Menu for every day diet table number15

  • 1 Description of the diet Table 15
    • 1.1 What can I eat with diet number 15?
    • 1.2 Menu for the week
    • 1.3 Recipes for every day
  • 2 When is the medical diet prescribed Table number 15?
    • 2.1 Assigning a diet after surgery
    • 2.2 When gastritis
    • 2.3 During pregnancy
    • 2.4 Tips for nursing mothers
  • 3 Disadvantages of diet Table number 15

Any diets limit the menu in your favorite foods with the goal
weight reduction. But there is a power system that “allows” them
there is and at the same time effectively lose weight. We will talk about it in this article.
При диете Стол номер 15 уберите из рациона меню
A small list of “harmful” products and you will see positive
results in a week.


Description of diet Table 15

Diet Table number 15 – the final therapeutic diet on the list
Soviet pediatrician – M.I. Pevzner. Assigned to patients after
operations to restore strength and energy. Menu diet Table number 15
provides a person with all the necessary vitamins and minerals, with
content of the right amount of fat, protein and carbohydrates.

What can you eat with diet number 15?

While on the diet table number 15, use the usual and
favorite foods if they are on the general menu list to maintain
dietary intake:

  • broths;
  • low-fat dishes;
  • milk products;
  • eggs;
  • porridges;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • hot drinks.

It is strictly contraindicated to eat fatty foods, pepper and

Menu for the week

The way of nutrition and the menu for the week when dieting Table number 15 looks
in the following way:


  • Завтрак: сварить любимую кашу, не
    adding salt to it. You can drink all this unsweetened tea.
  • Обед: меню составит рагу из овощей,
    without adding refills. 10 minutes after eating a drink
    a glass of berry jelly.
  • Ужин: сделать овощной салат. Before bedtime
    drink a cup of weak tea without sugar.


  • eat processed cheese, washed down with unsweetened tea.
  • prepare a dish of beef, without adding seasonings. AT
    Apple compote is recommended as a beverage.
  • fry fish by adding vegetable stew to it – an example menu on


  • boil buckwheat and drink a cup of cocoa.
  • Rice porridge drink compote.
  • low-fat cutlets “attach” to the vegetable salad and make
    weak tea


  • tea toast and semolina without sugar.
  • vegetable broth drink with apple compote.
  • cook buckwheat porridge and add to it fish cooked on
    Steamed and raw vegetables.


  • vegetable salad and a cup are suitable for mashed potatoes
    savory tea.
  • soup with a spoon of sour cream, fish patties and compote.
  • cottage cheese and fruit.


  • milk porridge without sugar and a cup of coffee.
  • mashed potatoes without additives and a glass of orange juice.
  • low-fat cutlets and vegetable salad without olive oil.


  • processed cheese, semolina and tea.
  • vegetable soup, fried fish and fruit juice.
  • To the vegetable salad add a few fish chops.

Recipes for every day

The allowable amount of sugar in the daily menu is 25
grams, bread – 200 grams.

We provide you with recipes of delicious dishes for every day diet.
Table 15:

Millet porridge with cottage cheese

Millet porridge with cottage cheese
  • сварить пшено (пропорция 1:2);
  • pour cereal with a glass of milk;
  • boil this mixture for 5 minutes;
  • add cottage cheese and salt to taste;
  • mix;
  • continue cooking in the microwave for
    2-3 minutes.

Baked Tomatoes with Egg

Baked Tomatoes with Egg
  • срезать верхнюю часть помидора и вынуть сердцевину;
  • разбить в  каждый овощ по 1 яйцу, посыпать зеленью;
  • send to the oven (temperature 100 gadusov) for 10-15

When is the medical diet prescribed Table number 15?

Medical diet Table number 15 is assigned
при при переходе лечении заболевания. To
the patient did not aggravate his position by immediately switching to fatty foods,
some time he is recommended food restrictions.

Medical Diet Menu Table number 15 is assigned when
diseases related to the gastrointestinal tract and to
the digestive system as a whole. The system is designed to
full balanced nutrition and its composition includes
easily digestible, but high-calorie foods.

Table number 15 includes 4 meals each day.

The purpose of the diet after surgery

Diet Table number 15 – a real “return to life” for
citizens with a breakdown. It will give patients vigor, energy and
strength of mind due to the tasty and favorite menu.

Нарушение режима меню диетической системы
питания номер 15 приведет к обратному
. ATнутренние органы вернутся в прежнее состояние.
AT этом случае, ограничение в питании ситуацию не спасет. Specific
система питания назначается не ранее, чем через год с
момента проведения операции
, так как, после выписки,
internal organs will need time to recover.

When gastritis

When gastritis, Стол номер 15 включает в меню на каждый день соки
from vegetables and fruits. Special attention must be paid to quality.
consumed products, since the slightest ingestion
junk food will lead to immediate deterioration.

It’s worth eating at least 4 times a day
the standard menu diet Table number 15, in the same thing
time. This procedure is soon will lead to stable
activity of the digestive system.

During pregnancy

When dieting Table number 15 is not recommended for pregnant women.
load your body with “heavy” food, such as baked, fried
and fatty dishes, seasoned. To wearing
the fetus flowed steadily and without problems, exclude from the menu sharp
the dishes. During pregnancy категорически нельзя есть
недожаренное мясо и злоупотреблять кофем

Tips for nursing moms

Menu diet Table number 15 предназначено для сбалансированного
food without an extra load on the body. Therefore, it is suitable as
pregnant women and nursing mothers. Women with yearlings
children should eat right in order that with milk to
child is not harmful substances contained in food. The menu should be
diverse, balanced, enriched with vitamins and

With a stomach ulcer, gastritis, pancreatitis and even after
operations menu of the medical power system number 15 is necessary
all At the end of a certain diet, you can allow
products from the “prohibited” list. But fully returning to
habitual food intake, it is possible to aggravate the situation and return to
hospital atmosphere.

Medical diets can be cured and lose weight. results
are under the responsibility of the attending physician. Pevzner came up with 15
medical ways to lose weight to improve the performance of each
internal organ without medication.

Стол номер 15 — ограничение в питании, подходящее all AT том
including old people and children. because the body requires “care” in any

Disadvantages of diet Table number 15

У данной системы есть и свои минусы:

  • unforeseen reaction of the body to the absence of the usual
    products on the menu;
  • allergic reactions and personal intolerance.
  • incompatibility of drugs with separate

If there were no side effects, continue the diet.
number 15 until recovery. For prophylaxis, twice a year to diet
Table 15 must be resorted to by absolutely healthy people, since harmful
food knocks out even the most persistent.

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