Lunar calendar haircuts for April 2015 -favorable and unfavorable days

Fri, 21 Feb 2014 Hair gives us cosmic power, which means
everything that happens to them is included in the course of the invisible river,
washing us with bio-energy waves. Actions with hair
changing our lives. The influence of the moon on their growth – mysticism or logic?
Despite the mystical attitude towards the moon by religion,
there’s still common sense – the moon affects circulation


The Greeks called it Selena, the Romans Luna, the Egyptians – Iyah. In
all Turkic languages ​​(except Chuvash), it is designated “ah”. By
the latest version it formed 4.57 billion years ago in
the result of the collision of the protoplanets Gaia (Earth) and Tei (a separate
cosmic body). A blow to the tangent threw a part into orbit.
the earth’s surface and Tei, from which the protosatellite was formed.
Interestingly, after this impact, the earth began to rotate much
faster and got the tilt axis.

Beauty precautions for beauty is the lunar hairstyle calendar,
compiled by astrologers depending on the growth and decrease of the satellite
and its location under the influence of the signs of the zodiac. Unmistakably choose
Day haircut or coloring, you can look at the calendar of hairstyles. AT
April 2015, the growth of the moon accounts mainly for the last
decade of the month. Byлнолуние и новолуние пройдет 3 и 18 апреля. AT
in the middle of the month the moon will decrease.


Lunar calendar haircuts for April 2015 – завивка волос

Curling helps women with soft and thin hair to do
more voluminous hairstyle. Curly hair goes to any woman
give femininity and enhance the charm. Curly hair visually
change the shape of the face and with the correct design hide flaws.
For curling hard and unruly hair is better to use days
Taurus and Gemini – from 21 to 15 April.

Soft hair can be curled in the days of Sagittarius and Capricorn (8, 9,
10, 11, 12), but dangerous in the days of Leo (26, 27), hair can
dry out for the state of tow. AT Скорпионах и Рыбах лучше
make a biowave or limit lightweight “chemistry” without

Byмните о том, что в период растущей Луны и сразу после
Procedures need to especially care for hair.


Mask after perm.

Ingredients: 1 egg yolk, yeast (5 grams), castor oil (2
spoons), low-fat cream (1 spoon). ATсе смешать, подогреть на
water bath, gently rub into the hair roots. Half an hour to wash off
and rinse with shampoo.

Lunar calendar haircuts for April 2015 – окраска волос

Decided to be completely different? Byкраска волос — лучшее, что можно
to take But even if you dye your hair constantly, pay
focus on those days that are recommended by the lunar horoscope
hairstyles AT апреле благоприятными являются дни под созвездиями Льва
(26, 27), Тельца (21,22,2), Рака (23,24), Inдолея (13,14).


A fresh touch in the image of dark-haired girls can make
dark highlighting. Contrast as a result of brightening light strands
on dark hair caused a real boom. But today brave
Experiments of stylists brought another innovation into our lives –
in dark hair, hair strands are not lightened, but rather are made
even darker. Unbelievably beautiful!

Lunar calendar haircuts for April 2015 – благоприятные дни для

Лучшим временем для haircuts волос традиционно считаются дни,
когда Moon в Тельце (19) , Деве (1,2), Козероге (11,12). To
hair grew quickly, in April it is recommended to get a haircut in the last
decade of the month, long hair can be trimmed at any time,
except for points of the full moon and new moon. AT Близнецах и ATесах могут
хорошо получиться воздушные haircuts, тонкие волосы можно остригать
in Virgins (1,2) and Leo (26, 27).

Lunar calendar haircuts for April 2015 – неблагоприятные дни
для haircuts

It is not recommended to get a haircut under the sign of Cancer (23,24,25) and Pisces
(15,16,17), as in water signs the hairstyle does not hold at all
form. You can trim the bangs or update the tips of the hair. But in the days
New Moon and Full Moon to carry out procedures with hair in general
recommended. This is fraught with dandruff, seborrhea. Immunity
a person is already weakened, the probability of diseases increases,
therefore, it is better to limit treatment procedures. It should be noted
that this time is good for depilation.


Wash hair better with warm water, avoiding being too hot or
too cold. The fatter the hair, the cooler the water! Shampoo
it is better to apply twice, slowly rub into the skin, the hair is not much
rub to not damage the cuticle.

April 2015 – Conclusion

Even with the planned schedule of visits to the hairdresser
There is an open question about hair styling. Byд активным влиянием
cosmetics hair turns into a hairstyle, regardless
from the length of the curls.

There are three types of styling products:

• modeling, performing the working function;

• responsible for fixation;

• combined.

Styling products are not recommended to be applied to the skin.
cover. ATсе манипуляции нужно проводить на расстоянии 1 см от
hair roots.


ATряд ли можно решить проблему укладки increase in quantity
special means. If your hair is too tight and
naughty, you need to choose another means stronger

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