Low calorie dietfat

  • 1 Hypocaloric Diet
    • 1.1 What is it?
    • 1.2 List of permitted products
    • 1.3 Menu for the week
    • 1.4 Tips for kids
    • 1.5 Recipes

Если вы недовольны своей внешностью, а в магазине вам
they say “we do not have big sizes”, if in transport and on the street
“woman” / “man” appeal to you, and you are still so young;
it’s time to lose weight.

Losing weight is not a shame, it is not a fad or a hard labor.
Slimming is first and foremost harmony with yourself, your body and
health After all, very often excess weight causes many
diseases and leads to a deterioration in the quality of life. Also in
молодости вы должны приучить себя умеренно и правильно
eat, competently paint the daily diet, follow the rules
balanced nutrition and once a week arrange unloading
day. Many in order to prevent 1 every few months
try to stick to the hypocaloric child, whose menu
строго запрещает жирные products. Repeat it should be at least
Once a year.


Low calorie diet

On the Internet, you can find a lot of ways to calculate your index
body mass. The same question should be consulted if you are
feel that your weight is already above average. If you yourself are using
formulas or endocrinologist determined that you are obese, then
you definitely need to lose weight. Depending on how
matters should be determined
your body. That is, choose the “severity” of the diet. For obesity
часто предлагается применение именно гипокалорийной диеты,
to follow which is not so easy. Reviews say complexity
is only addictive for the first 2-3 days.

What it is?

Low calorie diet — что это такое? Based on the name itself
диеты, можно сказать, что это система питания с
reduced fat and fast carbohydrates.
is not based on general recommendations (the so-called “intuitive
nutrition ”), but on the calculation of calories, which, among other things,
help discipline yourself. Recommendations are made among doctors
With regards to calorie diets for different degrees of obesity. So
например при ожирении первой степени для снижения веса
вы можете есть на 1500 ккал в день
, второй – 1200 ккал,
third – up to 1000, but usually 800 kcal and bedding are usually advised

People who are not faced with counting calories, not really
represent what is the amount of food in calories, and the above
numbers often don’t tell them anything. Until the first online calculator
и до первой попытки подсчитать все то, что было съедено за day.
Then the shock comes and the question arises – how can you live on 800
kcal? Can, и даже не голодать при этом. Worth just right
pick a list of products.

List of allowed products

Often, people are afraid of diets, not because they are afraid of possible
hunger strike, they are afraid of having to change something. Giving up
sweet, floury and fatty causes stress. Most often this stress
only moral, because your body, unlike your brain,
understands that proper nutrition will benefit him. is he
прекрасно усваивает овощи и фрукты, вместо бесконечных булок и
mayonnaise., therefore, going to a diet, even hypocaloric, with
fantasy and enthusiasm, you will very quickly realize that not only
starve, but also notice that your body is gratefully
responds to changes. To prepare yourself
morally, it is necessary to determine the fact that it is possible and impossible
there is.

The list of products for a low-calorie diet at the same time
simple and diverse:

  • All vegetables, except potatoes and corn;
  • Все фрукты, за исключением бананов, инfat и фиников;
  • Dried fruits in small quantities;
  • Green beans – peas and asparagus beans;
  • Крупы: овсянка, гречка, булгур, перловка рис нешлифованный
    or brown;
  • Fat-free dairy and fermented milk products;
  • Chicken eggs and quail;
  • Lean meat boiled, baked or steamed:
    chicken, rabbit, turkey, quail, beef;
  • White fish low-fat fish;
  • In a limited amount of vegetable oils;
  • Nuts are moderate, raw seeds of sunflower and pumpkin, flax,
  • Stevia, as a sweetener.

With regards to dried fruits, vegetable oil, nuts, seeds and
flax seeds – they all contain enough for the body
fat, а это призвано поддерживать в норме ваш кишечник, не
allow constipation, ensure normal peristalsis, healthy
skin condition, nails, vision and other important functions.

Menu for the week

Although a low-calorie diet implies limitations,
Having worked out a little, you can create your own menu on
week low in fat. Recipes можно найти немного
ниже, а со временем придумывайте их самостоятельно. The most
The main thing is that the diet should be balanced with regards to the content
proteins and carbohydrates.

Low calorie diet — меню на неделю:

The first day of a low-calorie diet.

Первый завтрак: Омлет без масла, с содержанием
1 желтка и двух белко + один стакан обезжиренного кефира,
который можно добавить в омлет, что добавит блюду moderate
cheese taste. You can also cut greens and any vegetables in an omelette.
Wash down with herbal tea, or coffee without sugar (if there are no violations
of cardio-vascular system).

Второй завтрак: один несладкий фрукт или стакан
sweet and sour berries.

Lean soup – 150 g, fresh raw vegetables salad or pickled
капуста – 50 г, отварная\приготовленная на пару говядина с
buckwheat (preferably steamed in the evening) -150 g, compote or jelly – 100

Полдник: Два-три стебля сельдерея или свежий

Ужин: приготовленная на пару
грудка куриная с морковью, кабачком, спаржей или котлеты
куриные 75 г и чай со стевией.

Перед сном: яблоко несладкое, или стакан
bio-kefir, two or three walnuts, or 30 g of sunflower seeds.

The second day of a low-calorie diet.

Первый завтрак: Салат из петрушки, свежего
spinach, tomatoes, cucumbers – 150 g, fish-sea bass baked in foil
without salt, pickled in lemon juice with thyme – 75 g, tea with

Второй завтрак: 1 средний
грейпфрут (можно небольшой апельсин);

Обед: овощной суп с крупой – 200 г,
 steam meatballs – 100 g, without apricot or plum juice
pulp – 200 ml;

Полдник: средняя морковь — можно натереть
на терке и добавить кусочек тертого яблока для вкуса;

Ужин: тушеные баклажаны с томатами  и
celery root (can be a little hot pepper) -150 g,
отварные тефтели из кролика  – 120 г, чай со стевией.

Перед сном: обезжиренный кефир или

The third day of a low-calorie diet.

Первый завтрак: Вареная куриная грудка —
100 г, сок томатов -150 г или 2 свежих плода , ромашковый

Второй завтрак: Травяной чай и 2

Обед: красный борщ — 200г, паровая
говядина или перепелка — 60-75 г, гречневые макароны из
твердых сортов – 100 г, компот  – 200 мл

Полдник: Вареная свекла — 100г;

Ужин: Запеченные: кабачок, баклажаны, помидоры,
сладкий перец) – 150 g вареная рыба-потасссу, tea;

Перед сном: 150 мл сока без мякоти из
яблока или абрикоса, 1-2  ореха грецких.

Четвертый день гипокалорийной диеты.

Первый завтрак: запеченный сладкий перец,
tomatoes, asparagus – 100 g, cheese curds or dumplings from low-fat cottage cheese –
200 g, unsweetened compote of apples and strawberries;

Второй завтрак: смузи из распаренных овсяных
хлопьев,  ягод клубники и воды.

Обед: Рассольник  – 200 г, рулетики из
steamed beef with prunes – 120 g, boiled or fresh vegetables –
100 г и ягодный компот со stevia;

Полдник: еще одно смузи (на работу можно
make in a liter thermos and divided into two parts);

Ужин: Каша из пшена с мелко протертой тыквой,
boiled in water (stevia can be boiled first in water) – 200 g,
apple or apple juice – 100 g;

Перед сном: Обезжиренный кефир два-три
prunes or dried apricots.

Пятый день гипокалорийной диеты.

Первый завтрак: щука – 50 g
 buckwheat -100 g, cucumber and sea buckthorn broth;

Второй завтрак: Один фрукт (яблоко или
orange) or a glass of fresh berries (strawberries, blueberries, blueberries).

Обед: Запеченные лук, корень сельдерея,
морковь, брокколи — 100 г, рыбный суп (жир перед варкой
be sure to remove) – 200 g, boiled fish – 100 g, fruit
sugar-free compote;

Полдник: стебель сельдерея, томат, огурец;

Ужин: говяжьи фрикадели на пару – 100 г,
шпинат, петрушка, томаты, цветная капуста — 100 г, био кефир —
50 g

Перед сном: яблочный сок – 200 мл,  кефир
with flaxseeds;

Шестой день гипокалорийной диеты.

Первый завтрак: Салат из свежей капусты,
морковки, свеклы и яблока — 100 г (из заправки исключить
butter), 2 eggs, a glass of nonfat kefir;

Второй завтрак: яблоко и морковь на терке в
kind of salad;

Обед: Салат со сметаной (1 ст.л.10%) —
tomatoes, broccoli, thinly sliced ​​zucchini, cucumbers, sweet peppers –
150 g постный борщ – 200 г, отварная грудка — 70 г, стакан
fruit juice – 150 ml;

Полдник: яблоко с натуралным йогуртом;

Ужин: мясо кролика на пару — 100 г, салат
from fresh cucumbers, dill, celery stalk, tomatoes.

Bedtime: dried fruit or unsweetened green apple.

The seventh day of a low-calorie diet

Unloading can be done on apples, kefir, cucumbers, herbal
teas, carrots – one and a half kilograms of products divided into five receptions.
Or one and a half liters of 1-2.5% kefir – also for five receptions. Can
to do a fasting day on cereals – oatmeal or buckwheat, steaming
30-50 grams of porridge at one time (only five receptions). You can drink tea
со стевией и минеральную воду.

Tips for kids

Low-fat, low-fat diets for children are excellent.
fit, because it contains the whole complex of vitamins and
minerals, carbohydrates and protein. The minimum amount of fat
can be compensated by taking Omega-3 and Omega-6.

The menu of a low-calorie diet for children can differ a lot.
amount of dairy products, instead of meat. It is not worth it
forget that milk should be skimmed.

Рецепт молочно-белкового завтрака: Взбитый в
blender cottage cheese with the addition of concentrated decoction of stevia and
dried fruit is completely replaced by any other calorie option
morning meal.

Еще одна идея: омлет с ягодами. Take one
egg, add a third of a glass of stevia broth and whisk. Pour the mixture
on nonstick сковороду, сверху кладите свежие или
frozen raspberry or strawberry. As an option – pieces
frozen plum or quince. Such a sweet morning meal will have
like any child.

Как перекус ребенку в школу можно давать с
a apples, fruit puree, make smoothies.

Smoothie a unique product at least that can be hidden in it.
anything. For example, children do not like vegetables, but how to make them
there is? Can прятать в смузи. Mix in a blender skim
milk, a spoonful of oatmeal, a couple of dried apricots or dried
pineapple, and a couple of celery stalks. Cucumber smoothie can be made on
basis of water or kefir.

Useful boiled or baked vegetables for a child with
a low-calorie diet is not necessarily broccoli, zucchini or
eggplant. Ребенку несладким гарниром может послужить сырая или
boiled baby carrots, beets, cherry tomatoes. From hated children
zucchini and eggplant, you can make vegetable noodles. Enough
cut grated fruits for Korean carrots, then
Marinate in soy sauce and bake in the oven. Of rich
Fiber cabbage can make meatballs, mixing finely
shredded cabbage with minced meat.

That the child did not suffer without sweet, you can make home
candies. Take any dried fruits, nuts and seeds. Add a
gradually orange or apple juice, so as to knead
thick mass. Divide it into small portions, roll balls,
roll them in the fiber of wheat, milk Thistle or flax seed.
A more liquid mixture can be stored in the refrigerator and spread on
snacks for snacking.

Soups can be meatless, but on the second chicken or fish
broth. One of the most delicious and healthy fish soups is obtained
on the salmon ridges. The latter also has the inherent red fish
sweetish taste.

Варианты гипокалорийных завтраков: овсянка с
fruits, protein omelette, rice porridge with vegetables, buckwheat with cottage cheese
and milk, cottage cheese casserole (maximum 5% fat), squash
pancakes with natural yogurt.

Варианты гипокалорийных перекусов: яблоко,
plum, apricot, cucumber, tomato, natural yogurt, kefir, casserole
cottage cheese, dietary loaf.

Варианты гипокалорийных обедов: овощной
boiled chicken soup, steamed beef with salad (spinach, tomatoes,
cucumbers, parsley), lean white fish baked with vegetables
grilled (sweet peppers, tomatoes, zucchini, celery root),
stewed turkey with green beans, spinach, tomatoes, onions.

Варианты гипокалорийных ужинов: белковый
omelet with raw vegetables, cottage cheese with fruit or berries, boiled
meat (chicken, turkey, beef, fish, rabbit) with baked or
steamed vegetables.


Recipes блюд гипокалорийной диеты отлично подойдут тем, кто
monitors the state of the thyroid gland and is familiar with such
disease like diabetes. As well as hypocholesterol
diet, hypocaloric eliminates frying in any form, but other than that
prohibits and fats. Therefore, all recipes for a low-calorie diet
imply boiling, stewing and baking.

Baked fish calories:

Lean fish marinate in lemon juice with the addition of saltwater
salt, stuffed with thyme and / or tarragon, lemon slices,
wrap in foil and bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes.

Meat rolls with prunes:

Chicken breast, cut lengthwise into two thin pieces,
additionally beat off, pour lemon juice or soy sauce,
we decompose prunes or dried apricots, we turn roll. Can
chop a toothpick, or wrap a thread. After that bake in
foil in the oven for 50 minutes.

Steam meatballs:

Minced meat from lean meat or fish, season with spices, add
one egg and a little ground oatmeal or rice. Good
knead, then form the meatballs, moistening hands in water and
enveloping in the same oatmeal. Cook for a couple of 45 minutes. In the meatballs
You can add a little steamed buckwheat or oatmeal.

Baked vegetables:

For a low-calorie diet, any available seasonal
products. My, clean, mode, season with lemon juice, or
soy sauce, you can Dizhen mustard. The main thing: not to vegetables
stuck to the pan or form while baking without oil –
Cover the bottom of the baking paper or use a sleeve.

Salad “Brush”:

In any proportion: fresh cabbage, small beets, raw –
straws, celery straws (stem better), morkwish straws,
You can sweet pepper, sour apple straws, pomegranate seeds,
wish onions and any greens. Add soy sauce with Dizhenskaya

Sitting on such a diet can be no more than six months, the menu
A low-calorie diet can be varied, but observe a small
portion size, split meals and basic cooking
dishes. Exit from the diet should be carried out, gradually increasing
calorie content, but not at the expense of sweet or fat. Gradually can
Introduce low-fat cottage cheese, eggs, and cheese. Potatoes and beans to enter
starting once a week. Gradually add vegetable
or flaxseed oil in dressing for salads and in vegetables when baking.
Also starting from once a week to introduce bananas and pears.

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