Loss of a wedding ring: signs. What canhappen if you lose your wedding ring, willcheating?

Loss of a wedding ring: signs. What can happen if you lose your wedding ring, will cheating?

Wedding ring – a symbol of unity of two loving
hearts, marriage, family. Many associated with wedding rings
omens and superstitions, they were endowed with sacred meaning. Was taken
wear a ring without removing it carefully. However, in life everything happens –
the wedding ring can get lost, just slip off your finger,
to crack. The loss or damage to the wedding ring is disturbing.
spouses, there is fear for family relationships. Many believe that
loss of a wedding ring is a bad omen, promising nothing
well, leading up to treason and divorce.

Let’s see if this is really how it is possible
affect the mark.


Signs about a lost wedding ring

Undoubtedly, it’s a shame to lose a wedding ring, especially
when spouses have long been married. Yes, and the young bride is very
upset It is believed that families are blessed from above, the loss
rings can adversely affect spouses. According to
esoteric teachings, a couple who lost a ring, can lose
protection of higher powers.

The round shape of the ring turns the symbol of marriage into a charm. A circle
often used in the manufacture of amulets, talismans, amulets.
In addition, rings and other jewelry absorb energy

If the ring is lost, do not immediately panic. Our
ancestors knew how to neutralize almost any negative
items and effects. A little further we will learn how it was possible
secure yourself when losing a wedding ring.

All the signs associated with the loss of wedding rings,
conditionally can be divided as follows:

  • strong discord in the family, leading to divorce;
  • adultery as a result of losing the ring or
  • deterioration of family welfare, misfortunes, deprivations, difficulties
    different nature.

One thing is clear – good signs associated with the loss of wedding
no rings. However, there is an exception.

Good omen

Many believe that обручальное кольцо – не просто символ семьи и
marriage, also a talisman that protects against adversity, evil eye, damage and any
negative impact. It is known that some amulets
accumulate in themselves all the bad, aimed at the owner, assign
misfortune from a man take on themselves.

If a guardian ritual is not performed on such a talisman, he
may break, deteriorate, get lost. It turns out that he
accumulated a maximum of negative and simply can not cope.

This also applies to the wedding ring. If it is lost or
spoiled, further wearing is impossible – it could ward off trouble
from the owner.

In such cases, you can do the following. Spouses acquire
new wedding rings like that, sanctify them in church and put them on
each other on the fingers, pronouncing the marriage vows.

New rings again act as wards for spouses. ABOUT
loss of a wedding ring, you can forget, do not worry about it

Loss of engagement ring – what does it mean

Signs associated with the loss of wedding rings are divided into
situations in which the ring was lost. ABOUTт этого зависят
further actions of the owner.

So let’s see in more detail:

  • Loss rings on your wedding day. Such a loss
    rings can be taken as a caution. Perhaps the marriage will be
    unsuccessful, later collapse. This can be interpreted as a sign
    higher powers or destinies.
  • The loss of the ring after the wedding. In this case,
    most likely the couple will part in the future. Lost ring – gone
    spouse or spouse. It is also believed that a couple turns
    negative magic effect, for example, the evil eye. Therefore the ring
    has acted as a talisman, has taken all the negative on itself.
  • If a man is lost. Because of this start
    to worry very much the wives. There is a fear that the husband will leave
    family changes or will change, very sick.
  • The ring is lost by a woman. Signs are similar to
    previous – the spouse can change, there will be discord in the family
    before the divorce, money will leave the family, material deprivations will begin,
    should pay attention to health.

In any case, do not despair and tune yourself to
bad – much depends on self-suggestion, our thoughts and words
are material.

Loss of a wedding ring: signs. What can happen if you lose your wedding ring, will cheating?

Wedding ring found

It happens that after a while the wedding ring is still
located. Of course, this event brings only joy.

Go to church, sanctify the ring, and better paired with
ring spouse or spouse. After that, it can be safely worn.
go on and do not worry.

If you find someone else’s wedding ring, remember – it stores
memory of the previous owner. It is best to clean it with
salt or water, sanctify, and then melt. Make of it
pendant, brooch or any object other than the ring.

Neutralization of bad signs

There are several conspiracies and rituals aimed at
neutralization of negative events after the loss of the engagement

For example, you never found your ring. What
now do second spouse with his ring?

First purchased new rings for both spouses. Then
the old is taken, the church candle is lit and held in its light
ring. You must say the following words:

Loss of a wedding ring: signs. What can happen if you lose your wedding ring, will cheating?

Now you can get rid of the ring, for example, donate to the temple
or melt down. If you want to save it, put it in salt.
or holy water for three days, then take it to a secluded place, its
no one should see.

If the decision is made not to purchase new rings, but to keep
only one. You can hold the following ritual. It is bought beautiful
white rose, special words are pronounced on it:

Loss of a wedding ring: signs. What can happen if you lose your wedding ring, will cheating?

With this rose, you must come to church in front of the icon of Jesus.
Christ to pray, ask for the preservation of the family and welfare.

Then розу ставят в вазу желательно с талой водой, хотя можно
use the usual, put in a vase preserved engagement
ring. Being close, each time you must say:

Loss of a wedding ring: signs. What can happen if you lose your wedding ring, will cheating?

When the rose dries, throw away the petals, and the leaves and stem
can be dried and used as a talisman. Put dried
dust in the bag and place, for example, over the threshold to the house.

Despite what happened, you must try
set yourself up for good In addition to the existing superstitions much
depends on ourselves, our mood and attitude to the situation. Not
experience, do not acquire blind faith in the coming negative

Remember that family is more than just signs
and superstition. You can neutralize this event with the help of a ritual,
if it helps you psychologically. All the more reason the ancestors saved up
knowledge, believed in omens. ABOUTднако, изначально нужно самому
tune in to the positive.

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