
    Somali model Iman Mohamed Abdulmaji
  • Movie actor Nicolas Cage is married to Ellis, a third marriage
  • Star of the series “Lost” Josh Holloway happily married
    in Indonesian Jessica Kumala.

On this subject, you can argue endlessly. Due to the large number
mixed marriages, you can safely talk about mixing races. Human
having a certain nationality since childhood
brought up in his own national environment. Muslim does not walk
to the church and the synagogue, and the Christian only knows about the mosque
hearsay When entering into such a marriage in people with different
children are born with 50% of the signs of each
parent. In different countries, nationality is assigned one by one.
from parents. So the child of the Ukrainian woman Ani Lorak and her Turkish husband cannot be
will prescribe in the column passport “nationality” – “Turk” at least
because he will not take the father’s genetic heritage alone.
Because of such marriages, there is a mixture of blood, which ultimately
will lead to the disappearance or appearance of new races and

The beauty of mixed marriages is that by entering into a new union,
both spouses have the opportunity to explore the culture and life of another
nationalities. Children who inherit the symptoms of both parents often
born incredibly beautiful and erudite. Currently
the renunciation of their culture and religion has become optional, and
national disputes do not arise, and each spouse
tolerant to the religious views of another.

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