Mahonia Padubolist: care (with photo).Features of planting, caring for holon-tree magonia, photo and fightwith illnesses

Пн, 23 май 2016 Автор: Юлия Павлова

Landing on their plots or courtyards decorative
evergreen shrub holonwood mahonia can be achieved
several goals.

First, it can become a hedge, though not very

Secondly, its bright flowers and leaves that do not fall even in winter
revive any garden and delight the eye.

Thirdly, it gives crops of berries suitable for consumption in
fresh and canned form.

What is this plant, what is the care of Magonia
hollow, photo of which you can see here.

Magonia border

Magonia berries


Description of the hollow-leaf magonia

The first word from the name of this shrub comes from the last name
American botanist and grower Bernard MacMahon (McMahon),
who lived in the XVIII century. World famous scientist brought
American garden calendar, released in circulation in 1806. Already
In 1818, the botanist Thomas Natall presented the name “Magonia” to a new
to the described family of barberry family from the west of North America. AT
Magonium has more than 50 species of plants, but the largest
spread has become holly mahonia. ATторое слово из
The names appeared due to the similarity of Magonia leaves with leathery ones.
Holly leaves, or holly.

Magonia bush rarely exceeds the height of 1 m. The width of 1-1.5 m
usually support pruning. The plant is extremely prolific
root offspring, so their planting is quite thick and also
require pruning. Leaves consist of 5-9 leathery shiny leaves
with sharp-toothed edges. Leaf length – up to 50 cm.
in spring the young leaves have a reddish tint that changes
on dark green closer to summer. In the autumn, the whole bush “turns red” (leaves
get a bronze-red hue) and so it is worth the whole winter.
Fragrant inflorescences consist of small yellow flowers, collected in
large panicles. The bush usually blooms throughout May (in the middle lane
Russia), but in a warm climate may re-bloom in October.
Dark gray berries ripen in August, have a sweet and sour taste,
have healing properties and are suitable for use in
cooking Berries do not fall for a long time, they can remain on bushes 4-5
months. Breeders periodically withdraw new sladkoplodnye
Magonia varieties.

Peculiarities of growing holonia mahonia in various
climatic zones

Mahonia holmiferous – winter-hardy plant, capable without
losses endure frosts —30 ° C, it can grow in any climate.
The greatest damage to the bushes causes a change of thaws and severe frosts. AT
areas where such changes are frequent, and where there are frosty
snowless winters, need partial or full shelter bushes. AT
Central Russia does not harbor adult Magonia, but young
cover with spruce leaves or special material. In the north, in latitude
Arkhangelsk, it is desirable to cover and adult bushes, or at least
root system.

AT некоторых теплых регионах магония повторно зацветает в
October At the same time flowering is delayed throughout the winter, and the fruits
keep up to May. This shrub feels great on
Russian south – in the Caucasus and Crimea.

Mahonia padubolistnaya: the choice of varieties, planting

The most sought-after varieties of padubal mahonia are

  • Аполло. The variety was bred in Holland in 1973.
    ATысота и ширина куста — от 0,6 м up to 1 m. Цветет в мае, цветки
    fragrant to 0.8 cm, small fruits, ripen in August. Leaves to
    winter become bronze. Slow-growing variety with abundant

  • Атропурпуреа. Compact bushes with a diameter
    0.6 m crowns. Dark green leaves up to 25 cm long. Autumn and winter
    leaves become purple in color.

  • ATерсиколор. Leaves in the warm season –
    green with orange, cream, pink spots, and in winter –
    bronze-purple. Krone sprawling with a diameter up to 1 m.

New varieties of holly-leaved mahonia begin to spread:
Baby, Natasha, Mermaid and others. From large-fruited varieties
Blemun and Blyklaud are allocated, the weight of berries reaches 0,9 g

ATыведены также гибридные сорта. So, crossing Magonia
padubolistnaya with barberry ordinary gave us magobarbaris
Newbert. It is semi-evergreen, leaves are small, up to 7 cm long.
Simple leaves are related to magobarbaris with barberries, and the lack
spines and leaf arrangement – with magonia. ATысота куста обычная —
up to 1 m.

ATыбрав подходящий сорт, приступают к посадке магонии. For her
successful survival and good growth before planting should
observe some conditions:

  • Срок посадки — начало весны, чтобы корневая
    the system before the cold managed to develop well. Mahonia badly transfers
    transplantation, so it is best to purchase seedlings with a closed
    root system.

  • Место — светлое или слегка затененное,

  • Почва — богатая питательными веществами,
    fertile, light, neutral or slightly acid. Required
    digging up the soil before planting, as the mahonia likes loose soil.
    In case of heavy soil, make a drainage from rubble in the planting hole,
    large pebbles. AT землю желательно add humus, sand,
    sod land.

  • Расстояние — для одиночных свободных посадок —
    2 m, and for group (curbs) – about 1 m.

  • Глубина посадки 40-50 см, корневую шейку не
    dropping, it should be at ground level.

Keep in mind that to get berries you need to plant at least
2-3 shrubs, since mahonia is a non-self-pollinating plant.

Mahonia is hollow: care (photo)

AT течение всей жизни магонии падуболистной ей требуется уход
(photo attached). Care is not difficult, Mahonia is considered
unpretentious plant.

Рыхление, прополка, удаление сорняков и ненужной
молодой поросли
. Digging under the bush is not needed, only
mulching pristvolnogo circle. In the photo – the holly holland mahony,
care in the form of soil mulching.

Обрезка. The bush does not grow more than 0.6–1 m,
therefore, pruning is carried out not to control the height, but to give
forms. Shrubs quickly restored. Pruning after
the end of flowering, that is, in May-June. If the following is important to you
Abundant flowering of the bush, then try to keep the shoots with
budding flower buds. You can cut off the shoots on not
more than 1/2, and 1/3 is better. In the old bushes age of 15 years and
spend more rejuvenating pruning “on the stump” when cut
close to ground level all branches and shoots.

Размножение. Holly holly mahony
propagate by green or root cuttings, roots (young
by shoots) or layering and seeds. The most time consuming way
is seed reproduction. Success guarantees the most
planting Magonia from the root growth, which usually happens

Полив. Mahonia is easier to bear
short-term drought than abundant watering or rain. AT жаркую
weather once a week a bush is watered with 10 liters of water, preventing it
stagnation. AT сухую погоду полив необходим не только корням, но и
dense leaves of Magonia. ATода из лейки или шланга с распылителем
wash away the accumulated dust, clean the pores on the leaves. Top dressing. Before
NPK is fed with flowering, that is, any complex fertilizer,
composed of phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium, 90-120 g / m2.

Подготовка к зиме. AT регионах с суровыми
in winters it is necessary to cover the bushes for the winter with spruce branches or covering
material. Young bushes need shelter and medium

Padonous Mahonia: pests and diseases

ATыше мы рассказали об особенностях магонии падуболистной, уходе
behind her, and the photos are designed to facilitate the perception of information. Now
it is time to say a few words about its pests and diseases and
ways to deal with them.

Mahonia is resistant to pests, but during bad seasons
especially during cool rainy summer, may suffer from
powdery mildew (white patina), blotchiness and rust (yellow
tubercles under the leaves).

If rust is found on single leaves, you should
cut leaves or shoots faster, then for 1-2 seasons
bush density restored by the appearance of young shoots.
Treat the bush with a sulfur-containing drug or Zineb fungicide
or like him.

At the first signs of powdery mildew on leaves, flowers or
fruits should be treated with special preparations. With
adverse weather conditions should continue processing through
every 10-14 days with these drugs, for example, Fundazole or
fungicide Toxin-M.

Bordeaux, polycarbacin or
copper preparations. You can dilute in 10 liters of water with 200 g of soap and
20 g of copper sulfate and spray this mixture of bushes.

Mealy dew

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