- 1 The essence of the diet Mayy Plisetskaya
- 1.1 Permitted and Prohibited Products
- 2 Menus
- 3 Correct exit
- 4 Contraindications
Prima Ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater, Queen of Russian Ballet –
graceful Maya Plisetskaya always looked stunning,
admiring his fans chiseled figure. The secret of harmony
Ballerina hiding not only in daily and intensive rehearsals,
but also in a strict diet, to which Maya Mikhailovna periodically
resorted when it was necessary to lose weight, especially
before important speeches. The diet of Maya Plisetskaya among the people received
sonorous name “Do not eat,” because of the ballerina’s remark to the question
French journalist about her harmony: “I’m not sitting
chew! ”
The essence of the diet Mayy Plisetskaya
The diet of Maya Plisetskaya “Do not eat” is absolutely not in
fasting The very prima of the Bolshoi Theater has developed a scheme for itself
food, with which she managed to lose 8-10 extra
kilograms in just 2 weeks. Diet Plisetskaya different low
calorie intake, and therefore for its compliance will require
considerable willpower and endurance. To the merits of the Maya Plisetskaya diet
include: high performance, as well as quite diverse
a menu that does not have time to pall.
The basic principles of the Maya Plisetskaya diet:
- Дробное питание. Daily should be three
full meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner). In between
main meals can not starve, you can eat a vegetable
(mostly green) or unsweetened fruit. - За полчаса до каждого приема пищи необходимо
выпивать по 1 стакану негазированной воды. Water
fill the stomach, reduce appetite, which will affect the fast
saturation with a small portion. - Water mode. Drink at least 2 during the day.
литров жидкости: воды, чая (травяного, зеленого), но без
Sahara. You can drink with the Plisetskaya diet freshly squeezed vegetable and
fruit juices, decoctions, savory stewed fruit. - The usual portion volume needs to be cut.
вдвое. That is, one serving of fish should be no more than 150
gr, lettuce 200 gr, soup 250 ml. - Ежедневные физические нагрузки. Ballerina herself
she stubbornly tortured herself with daily workouts and rehearsals. AT
alternatively you can do fitness, aerobics,
To consolidate the result of weight loss, Maya Plisetskaya
recommended to repeat the diet two months later.
Allowed and prohibited products
Maya Plisetskaya diet – allowed
- Oats, barley, rice, lentils;
- Low-fat fish (pike, zander, pollock, cod, hake);
- Low-fat bird (chicken, turkey);
- Poorly starchy vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, cucumbers, Bulgarian
pepper, spinach, celery); - Greens (parsley, cilantro, dill, thyme);
- Unsweetened fruit (apples, pears, plums, citrus);
- Lemon juice (as a salad dressing);
- Extra virgin olive oil (not more than 1 tablespoon. In
By the Maya Plisetskaya diet, vegetables can be stewed, baked,
boil, use both raw and salads. Fish and
poultry is better to boil or steam without adding salt and
spice. Porridge (oatmeal, rice, barley) should be cooked in water
without salt, sugar and butter.
Maya Plisetskaya Diet – Prohibited
- Fatty meat, poultry and fish;
- Fried dishes, rich broths;
- Smoked meats. Pickles, pickles;
- Any pastries, bread and bakery products;
- Pasta;
- Sweets and desserts;
- Potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes;
- Sweet fruits (grapes, bananas, melons);
- Eggs;
- Dairy and dairy products;
- Semi-finished products, fast food;
- Spices and spices;
- Fat sauces and gravies;
- Salt and sugar;
- Coffee;
- Carbonated drinks;
- Alcoholic beverages.
Диета Майи Плисецкой – меню на 15 days (завтрак,
snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner):
1 day:
- Oatmeal 150 gr;
- Cucumber;
- Vegetable soup 250 ml. Boiled cod 150 gr;
- Green apple;
- Rice 100 gr. Cabbage salad 200 gr.
2 day:
- Rice porridge 150 gr;
- Orange;
- Celery cream soup 250 gr. Boiled chicken fillet 150
gr; - Bulgarian pepper;
- Lentil Puree 100 gr. Vegetable stew 200 gr.
3 day:
- Ячневая каша 150 gr;
- Pear;
- Green soup lenten 250 gr. Хек на пару 150 gr;
- Spinach;
- Rice 100 gr. Steamed broccoli 200 gr.
4 day:
- Пюре из чечевицы 150 gr;
- Grapefruit;
- Broccoli soup 250 gr. Отварное филе индейки 150 gr;
- Asparagus;
- Barley porridge 100 gr. Salad of white cabbage 200 gr.
5 day:
- Овсянка 150 gr;
- Peach;
- Vegetable soup 250 gr. Минтай на пару 150 gr;
- Cucumber;
- Lentils 100 gr. Arugula Salad 200 gr.
6 day:
- Рис 150 gr;
- Kiwi;
- Cabbage soup 250 gr. Судак на пару 150 gr;
- Celery smoothies;
- Barley porridge 100 gr. Vegetable stew 200 gr.
7 day:
- Чечевица 150 gr;
- Garnet;
- Vegetable soup 250 gr. Boiled chicken fillet 150 gr;
- Green bell pepper;
- Rice 100 gr. Stewed green beans 200 gr.
8 day:
- Ячневая каша 150 gr;
- Green apple;
- Green borscht 250 gr. Филе индейки на пару 150 gr;
- Steamed broccoli;
- Lentils 100 gr. Salad from cucumber and pepper 200 gr.
9 day:
- Oatmeal 150 gr;
- Plum;
- Celery cream soup 250 gr. Хек на пару 150 gr;
- Brussels sprouts;
- Rice 100 gr. Vegetable stew 200 gr.
10 day:
- Rice porridge 150 gr;
- Apricot;
- Vegetable bouillon. Минтай отварной 150 gr;
- Spinach;
- Lentils 100 gr. Steamed broccoli 200 gr.
11 day:
- Пюре из чечевицы 150 gr;
- Orange;
- Shchi 250 gr. Судак на пару 150 gr;
- Cucumber;
- Rice 100 gr. Cabbage salad 200 gr.
12 day:
- Ячневая каша 150 gr;
- Pear;
- Green borscht 250 gr. Отварная куриная грудинка 150 gr;
- Bulgarian green pepper;
- Lentils 100 gr. Steamed vegetables (spinach, broccoli) 200 gr.
13 day:
- Oatmeal 150 gr;
- Kiwi;
- Vegetable soup 250 gr. Отварное филе индейки 150 gr;
- Spinach;
- Rice 100 gr. String beans 200 gr.
14 day:
- Rice porridge 150 gr;
- Apricot;
- Celery puree soup 250 gr. Минтай на пару 150 gr;
- Broccoli;
- Oatmeal 100 gr. Vegetable stew 200 gr.
15 day:
- Овсянка 150 gr;
- Mandarin;
- Broccoli cream soup 250 gr. Boiled cod 150 gr;
- Cucumber;
- Lentil Puree 100 gr. Cabbage salad with herbs 200
Correct exit
Соблюдая диету Майи Плисецкой 15 days, можно избавиться от 8-11
extra pounds. ATпечатляющие результаты похудения важно
save to lose weight soon did not return
back. This requires a competent exit from the Maya diet.
Plisetskaya. It should continue to continue to eat
established rules of the ballerina, gradually increasing the volume
AT первую неделю рекомендуется добавить в свой
ration eggs (no more than 1 piece per day), low-fat fermented milk
products (cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt). Meat and fish should continue
boil, you can stew, bake, steam or grill, and
from fried foods and should be abandoned altogether.
Maya Plisetskaya recommended repeating the diet in two months
for the preservation of the achieved results of weight loss. For supporting
It’s recommended to exclude from your body
diet when leaving the Maya Plisetskaya diet fatty foods and
It is necessary to continue to drink a glass of still water
за 30 минут до приема пищи, что позволит не переедать.
Special attention should be paid to their physical activity,
after all, regular loads (sports, walking, running, swimming)
allow not only to keep muscles in shape, but also prevent
the appearance of stretch marks and sagging skin with rapid
losing weight
It should be noted that due to the low calorie diet of the Maya diet
Plisetskaya side effects may occur during its compliance:
weakness, fatigue, dizziness, drops
mood, blackening in the eyes. Due to lack of fat, protein and
Carbohydrates are recommended to be additionally taken with the Maya diet.
Plisetskaya vitamin and mineral complexes. Before starting compliance
Ballerina diets should be familiar with the available
contraindications, and it is better to consult a doctor.
Maya Plisetskaya Diet – Contraindications:
- Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- Liver and kidney disease;
- Any chronic illness during the exacerbation period;
- AT период реабилитации после перенесенных операций;
- Period of pregnancy and lactation;
- Children, teenagers and old age.