Lunar calendar haircuts for October 2013

Mon, Nov 21, 2016

Traditionally, hair is considered a repository of vitality.
Virtually every nation has beliefs associated with
hair Remember how in one of the tales of the Brothers Grimm the Princess
used your hair as a ladder, descending from the tower?
The beautiful prince climbed them to the princess at the very top.
To preserve and multiply the strength of the hair in small children do not cut
them up to a certain point. In the Slavic tradition of the first haircut
carried out in the form of a special ceremony, which was called –
�”Tonsures”. Princely families greatly appreciated the “tonsure”, after
rite boy for the first time seated on a horse. By the way, in beliefs
In many countries, it is believed that it is impossible to trim a child. �”Curl
youth “left in children in ancient Egypt at the temples or parietal
zone, in China, the bangs were necessarily left, and the girls were bandaged
hair is a red thread. And the biblical Samson, who had power in
hair? Enemies have deprived of his strength – cut his hair. He was able to return
its strength and repent only when the hair industry. AND
романо-германская мифология имеет сюжет, связанный с hair
The goddess Seth cut the cunning Loki’s hair, but with the help of the dwarves she
got new hair – they were forged out of gold. And they grew,
like real ones. Women and men of the whole world recognize today
mystical power of hair. ANDменно поэтому лунный календарь так
popular in all ages. The influence of the moon on hair growth does not cause
doubts the most extreme skeptics can see this in
experimenting with haircuts during growth and
descending night lights. Astrologer tips will help you find
наиболее оптимальное время для манипуляций с hair To start
it is enough to note for yourself the critical days of October – the new moon (5
October), full moon (October 19). It is necessary to note that
on the day of the full moon on October 19, 2013 there will be a penumbral
moon eclipse.


Lunar calendar haircuts for October 2013 – завивка волос

Someone nature has given curly curvaceous hair, and someone has
gorgeous straight hair. But it so happened that the desire even
sometimes show off curls characteristic of almost all women. On
in fact, not everything is so difficult – hair curling is simple enough
procedure, although it requires a certain approach. By moon
calendar, some marks affect the hair in such a way that they
begin to curl themselves, it is enough to help them quite a bit. it
signs of Virgo, Leo and Taurus. Although October begins
the last quarter of the moon, curling 1, 2, 3, as well as October 15, 16
will be just great. Also perm will keep well in
the growth period of the moon (from 12 to 18 October), the hair will not only become
lush and docile, but also strengthen the hair roots. If scares you
chemical effects on hair, but you still dream about
beautiful curls, pay attention to the biowave – relatively
new procedure. Ammonia is absent from the active solution.
and hydrogen peroxide and – and in fact they are so negatively affect
hair, thinning them and destroying the structure. When biowave curls
fixed by more delicate components. Holds such a perm
about three months and most suitable for fatty and normal
hair. Do not risk the health of dry and brittle hair, and of course,
Pick the right day for the lunar calendar.

Lunar calendar haircuts for October 2013 – окраска волос

Like perm, hair structure has a significant effect.
and hair coloring, especially if it is discoloration or lightening.
Stylists do not recommend immediately lighten hair more than three
tones – it is better to do it gradually. Also negative on hair
affects and constant color change. Do not completely change the color
more often than once every two to three months. Do not have a negative impact, but
on the contrary, natural organic hair improves the condition
dyes (henna, basma, tea decoction, onion peel). Can not paint
hair immediately after chemical perm – you need to wait at least three
days After dyeing the hair can not be washed for two or three days, and
recovery masks on the contrary are welcome. Moon horoscope
shows that in October you can dye your hair all month, for
with the exception of 5, 19, 20, 21 and from October 27 until the very end of the month.
At home dyeing the hair is divided into four parts by parting
and start from the back of the head. Last painted
hair on the forehead and temples, as they absorb faster

Lunar calendar haircuts for October 2013 – благоприятные дни
for a haircut

After October 6, you can afford any fantasy in terms of
haircuts, even if something is wrong, you can fix it in
soon. By the way, hair grows faster during sleep – so
that try to get enough sleep and not change the day with night. Time after
Full moons from 20 to 27 can also be used to communicate with
by stylists. Onчало и конец месяца посвятите уходу за hair
In general, the whole of October 2013 is a time for determined people, not
depending on the opinions of others. The second half of the month will be
more productive in actions, bright individuals can get
income, recognition, prospects of influence. Extravagant haircut
will help in these endeavors. It will be best to manage haircuts on
medium hair that allows a woman to change in different

Lunar calendar haircuts for October 2013 – неблагоприятные дни
for a haircut

In October, the new moon and the full moon coincide by day, 5 and 19
numbers, respectively. Since the full moon of this month coincides
With the lunar eclipse and the constellation of Taurus, do not cut your hair on October 20th.
These days you can only take care of your hair, and only
in a gentle way. Limited to only rinsing herbal
tinctures and decoctions. Benefit bring and compresses from burdock,
sage, vitamin complexes. Unfavorable for haircuts two days in
the middle of the month when the moon is under the influence of Sagittarius
(October 8 and 9).

Lunar calendar haircuts for October 2013 – заключение

October 19 will be an amazing and beautiful event – Lunar
eclipse. Earth, located between the sun and the moon, will close the moon.
it происходит каждый год, пугая людей и мистически напоминая о
unpredictable events. Modern astrology is trying to give
it has a completely different meaning, simply by explaining the main
moments. An eclipse occurs only at full moon when the earth
casts a shadow on the moon, and the sun’s rays are reflected from
surfaces are completely different. Earth’s shadow is greater than the moon
the disk is 2.5 times, so the eclipse itself lasts about 2-3 hours. itт
view in all parts of the planet is the same. Astrologers watch intently
and for penumbral lunar eclipses, when the earth is only partially
closes the light of the moon. The cyclical nature of eclipses allowed forecasters
determine the exact time of events, it is described in the annals.
It is believed that at this time fateful events occur. By
lunar hairstyle lunar eclipse calendar is better to miss
in hairdressing procedures, especially since almost all
The rest of October is very favorable for creating new ones.
original hairstyles. Be beautiful and healthy with your horoscope


Yulianus 11/11/2016 Yes, I always advise with the lunar calendar.
I order on the website of the magazine Wheel of Life. Never
let down

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