Mesotherapy for weight loss

Мезотерапия – это введение активных веществ в
superficial layers of the skin by injection. The essence of the procedure is very
simple – the problem area of ​​the body is covered with fast
surface pricks through which tissue is injected
medicinal cocktail.

Mesotherapy for weight loss

For the introduction of the drug used microneedles – from 0.1 to 1.3 mm
in diameter. Injections are given both manually and with
mechanical or electronic pistol – mesoinjector. Needle
works quickly and the depth of injection does not exceed 0.5 – 6 mm.

This method allows you to enter medicines directly into those
areas where their action is necessary, and not soak them all
an organism. No other method can achieve this address.
delivering the necessary substances to the fabric, so for many years now
The technique does not lose its popularity.

The spectrum of mesotherapy is very wide – from the treatment of youth
acne to cellulite and local fat deposits. As
Injectable drugs in mesotherapy are used therapeutic cocktails –
vitamin complexes, vasodilators that improve microcirculation
agents, lipolitics – fat-splitting substances and much more.
To combat cellulite choose cocktails that eliminate stagnant lymph.
improve blood circulation, relieve swelling.

Due to the fact that the drug penetrates exactly into the cells,
Mesotherapy can significantly improve the condition of the subcutaneous fat
fiber, increase local blood circulation, increase
skin elasticity.

Mesotherapy procedures with lipolytics (substances
splitting fat) can be a substitute for deep liposuction
especially if the patient has contraindications to surgical
intervention. Mesotherapy procedures then stimulate
breakdown of fats, normalize microcirculation, breaks down
connective tissue cellulite partitions contribute
leveling the skin surface.

Since the procedure of mesotherapy involves injecting
the introduction of drugs, it can not be called absolutely painless. But
the popularity of this technique suggests that patients like
usually transfer procedures without any problems, and for
sensitive customers beauticians spend fast outdoor
anesthesia with an anesthetic cream.

Mesotherapy procedures are recommended once a week,
the duration of the course depends on the specific problem, usually
the number of sessions per course is from 5 to 20 procedures. AT
Depending on the severity of the problem being solved, mesotherapy
used in combination with other procedures – endermology,
dermotonii, wrappings, pressure therapy and others, at the discretion
the doctor.

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