Love … is selfish, scorching,destructive … beautiful!

Thu, Feb 18, 2016

In love, like nowhere, a lot of underwater holes and traps. Are meeting
there are roads on which everything would be fine, but it often happens like
in Russian fairy tales: go to the left – you lose the horse, you go to the right
– you will be lost …

�“Do you know how I love him? – she writes. – To show it,
I need to put the whole universe in front of you – it is immense, and so
my love is immense, my happiness! AND все догмы и правила
decency is nothing in front of my feeling. Why? Alas, he is married, I
late, and someone managed to get him away from me. AND все же я счастлива —
he loves me … Yes, I am for that girl who gave Mexico from
love to Cortes. Those who condemned her and now me, although the reasons
different, wrong, no, they just don’t understand love … you hear,
I – Darling, you, who have forgotten what is waiting and meeting, that
a meeting for which I will give the whole world and anything in
to boot I am immensely happy, I am grateful to everyone I love,
love What can I say in response? Dogma? I can’t hear them …
Be happy, happy in your own way, and wish me the strength to
я не расплескала свою love. With love for you. ”This is a jubilant letter
It was written several years ago, and I replied: thank you, that
so frankly you write about the most secret, thank you for wanting
happiness to all of us.

Many have probably heard about drunk honey – honey from heather,
who is drunk, and even poison. There is such a “drunken honey” and in
love, and he can dizzy, cover his eyes and even throw off

Love is dual, it is all – an alloy of poles and
contradictions, and this rift at the poles begins with a double
optics love. The eyes of love see the virtues of a loved one
увеличенными — как в бинокль, а недостаткand uменьшенными — как в
inverted binoculars; This double optics love instills in our
subconscious, and it is rebuilt by its tuning forks.

So think about whether there is such sympathy in your feeling for your beloved
man Your love is not love one on one, you fell into love
a triangle, and in it completely different laws reign. About sharp corners
this triangle has been crippled for centuries – and for centuries will be crippled –
hearts of people. Eliminate the tragedy of such a triangle, probably
you can not, you can only try to behave as humanly as possible in

Does such a humanity of your love suffice? Do you understand that
is your favorite rushing around between the ups and downs of grief? Easy
should he chop down alive, kill pieces of the living soul in himself and
the main thing in the wife? Еслand u него есть дети, ему тяжело вдвойне. AND раз
it is hard for him, maybe, and you shouldn’t just exult from happiness?
Perhaps it would be more humane to empathize, to sympathize with him?
When happiness grows on another’s misfortune, close your eyes to it,
perhaps inhuman.

Of course, речь идет не о том, любить тебе или наступить на горло
his song This is your own business, this is a private affair of those who are embroiled
into your triangle and outsiders have no right
interfere in your destinies. It’s not about loving or not loving, but
about how to love. Unfortunately, in the triangle – at any output –
always someone unhappy. Unfortunately, happiness on another misfortune
inevitably, until one love is supplanted by another. But maybe that
More human need to be the one who gets everything and loses nothing?

By the way, about the one who loses everything, you speak only about
interference: “I was late, and someone managed to lead him away from me.” Probably,
on the contrary: you take him away from her. And most importantly – the letter is not visible
ниwhich one жалости к ней, никакого желания понять, как невыносима
�”Toothache in the heart” (Heine), there is no desire to see in it
a living person. Love is not only a holiday, but also the toil of the soul;
not only a sweet flame, but a heavy burden. If you love, you take it upon yourself
responsible for someone else’s fate, you share with your beloved everything important in
his fate. ANDменно в этом разделении радостей и тягостей любимого
man – the main essence of the love “unity of souls.” If such
there is no unity with the life of another, love is doomed to a quick die
AND это не моралистика, не постное нравоучительство: здесь лежит сама
psychological essence of love feelings.

ANDменно этим любовь отличается от своих более бедных
relatives, but many, unfortunately, do not see it. Dozens of
centuries say: love is stronger, love is weaker. In my opinion, this
not this way. That is, it also happens, but it happens the other way around: the difference
here it’s not in the heat of feeling, not in its “quantity”, but in its

Love to the balance of two “I”, she seems to be two-centric,
and the craving for such balance is the very essence of her emotions,
the psychological matter from which her feelings are woven. It is like
transferring to another person of their “egoism”, drawing
another into the orbit of one’s “I-centrism”.

An extraordinary psychological state arises: as if
your nerves have grown together with the nerves of another person, and his joys sing
in you, as yours, his sorrows poison you, as his own. how
as if love melted together two different biopsychic fields,
set up them on deep unison and they live now almost in
twin resonance, repeating each other’s invisible vibrations.

Love as if instills in us the ability to transform into
another person; this is a daily subconscious opening in
another soul of its latent currents, constant communication with the inner
the life of a loved one, empathy with his sorrows and joys.
As soon as this opening is stopped, as soon as the daily
the connection of the soul with the psychic life of another person disappears – this
the core of love disappears.

May remain sympathy, or respect, or habit, can
stay bodily but all this will be fragmented and
detached – scattered lights that are not merged into one fire
clairvoyance of love, subconscious appreciation of others, as
by itself. That uplifting force that allowed a person to disappear
almost effortlessly finding unison with every step of a loved one and giving
weightlessness of happiness. And how after physical weightlessness people are hard
they feel their weight, and here they begin to carry their burden with an effort
heavy emotions.

Perhaps your feeling is not love, but love, feeling
i-centric, not bicentric. It has a lot of
geyser feelings that eject streams of joy, and little from
x-ray feelings that shines through the loved one to the depths and knows
where to help him. Will such love make love – that is,
whether others are to be born in her as themselves, depends on the
human. “

Love is like the inner shadow of a person: she repeats
the outlines of his character, and what she is, depends on what
he. In a good person, she is more humane, richer, in an egoist – already,
although maybe hotter, more heated. Of course love
can improve a person, lift him above himself if he
will want it if he helps her.

When in such a person the attitude towards others begins to grow, as
then he himself will start to change, and, as an echo of these
change, his love will change – he will grow into
love. But climbing to the top of such love is the hardest
ascents because these tops have to be worked out in yourself
And that means – constantly growing in oneself the ability to tune in
waves of another’s soul, the ability to feel another’s pain, like your own. AND
this again is not an edification, but the only one, unfortunately
opportunity to keep love and good relationships.

А теперь о том, что можно отдать за love. For the sake of love “I will give
the whole world and anything in addition. ” The power of such love can
understand. Love gives birth to a new and incomprehensible attitude to
the world, strange internal scales, which weighs one equally
man, and all mankind, beloved being, and the whole earthly

AND тут мы подходим к самому острию загвоздки. Recall that
did the Aztec girl, who out of love for Cortez “gave
Mexico. ” This girl, Malinal (or Malinche), was a slave to
Maya, and when Cortez broke Maya, she became his wife, his mother
children. She was smart, she had a striking sense, and she
helped Cortes to fight the Indians, including her
by the people.

ANDстория ее трагична: она металась между любовью к чужеземцу,
who freed her from slavery and became her husband, and the love of his
the land which this foreigner conquered with fire and sword. She doesn’t
�”Gave” Mexico to Cortes – her role in the events was much smaller; and u
she had “mitigating circumstances”: many indian tribes
they were at enmity with each other, and the Aztecs were conquerors,
despots of other tribes. But she helped someone else who became for
her own, against her, who have become strangers to her. In her actions
there is apostasy — she paid for the love of one with the blood of many.
Of course, the manners were cruel then, and the Aztecs were cruel; but
they died defending their land, not seizing someone else’s.

It’s clear that you are not for it, Alice, all your spirit speaks about it
letters. But what is the price you can pay for love? Is there a limit
Does this board have? Of course, love is a tremendous value. But is it the main
value of life? Perhaps such a main value is humanism,
the desire to improve their lives and other people? If so then,
probably, like everyone else, love should rule it
humanity. On internal scales, love would probably always be worth it.
to measure with humanism – this is the simplest and most humane
culture of feelings.

If this is a triangle, then we should throw on the scales of conscience
the interests of all who are involved in it. Only in this way, apparently, can be found
exit that will bring the least pain. The principle of the greatest good
and the least pain – this is probably the main (and most humane)
clue in the labyrinths of the love triangle. Of course,
using this thread is incredibly difficult because it is incredible
it is difficult to measure what is not the measure: the pain and grief of the soul, joy
and the triumph of feelings. But do not do this inhumanly.

Does all this mean that you have to give up your loved one
sacrificing yourself? I repeat: this is not about this; we are nothing
we do not know about him, about his wife, family, therefore we cannot judge, which one
output will give less evil and more good. Absentee Court – is Shemyakin
the court, especially when you do not know those whom you judge. Yes, and not ours
business – it is not forgiven to get into someone else’s privacy and prescribe
behavior. Outsiders can only advise: suffer
decide yourself, but be the one to suffer; feel pain friend
друга и соразмерьте, which one выход даст меньше горя и больше

Think about it, Alice, and God forbid that your strong love
became sighted. Of course, во взлеты твоих радостей вторгнутся провалы
grief, reflection, sympathy with a loved one. But only
the fusion of joy and sorrow makes the soul wise. Only he can teach
create a lasting edge of joy over grief, which is
happiness. Not a short, runaway happiness, which happens to many,
а стойкое, долгое happiness. Because love only gives us
счастливость, а счастье дает только love.

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