Luxury eyelash extensions: the benefits and harmprocedures. Is it worth the risk for beauty?

Сб, 19 май 2018 Автор: Анна Лунина

Extended nails, hair, eyelashes – now this
no one is surprised. Anniversary, ceremonial meeting, wedding,
business trip, long-awaited trip abroad – there is
a lot of reasons and reasons to look great at no extra cost

Waking up in the morning with already beautiful expressive eyes,
framed by thick lush eyelashes – for this many are ready
make some sacrifices. So what is the benefit and harm
artificial beauty? Is it worth it for the sake of extended eyelashes
harm to your health?


Eyelash extensions: decide or not?

Нарастить ногти или волосы — это вполне безобидные procedures. But
they are also associated with some discomfort, consisting in
Careful care for artificial “virtues.” Manipulations with
eyes require special care and professionalism of the master,
to whom you have entrusted your transformation. No doubt since you
decided to fundamentally change the appearance, it is necessary
use the services of a proven salon licensed to
carrying out similar procedures.

Cosmetology does not stand still: innovative methods of building
eyelashes, the use of high quality materials allowed
make the procedure safe and very popular. But не всегда
You can consider the body’s response to chemicals
predict a 100% positive outcome. Therefore, before
to decide on the “rebirth” of appearance, you need a good
weigh the pros and cons, consider the benefits and harms of building

Positive aspects of the procedure

Since you are thinking of making your own short and
nondescript cilia fluffy and luxurious, it means, really,
there was a definite need for this. Very many girls not
can resist the temptation to make a look expressive and
unforgettable, because thick long eyelashes can radically
change the appearance for the better. What is the benefit you can get
from eyelash extensions?

1. • It is very beautiful. Even a little mascara on the eyelashes completely
changes the girl’s appearance, and if the eye is framed by a fan of
magnificent magnificent eyelashes, immaculately curved upwards, black
and thick – it completely transforms any nondescript appearance.
True to make your eyes look like a model with a glossy cover
magazine, use the services of professionals with proven
reputation. With the help of artificial eyelashes can be corrected
the size or shape of the eyes, because the hairs are attached to the eyelid, and
a slight change in your own lash line

2. • Maximum convenience. No need to hurry, putting a layer behind
a layer of mascara in the morning. And in the evenings do not have to suffer, frowning and
trying to wash off waterproof brasmatic. Always, anytime – early.
in the morning, late at night and even at night in bed look unusually
expressive. Saving time for many is one of the decisive
факторов в пользу наращивания eyelashes. By the way, good brasmatic
It is expensive, so the salon procedure almost pays for itself

3. • The safety of the procedure and the absence of contraindications. Highly
many do not dare to build eyelashes because of the fear of harming their
health. Of course, there is always some risk: what if it turns out that
your body does not take any of the components of the glue? But если
the master uses expensive quality materials without saving on
customer health, you can be sure that the procedure will be crowned
by success. A few years ago, when fashion for gorgeous eyelashes is only
appeared, did not recommend the procedure to clients who use
contact lenses. But сейчас качество материалов значительно
increased, with the necessary caution, can be fearlessly
continue to use CL.

4. • A long enough period of preservation effect. Of course,
This factor directly depends on the skill and skill of the master.
The average duration of “operation” – from 2 to 3 weeks, but
many girls use eyelashes for a whole month.
Of course, для этого требуется соблюдать правила ухода и
use, introduce some restrictions (about it below), and so
same to be confident in the quality of the material, glue, qualifications

Artificial eyelashes are not afraid of water: you can forget about potekshey
carcasses and do not spoil your summer vacation at the resort by the sea, swimming in
swimming pools of luxury hotels, or just spending time on
the beach!

And now a little about the cons …

Yes, yes, unfortunately, they also exist – well, as without a spoon
tar ?!

1. • Do not rub your eyes! Rather, it is not a minus, but of course
a natural precaution, but it must be constantly remembered –
one careless movement, and eyelashes will be in your hands. With
wearing contact lenses with extreme caution
приподнимать веки, стараясь не касаться eyelashes. Well and of course
sleep, buried his face in a pillow, is strictly contraindicated.

2. • Gently wash and clean your face. Soap, fat creams,
milk is necessary exclude – they quickly dissolve on glue and
eyelashes just disappear. But и это не самое большое горе — можно
use lotions and creams with non-greasy, moisturizing

3. • Correction. Broken eyelashes have to periodically
adjust by sticking the missing hairs, and that implies
дополнительные затраты средств и of time. But in this way you can
продлить срок использования искусственных eyelashes.

4.•Настоящий вред от наращённых eyelashes. Allergic reaction to
glue components – this is a serious danger to the eyelids and eyes.
Contact a professional who values ​​reputation, not
saves on the health of customers. Expensive quality materials more often
only hypoallergenic, and although the quality is always
you have to pay more, you can avoid many unpleasant

5.•Цена procedures. This is a pretty big minus, especially since
Cheap options still do not pay off. Here it is necessary
choose between desire and opportunity.

In addition, there are a number of contraindications, with
which use of extended eyelashes is harmful:

• dry skin – for the care you must use a fat cream,
and this will quickly ruin your eyelashes;

• oily skin – sebum gradually dissolves glue and eyelashes
will quickly disappear;

• conjunctival inflammation – if you suffer from frequent
redness of the eyes, it is better to refuse the procedure.

Of course, все эти проблемы решаемы, всегда можно найти
Alternative option.

Do not be afraid to build

The procedure itself should not be afraid, since it does not harm
your own eyelashes. The fact is that “duration
life of each cilia about 3 months, which is why
natural hairs have different lengths. Build up
only on adult long eyelashes, which are the maximum
through would still fall out. Lifetime is related to this.
eyelashes and the need for adjustment – new
extensions on regrown natural hairs, instead of
fallen out.

Complying with all building standards and rules of care, artificial
long, lush eyelashes can be admired long enough
time without harm to their own.

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