Masks for dry skin – nourish and moisturizehome conditions

Сб, 20 июн 2015 Автор: Яна ATладыка

Permanent dry skin can cause discomfort for a woman.
unpleasant and even painful sensations at any time of the year.

The owners of this type of skin are in perpetual search.
a way to help moisturize the skin and rid it of flaking
and feelings of a certain tightness.

For some reason, the fair sex thinks
what to make a good and, importantly, effective face mask
в home conditions невозможно. They find the process laborious.
and long. And then also it may turn out that all efforts were
wasted. Time passes, and no change for the better
not visible.

So, I hasten to please our dear readers with a selection of the most
simple but effective masks for dry skin that are completely
easy to cook in your own kitchen. Each of the ingredients
can be freely bought in the market. Or maybe they even already exist in
your fridge.


Curd-banana mask to moisturize dry skin

Since childhood, we are forced to eat cottage cheese. But few
realizes that it is good for the body, not only if it is. Of
cottage cheese can be prepared good and really effective masks for
faces. It will have a positive effect on the skin of any type.
The difference is that for oily skin should be used completely
low-fat cottage cheese, and for dry skin you need to buy one that
has a higher percentage of fat.

It is better not to add to the mask the cottage cheese purchased in the store in
a pack. If the skin is too sensitive, then it may appear.
acne and rashes. Natural homemade product has no
additives, so do not be afraid to use it.

Чтобы изготовить в home conditions творожно-банановую маску
Take one small ripe banana and mash it. To one spoon
banana add the same spoon of pre-grated curd.
Dilute the gruel with two tablespoons of milk and apply on the neck and
face. After a quarter of an hour, the mask should be washed off. Repeat this
procedure 2-3 times a week.

Moisturizing mask for dry skin with currants

Everyone knows that black currant is the real
a storehouse of minerals and beneficial vitamins that will help
moisturize dry face skin, slightly refresh it and make it less
visible some skin blemishes. There is no more berry,
which would be as useful in cosmetology as

The benefits of currant as the main component of the mask for the skin
dry type is obvious: these berries are available to everyone and if their
freeze, and after defrosting, they will not completely lose their
healing properties.

To make this mask at home, you’ll have to take some
currant juice, mineral water and olive oil. These
ingredients need to be poured into one container, keeping proportions
4: 4: 1. If done correctly, you will get a thin mass,
which, for more convenience, it is better to pour into a bottle or jar,
because before applying this magic mask on the skin, it will have to be
shake well.

The mask should be kept on the skin for no more than a quarter of an hour. By
after this time it is necessary to wash it off. The flushing process will be
easier if you use a cotton swab for this. Well be
if after a few minutes you apply moisturizing to your face
nutritious cream.

Tomato-based mask for dry skin

Tomatoes have many vitamins that come in
fight against dry skin, its peeling, the emergence of various
inflammations and acne that can defuse the mood for the whole day
even the most cheerful girl.

Some of the vitamins can increase the ability of cells to
regenerate, rejuvenate the skin, soothe it and give a feeling

Tips for those who decided to try a tomato

1. It is necessary to prepare a mask only from fresh and ripe tomatoes,
that are grown without using different types of chemical

2. Tomato mask is allowed to be done once in 7-10

3. If your skin is too sensitive, it is best to pick for
yourself a mask, which will not include tomatoes.

To prepare your own mask for dry skin type of
tomatoes, you need to take one medium-sized tomato and knead
its so that eventually a thickish gruel is formed. To tomato
add one small spoonful of oatmeal, having previously ground them
well before that. Now break one egg and separate the yolk.
from protein. Yolk should be added to cereal and tomato, carefully
mixed up.

If the mask is too thick and does not fall even thin
layer on face, then add as much milk as
will need to change the consistency.

Avocado Mask for Fading and Dry Skin

This exotic fruit is popular not only in the field of cooking,
but also in cosmetology. Of него можно приготовить отличные эффективные
masks for any skin. Recipes masks using it pretty
simple but effective.

Fruit is able to have a healing effect on dry and scaly
face skin by making it delicate, velvety and removing some
limitations. The composition of this atypical product includes useful
substances, including minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, in which so
need dry skin cells.

Of одного плода авокадо у вас будет возможность приготовить
several masks. Do not worry, it will not deteriorate in the refrigerator, because
can be stored for a long time without becoming a useless product.
Byчему же косметическая сила этого фрукта настолько велика? it
very easy to explain. Avocado pulp is a bit fat
oils, which has a special composition, and skin cells of the face is ideal
digest it.

To make an avocado mask for dry skin you need to take
avocado and grind its pulp. Byтрите на самой мелкой терке
a small carrot and add one tablespoon of avocado to it. AT
this mixture will need to add one yolk, some fatty liquid
cream and one teaspoon of sweet honey. Mixing everything well
you will get a not too thick mush that must be thinly smeared
on the skin and leave there for 15 minutes. Byсле этой маски вы сможете
feel how your skin grows toned and silky.

Gray clay mask for moisturizing facial skin

Gray clay is very popular among cosmetologists.
They are well aware of all its beneficial properties and boldly.
recommend this clay to its customers who complain of dryness
face skin and peeling.

By making regular masks of gray clay, you can increase
skin elasticity, its elasticity and increase the ability of cells to
regeneration. As you know, dead skin cells need
clean up so that it becomes more tender and soft. Here to you too
will help gray clay.

The recipe for a gray clay face mask is very simple: you
need one spoon of clay, to which you want to add cool
milk to get too thick gruel. If the mixture
it turns out very thick, then add more milk, because a thick mask
Don’t lay flat on your face and harden too fast.

Now, with light massage movements, apply the mask to your face,
avoiding delicate areas near the eyes, and on the neck. Hold on skin 15
minutes and rinse with a soft sponge, slightly wetting the mask in front
flushing. So it will soften a little and come off without any

Lemon-herbal mask for dry skin

Lemon is a fruit that people have used since ancient times
learned to treat colds of any complexity. Even in modern
the developed world, it is not inferior to any drugs. Once
the throat starts to hurt, for example, we run to the kitchen and brew
tea, adding a few pieces of lemon and squeezing
its juice to make tea quite sour. Lemon is the most saturated
different vitamins and organic acids. Hard to overestimate
its healing properties.

itму замечательному фрукту нашли применение и в области
cosmetology. It has become one of the main ingredients of many masks.
for all skin types. There is one effective recipe for masks with lemon and
herbs to help moisturize dry skin and return it to her
beauty and freshness. Such a mask any of you can easily
cook at home. You just have to make sure that there are at hand
All the necessary ingredients for it.

You need to take one big lemon and carefully squeeze it out.
all juice in a small container. AT другую емкость положите по одной
a teaspoon of herbs such as chamomile, hops, St. John’s wort,
yarrow Cover the herbs with hot boiled water and cover.
anything Set aside for a couple of minutes so that they
infused. Once пройдет 20-30 минут настой надо процедить и
add one spoon of honey and lemon to the herbs, whose sour juice
already waiting for you on a plate. ATсе это нужно хорошенько перемешать и
apply in a small amount on the face no more than 2-3 times a
a week

We must remember that lemon has a whitening property, therefore,
if in the summer you don’t like being in the role of Snow White, then pick up for
yourself a different mask recipe.

Moisturizing mask for dry skin of berries

Summer is a time when you can buy the most different at every corner.
fruits and berries. Some of them grow right in your garden, so
masks from the berries do not require you special costs. Making berry masks,
you will get no less benefit from the berries than if you take them

ATозьмите немного клубники и выдавите из нее сок, чтобы его
It turned out 2 cups. Add lanolin to the strawberry juice, dissolving
its pre-waterbath. Use the blender and
chop up some oatmeal and whip with strawberry juice and

If you apply this mask on the skin a couple of times a week, then
soon you will notice how it will begin to transform. Skin will cease
be so dry and will no longer peel off. She will become tender and
velvet, pleasant to the touch.

In conclusion:

Modern cosmetology is well developed. She can help anyone
to solve the problem of dry skin without taking a lot of time and effort.
Shops are full of tonics, creams, masks and other
means. But do not forget that even the most expensive means
can not be compared for face masks of the naturals
продуктов, приготовленными в home conditions.

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