Lunar calendar haircuts for April 2018:favorable and unfavorable days for cutting, curling and dyeinghair

Вт, 28 фев 2017 Автор: Юлия Улиткина

The April mood is arousal,
premonition of fast warmth and enjoying the bright sun. Many
девушки именно на этот месяц намечают эксперименты с hairами,
tired of winter hats and constant stress.

Astrologers advise to carefully examine the tips of the lunar
April calendar haircuts to maintain a positive attitude and
не испортить hairы перед летним сезоном.


The main moon events of April

• the full moon will happen on April 30;

• the “losing weight” moon is visible in the night sky from the 1st to the 15th;

• the new moon will occur on the 16th of April;

• The lunar disk will grow from April 17th to 29th.

In the full moon, you can do anything with curls: cut your hair,
trim the tips, sneak or do a perm.
Потенциал этого дня настолько высок, что вреда для здоровья hair
it will not happen, and even the most complex haircuts will work out for the master.
It is important to consider the energy of the day, so as not to spoil your mood.
a few months ahead.

Lunar calendar haircuts for April 2018 – perm

One of the most drastic procedures, perm
continues to be popular despite the high
травматичность для hairяных стержней. And this is not surprising:
Curly curls look romantic and amazingly feminine.
Thanks to the “chemistry” can dramatically change the image.

To the chemical composition does not spoil the curls, choose
правильные дни для завивки. She will be successful in
the days of the advance of the moon through the zodiac of Virgo: from the 25th to the 27th of April.
Hair will keep alive elasticity and shine.

But on the days of the royal Leo, only a curl can schedule
owners of hard and naughty curls. �”Lion Period” in
April will last only two days, the 23rd and 24th. Girls with
hairами обычной структуры завиваться в эти дни нельзя: завивка
получится очень крутой, ведь Лев усиливает волнистость hair.

Водные знаки зодиака пагубно влияют на hairяные стержни в
the process of curling. Discard the procedure in such

• from April 2nd to 4th (Scorpio);

• April 10th, 11th (Aquarius);

• 12th — 14th of April (Pisces);

• April 21st and 22nd (Cancer).

Совет: hairы после «химии» мойте по
special careful technology. You can dilute the shampoo with water, pour into
sprinkler and apply not on all curls, but only on wet
the roots. Когда вы будете промывать hairы, средство растечется по
всем hairяным стержням и очистит их без дополнительного

Lunar calendar haircuts for April 2018 – coloring

Many женщины постоянно, раз в месяц подкрашивают hairы или
отросшие the roots. That is why it is important to choose the right day and for
this procedure, especially since it is carried out more often.

The easiest way to schedule staining for a full moon or period
growing young lunar sickle. Aggressive chemistry will hurt less
strands. In April it is the period from the 17th to the 30th of April. Caution
does not hurt on the 13th lunar day (April 27th), when possible
negative impact on the result of staining.

Positively influence your life with the procedure
окрашивания можно, если наметить ее на следующие days:

• On April 4th, you can dare to experiment to attract
strong and clean energy of new opportunities;

• 7th lighter (compared to natural) shade
will attract good people and lift your spirits;

• On the 8th, the financial situation will improve;

• 9th mood rises;

• On the 13th, the 29th, staining will bring pleasure and lift

• On the 16th, you can paint with natural paints (chemicals can
сжечь уязвимые hairы);

• On the 17th, 25th, the natural dyes henna basma will keep health
hair и укрепят отношения с around;

• 18th staining with natural vegetable paint will strengthen
financial situation;

• 19th, 21st, 26th, 27th staining will bring joy, good luck
and improve understanding with family and colleagues;

• 30th staining in a darker color will protect against

Повременить с окрашиванием нужно 6, 11, 15, 20,
April 22 (quarrel or major conflict possible), April 28
(health will worsen).

Совет: выбирая цвет, будьте аккуратны.
Black color rarely goes to anyone, besides it is old. Brunette hardly
will turn to face red shades – they do not harmonize with a shade

Lunar calendar haircuts for April 2018 – favorable
haircut days

Any easy or complicated cut done on the right day is not
only pleasure. It can positively affect
health, strengthen relationships and even increase wealth.

Чтобы получить ожидаемый результат, нужно намечать визит
в салон
на дни прохождения светила ночи по домам
Friendly characters:

• Virgo (April 25th, 26th, April 27th);

• Taurus (17th, 18th of April);

• Capricorn (7th, 8th, 9th of April);

• Twins (19th, 20th of April).

Scheduling a haircut on these numbers, you get a real pleasure.
from your updated look and heal the curls.

In addition, astrologers recommend to take into account the general trends
lunar days, as they allow you to combine the haircut and the introduction
positive changes in your life:

• April 3rd is a good day for a haircut;

• On the 7th and 8th of April, a haircut will make the mood excellent, to that
will strengthen health;

• On the 13th, will improve well-being and strengthen relationships with colleagues,
friends and family;

• 15th promises well-being and joy;

• 19th improves mental state, relieves depression and
even strengthens the sphere of finance;

• 22nd 26th cutting or trimming the tips will lengthen the life,
will give the image appeal;

• 28-го улучшит состояние hair и отношения с близкими.

An ambiguous day for a haircut – April 29th. Procedure can
spoil the mood, reduce the tone, but at the same time capable
attract luck and money.

Совет: чтобы превратить короткую
office hairstyle in a good option for a party, you can either smoothly
зачесать hairы назад и зафиксировать гелем, либо взлохматить в
youth style. In the latter case, you need to focus on
separate locks with colored chalk or tinted foam, and
весь объем hair приподнять у корней и зафиксировать лаком.

Lunar calendar haircuts for April 2018 – unfavorable
haircut days

It is believed that shear off the tips and spinning wheels in a decreasing period.
лунного диска не стоит: hairы будут расти медленно. However this
feature to keep in mind those who have hair cut short and wants
longer keep the shape of a haircut. К тому же корни hairы,
постриженных в это время, становятся крепче, hairы перестают
fall out and generally heal.

Unfavorable days for the procedure
considered the period when the beauty-moon is resting in

• Scorpio (2-4, then April 29 and 30);

• Aries (April 15, 16);

• Aquarius (April 9-11);

• Sagittarius (April 5.6).

Если наметить стрижку на эти дни, состояние hair может
get worse. They will become brittle, weak, dull. Not out
that the master will all fall out of the hands, and visiting the salon is not
will bring joy.

Taking into account the recommendations of the astrological calendar is not
стоит назначать стрижку на следующие days:

• April 1, will cause headaches, trigger setbacks and even

• 2nd, 5th will worsen a state of health, will attract failure;

• 4th, 10th worsen state of health;

• 6th spoil the mood;

• The 9th, 20th, 21st will lead to a breakdown, quarrels with

• 11-го ухудшит здоровье hair, снизит иммунитет, отсчет часть
life energy;

• 12th will cause depression;

• 14th will shorten life;

• 17-го надолго испортит hairы;

• 18th will frustrate plans;

• 23rd, 24th, 25th provokes disease;

• the 27th will cause failure, worsen the state of health;

• 30th threatening injuries, headache, failed.

On April days you need to be especially careful when choosing a day.
both for a cardinal change of image, and for the usual care

Trusting yourself in unfavorable days can only be very experienced.
or your permanent master. Lunar calendar of hairstyles will help
choose the best day to visit the salon or self
home coloring.

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