Lunar calendar haircuts for September 2015 -favorable and unfavorable days for haircuts

Sat, Feb 22, 2014 Hair broadcast in a peculiar way
thoughts, desires, hopes that can be fulfilled provided
haircuts on a properly selected lunar day. This haircut will give
attractive image, material well-being, success in personal
life and career, longevity, spiritual harmony. Astrologers sure
that through human hair is a direct connection with
space forces.

The lunar calendar will be an assistant to those who carefully monitor
their appearance, wanting to stay as long as possible
attractive. He will also tell you which days are suitable for
hair coloring, perm or highlighting and more,
depending on the stage of the moon and the sign of the zodiac that affects
this moment. In September 2015, the full moon and the new moon will be held 28 and
September 14th


Did you know that the zodiac is a belt of the heavenly sphere, a living
creature of the cosmos – passes through 14 constellations? However, the zodiac
the circle is divided into 12 equal parts, indicated by the corresponding
constellation symbol, while there are no matches in the zodiac circle
constellations of Ophiuchus and Keith.


Lunar calendar haircuts for September 2015 – завивка волос

If you are by nature the owner of large facial features and stately
figures, then a pile of small curls – not a suitable option for you.
Loose smooth waves or straight hair that looks
Naturally, you will go much more. But small curls
fit low and thin. In September 2015, the most
favorable days will be considered Gemini (5, 6), Capricorn
(17.18), Sagittarius (19,20,21), Leo (9, 10, 11).


If you decide to do a perm, you should pay
note that this procedure has contraindications. For example, not
it is recommended to do it on critical days, with increased or
low blood pressure, at elevated temperature, at
taking antibiotics during pregnancy and breast

Lunar calendar haircuts for September 2015 – окраска волос

Hair dye, unlike paint, for example, for walls, is not
colors superficially. It first breaks up into pigments, then
removes the natural coloring of the hair and replaces it with a new pigment,
thereby changing the color. Therefore, sometimes the result may be
the most unexpected.

Professionals recommend painting within two
tones from natural color. If you resort to radical
changes, besides the color, the structure of the hair will change, and this
will be felt even by touch. Dyeing hair in September is well under
Aries (29), Taurus (3, 4, 30), Leo (9, 10, 11), Virgo
(13) Aquarius (24,25).

We recommend: “Fire Mane”

The disadvantage of red paint is its quick
bleaching. The intensity of redheads even loses with age
redheaded by nature people. To maintain a bright shade
need to use high-quality shampoo and conditioner for
colored hair. Also, from time to time you need to refresh the color.
tinted shampoo.

Lunar calendar haircuts for September 2015 – благоприятные дни
for a haircut

If you decide to make a haircut, you should remember that
hairstyle will be part of the whole image and must necessarily
harmonize with him. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to go again to
a mirror, preferably one in which you will reflect in full
growth, and look at yourself with a look. In the hair is important
there will be everything: the size of the strands, the density, their total volume and length.
Рекомендованные дни for a haircut в этом месяце для тех, кто
grows hair – it’s 1.2 (Capricorn), 3, 4, 30 (Taurus), 5
(Gemini), 9, 10, 11 (Leo), 13 (Virgo), for those who often
Shorn can be added 19,20,21 (Sagittarius).

The board

Move to a new color gradually. When self
Hair coloring is the main problem – to choose the right color. Often
women choose either very light or very dark paint. If a
you want to dye your hair in a dark tone, start with light
shades of chestnut. Changing color to darker is easy, but if
You initially chose too dark paint, then lighten hair
will be much more difficult.

Lunar calendar haircuts for September 2015 – неблагоприятные дни
for a haircut

It is forbidden to cut hair in the so-called “satanic lunar
days “are 9, 15, 23 and 29 lunar days, in September it is 22, 28, 6,
12-th of September. It is also considered that for the sake of own good is not worth
visit the hairdresser in the days of the lunar and solar eclipses. AT
September 2015, a partial solar eclipse is expected on the 13th
numbers In addition, September 13 is the day of the new moon. AT этот период
It is also not recommended to cut hair.

September 2015 – Conclusion

Is it possible to choose hair color by type of appearance? By and large
account, appearance is divided into two types: warm and cold. People with
warm type of appearance have dark skin with peach, golden,
warm shade. People with this type of appearance are great
all shades of chestnut, good golden and red. But
light blond and ash colors worth watch out – such tones
will age you. Warm type has two subtypes: autumn and

The board 1

Autumn is characterized by peach skin tone, and for hair
shades fit from golden-wheat to rich honey.
ATесеннему соответствует более светлая кожа, карие или зеленые
eyes. They will go brown or red hair.

People with холодным типом внешности — обычно обладатели серых,
black, blue or light blue eyes, as well as light or
pinkish skin. It is recommended to choose cold for hair coloring.
tones: light brown, ashen, maybe even black. But оттенки
red is best avoided.

The cold type also has two subtypes: winter and summer. Summer
type – light eyes and pinkish skin. Best for hair
inactive cold tones will do, especially ashen.

The board 2

The winter type is characterized by very light skin, as well as dark or
же, наоборот, светлые eyes. AT этом случае для окраски подойдут
dark colors, platinum can also be a good option

The lunar hairstyle calendar will help women with any type of be
always beautiful!

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