Holidays March 18
The first man in space
A spacecraft was sent into Earth’s orbit.
�”Voskhod-2″. It was part of his mission to join for the first time in
unexplored space. Behind the exit of man into space,
provided by the Soviet program, watched the whole country. Cosmonaut
Alexey Leonov, wearing a special spacesuit, hung behind
over the ship for about twelve minutes, and then with a cable
returned to him. After some time, the Americans who started
on the ship “Gemini-4”, repeated the experiment of the Soviet
Beginning of Lent (date for 2013)
The Great Fast or the Fast of the Holy Thousands Day begins at
Monday after Pancake Week. On the eve of forgiveness
Sunday in the temples hold a ceremony of universal forgiveness, to
believers with a pure soul were able to enter the Great Lent,
established by the Orthodox Church in memory of forty days
abstaining from the food of Christ. According to legend, Jesus soon after
the baptism went to desolate places and fasted there. Great post like
typically lasts forty days, and its story begins with a deep
antiquity – as evidenced by the scriptures. Word itself
�”The Fourtieth” is often found in the ancient written
messages In Russia, the peasants kept the post very strictly,
abstaining even from drinking until nine o’clock in the evening. In food
allowed to take only vegetables and bread. And meat, eggs and dairy
products were strictly forbidden, on the feast of the Annunciation people
could not afford to eat fish. Rules of fasting
The fourtieth is clearly spelled out in the church charter.
Only pregnant women, children, old people and women are exempt from it.
medical indications. All others are subject to strict
condemnation from the church for non-observance of Lent.
March 18 in the national calendar
March 18, people commemorate the memory of the holy great martyr Konon
Gradarius, who lived in the city of Mandon and cultivated gardens,
thanks to this occupation, he got the nickname – Ogorodnik.V
Kononov day in Russia was taken to soak the planting seeds. AT
the same day, people worked on the land, carefully fertilizing it. Therefore
about love to gossip: “Navoi on Ogorodnik on the ridge of manure and
You do not eat in winter over an empty pot of tears, ”or“ Where superfluous
manure a peg, there will be an extra bread korizhka. ” Sayings on the topic
A gardener was built a huge set. But to garden not
worms and mosquitoes attacked, the owners dug three holes on the ground and
then, whispering the words, bombarded them: “The first hole for sushi,
the second is for mosquitoes, and the third is for worms. ” Interesting fact
that the garden in Kononov day was cultivated even in a very rainy and
cold day. Do not forget about the special signs on this day.
For example, it was supposed: if the weather on Ogorodnika is clear, then
summer hail is not necessary to be afraid.
Historical events of March 18
18 марта 1662 год — ATо Франции появился первый
public transportThe first public transport released in
Paris, was a eight-seat carriage that “worked”
on horseback. ATскоре власти запретили ездить в каретах
(omnibuses) to people of “low social status”, and for this reason
transport, having lost the bulk of the population, gradually descended on
no, reborn again in Europe after a couple of centuries. ATпрочем,
briefly thanks to the development of technology. Today in many countries
Omnibuses play an entertainment role, mainly
for tourists. But in some cities of Cuba carriage with a harness to
сих пор используются в качестве общественного транспорта.18
марта 1892 год — Основание кубка Стэнли для лучшей
hockey teamThe birth of the cup is obliged to Lord Stanley
Preston, then Governor-General of Canada. how
say the sources, the lord hockey really liked. He is so
carried away by the game that offered to award the best teams with special
symbolic prizes. The first cup looked very original:
ebony platform with a silver bowl on it
twenty centimeters in diameter, framed by golden borders.
Gradually, the most prestigious award in the world hockey increased to
135 centimeters at the base and 90 cm in height. Soой она является и
to this day. Each player who has won a cup has
the right to take him home for only one day, no more. 18
марта 1925 год — На территории США пронесся мощнейший во
the entire history of tornadoStrachny tornado touched on this day United
states According to experts, his movement was sent through
several states (Missouri, Indiana and Illinois). AT то время как
the usual tornado captures a small area and quickly enough
�”Exhaled” at a speed of 70 km / h, “three-place” (so his
called in the US) whirlwind raced with a much more shocking speed
(more than 100 km / h), sweeping away everything on the way. The outcome of the disaster was
sad: about 700 people died, more than 2,000 received
different тяжести травмы, около 100 000 лишились крова.18
марта 1931 год — AT США началось производство
Electric razors Shaving is an integral part of a modern toilet.
men who have always sought to simplify such a long process.
The history of the “razor industry” is very long and entertaining. Before
AD the ancient Egyptians learned the art of shaving with the help of
bronze scrapers. Warriors had to eliminate not only
facial hair, but also shave their heads so that enemies cannot
grab the hair. Say that the first attempts at shaving
brought a lot of inconvenience, does not make sense. And the solution to this
problems occurred to a retired colonel Shiku at the beginning of 19
century. He invented the razor, thanks to which the shave
turned into a completely safe occupation. In 1931, the United States was
The production of the first electric shavers for the men’s room started. So
the essential procedure was quick, painless and maximally
Born on March 18
– Николай Бердяев (родился в 1874 году) —
religious philosopher. The ideas of social democracy carried away in 1894
a year later, and four years later, he was exiled to Vologda. World soon
saw his first philosophical book. In 1911, his second out
the publication “Philosophy of Freedom”, in three years its third is born
the book “The meaning of creativity”, which is concentrated in itself
религиозно-философские взгляды.- Рудольф Дизель
(born in 1858) – an outstanding German engineer, creator
famous diesel engine. Inspired first
invented by the engine in 1892, Diesel opens its own
plant for the production of similar units. The first unit with
diesel engine was designed in 1903, and in 1936
в обиход запущена первая легковушка.- Люк Бессон
(born in 1959) – a talented filmmaker, producer and
screenwriter. Worldwide popularity brought him such films as
«Леон», «Soси», «Голубая бездна», «Пятый элемент», «Никита»,
«Перевозчик» и т.д.- Джованна Антонелли (родилась
in 1976) – Brazilian actress, model. Her first actor
work has become a role in the series “Family Ties” in which she played
an unfortunate girl named Kapita. On the talent of the young actress drew
attention, so was her acting career. Most actress
Favorite Russian viewers thanks to the TV series “Clone”, where she
played a Muslim Zhadi.
Name Day March 18
George, George, Adrian, Ivan, David, Cyril, Irina, Iraida, Mark,
Konstantin, Nikolay, Feodor (Fedor).